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Everything posted by Freebird

  1. Sorry to hear it. They are EXPENSIVE. It's a bit late now but for good info for others, you should NEVER use the high pressure air lines that are used to air up tires. Everybody should own one of the small Progressive pumps. About $40.00 but MUCH cheaper than a new shock. As for your question, I've never changed one out. I've had the bottom loose to install the leveling links and I don't think it would be too big a job.
  2. Serves you right for even STOPPING at a Chevron.
  3. I considered the new Blackberry Pearl but for $100.00 more, you basically get a lot of functions that I don't use or need. I don't use the email, browser, etc. I have my laptop with me for that. I also NEVER text message so don't need the keyboard. The phone I bought also used the MicroSD chip. They are available in 8GB now but that is dependent upon your phone supporting it. You will have to check and see.
  4. I didn't say you WERE biased, I said you COULD be. You stated that the Venturers are just as friendly and etc. and etc. That may be the absolute truth but could also be a biased opinion. May not be either. I'm simply saying that like me, you are NOT a neutral party.
  5. Here you go. No center stand needed. http://www.standsecure.com/index.htm
  6. I don't necessarily disagree with anything you said but I do think that you should add that you are a director of the Venturers site and therefore you could, just possibly, be a bit biased in your opinion.
  7. I'll have to get back to you on that. I've had it plugged into the USB port most of the time while I've worked on loading music and etc. It charges while hooked to the USB port. Today I've been listening to it unplugged for about 8 hours so far and it's still over half charged. Doesn't concern me too much because when I'm traveling, I usually keep my phone plugged in anyway. With this one it can be charged via the USB port on the notebook or the 12 volt adapter which I will use on the bike also.
  8. By the way, it also has a 2 megapixel camera. Not bad for those times when you see something you want to snap a quick shot of but don't happen to have your camera with you.
  9. It has Verizon's VNavigation built in but you have to subscribe separately to it and I've never tried it. Doubt that I will. I use my notebook computer with Microsoft Streets with the option GPS feature in my work car. I've heard that the Verizon navigation system is pretty decent but have never tried it.
  10. Well.....I wish I could answer that question. My mileage went to crap about 2 years ago. I'm still chasing that problem. Recently pulled the cards and reset the floats and etc. but then the weather turned nasty and I've not been able to put it to the test yet. So....about all I can say is that the swap certainly didn't help. Don't know how bad..if any...it hurt either though.
  11. A while back I posted that I was considering combining my phone and MP3 player because I saw no reason to carry a phone and an IPOD around. Several of you saw pros and cons about that but I decided to give it a try anyway. So, a few days ago my new LG Venus arrived and I've been putting it to the test. So far, I think it was a great decision. This is a slide type phone and it support an 8 GB MicroSD chip which I have already added. At this time, I have just over 800 songs uploaded to it and haven't used 1/2 of the 8 GB chip yet. The sound is FANTASTIC through the earbuds that I have hooked to it. It also supports stereo bluetooth headsets but I haven't, and may not, bought one of those yet. As you can see, it even shows a small picture of the album artwork. You can play random, create playlists, etc. and you can select by song, artist, genre, album, etc. just like on an IPOD. It always has several tone settings such as rock, concert hall, flat...several more. I can plug it into the auxillary of the RSV the same way I do the XM and IPOD now or if I really wanted to get fancy, I could buy a bluetooth to FM transmitter but I like the hard wired solution just fine. For me, it's just one less thing to carry when I'm on the road. Anyway, the phone quality is great and the music player is great. I'm very pleased with it so far.
  12. You are missing the important part of my post. Those links don't necessarily mean anything. Many folks do not login when they visit. They registered but when they come here to read, they do not login. Some of those folks could be visiting every day but because the don't bother to login, it doesn't reflect that they have been here. There is just no real way to tell how many that might be.
  13. It's pretty much impossible to tell how many of the members check in at any given time. Many check in and read but don't login. You only have to login if you actually post. I can tell you that about 990 members have actually logged in over the past 60 days. Many more than that have visited but not logged in. Some members login and read daily. Some post daily. Some read but don't login unless they wish to post. This site crashed well over a year ago and everybody had to re-register. I STILL get emails on a regular basis saying things like "I was a member but my information seems to have been deleted". They are from folks that visit but haven't tried to post since before the crash. The bottom line is, we get a LOT of members coming back here to read but who don't often or EVER post. They are important to.
  14. It depends. If you just buy the rear out of a VMax, you will have to have it machined to accept the speedo sensor of the RSV. If you buy it from Blue Ridge, it is ready to just bolt on.
  15. I've got an '83 engine out in the storage building. Do you know if the crankcase off the '83 1200 will work on the '86 1300? If so, I can remove it and send it to you. It will probably need some buffing and etc. though.
  16. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you from the Nelson's house also. It will be a quiet day here. Just Eileen, Dylan and I along with the brother in law and wife's nephew. Lot's of good food and a nice time. We have much to be thankful for...sometimes we let life get in the way and forget that. I am thankful for each and every one of you. You are a big and VERY GOOD part of my life. Thanks for being here.
  17. I agree. I've got the K&Ns, Dyna3000 and have tried various mufflers but nothing helps the bike as much as getting it in the right RPM range. I love it.
  18. Yes, I can order some more anytime there are enough people that want them. No problem. Probably need to order at least 100 at a time though.
  19. Just received this via email if anybody is interested. http://www.cafepress.com/hogswear?CMP=EMC_200711_ffoffer_hogswear
  20. OK....I just added mpeg file types so you should be able to upload them now. Assuming they are not too large.
  21. OK folks....it looks like MOST would rather do it on the 7th so the 7th it is. Also, I hadn't thought about the hotel availability on the holiday weekend. That CAN be a problem around here. So...this is the official announcement, the Maintenance day will be held on Saturday June 7th, 2008.
  22. Crutchfield still has both listed. They may just be selling out the existing stock of the 400 though. The difference appears to be the power rating. 105 peak for the 400s and 135 peak for the 401s. RMS tops at at 35 for the 400s and 45 for the 401s. I actually think that the 400 model will be better for our bikes AND they are $30.00 cheaper than the 401s.
  23. Great write-up. I will add it to the tech library soon. One note. I doubt that these would work in the rear pods. Looks like the magnet is a big deeper. I originally tried some Infinity speakers on my '99 and they would not work in the rear either. The pods would not go back together due to the size of the magnet. That being said, I think that you get very little from the rear speakers. The fronts are where most of your sound comes from. I will likely give these a try also. I too am running the Pioneers at this time but am not completely happy with them.
  24. Well folks....it looks like I am down to 17 bells now. I almost forgot to add my own to the count.
  25. Yes, sorry Ed, I have yours and added you to the list.
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