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Everything posted by Freebird

  1. There are a lot of good solutions. Here are a couple to get you started. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=3768 http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=504 On the second one, the Pilot light bar, there are better choices for the bar that will light up much brighter. Check out Diamond R Accessories for one that works very well.
  2. I was just reading and then getting ready to post the same comment about the cables and brake lines. It's been many years since I studied Geometry but that doesn't make sense to me either. I don't see how you could get by without the longer cables and etc.
  3. I don't think I've ever owned a pair of actual motorcycle boots. I ordered a pair a couple of years ago and had to them them back for a different size. After looking at them, I just got a refund instead and bought a pair of Justin work boots for about a hundred bucks cheaper. Maybe if I ever actually tried a pair, I would change my mind.
  4. Me thinks you are going to fit right in here.
  5. This may have been mentioned here before but I missed it if it has. I think this is the route I'm going to go for my wife. Heck, for $20.00 I think I'll get me one also. I have a Passport but wouldn't mind having this handy in my wallet. Eileen doesn't have a Passport so hers will be $45.00. Still, a cheaper alternative for any of you needing one. http://travel.state.gov/passport/ppt_card/ppt_card_3926.html
  6. What a great thing to do. This is something that I can get my son involved in. He will really enjoy it. Thanks for the post.
  7. I did some research on it and yes, it IS a scam. All the Amish make is the mantel and even that may be a lie. They claim it is solid wood but many are reporting that it is a particle board with laminate. Also, it is simply a 1500 watt electric heater with a blower. The BTU claim is probably true. 1500 watts does produce just over 5,000 BTU. That is true of any electric heater. 1500 Watts is 1500 Watts...that also sort of answers my own question and original post in this thread.
  8. When I click that link, I get a page asking for an access code.
  9. Well folks...I'm not very superstitious so for me, they are just a cool novelty item. I don't hang mine down low. It is hung on the wire stay just under the passing lamps that the front brake lines and etc. run through. I live it there where I can see it.
  10. Yea, that's what I'm talking about that I called Geothermal. No doubt it's the way to go if you are building a new house or having to install a new system. The payback for upgrading a system is a LONG time though if you already have an energy efficient furnace like I do. The quote that I got was $10,000.00 to install the system. The payback in energy savings would have taken about 12 years. The geothermal system has a life expectancy of 15 years. Just didn't make sense in my case.
  11. Nothing having anything to do with propane is a good choice around here. You would be filling up that 250 gallon tank several times a year in this climate. Also, I assume you have some sort of insert or ventless logs or something because if they are just sitting in a regular fireplace, a large percentage of the heat is going right out the chimney. I have a conventional fireplace and if I want to, can get it much hotter than gas logs but it takes a while to heat up the fireplace lining bricks which is necessary before you actually get much heat into the room. Even then, most of the heat again goes out the chimney. Might be enough in your area but will just barely heat the room that it's in around here.
  12. I looked at solar long ago. From everything I have read and heard, even from the folks who sell it, it is a poor choice for my location. That would be fine for the immediate future but he'll be gone in a couple of years.
  13. My Battery Tender came with it's own connect and a pigtail to hook to the batter. The pigtail attaches to the battery with the connector just coming out under the seat. Just pull into the garage and plug it in. I've been using it on my Oddessy battery for about 4 years now and keep it plugged in pretty much anytime the bike is parked at home.
  14. The house is not that old...I think about 12-15 years. Windows and insulation are really good. Corn or wood would be great if I was home all the time but I'm on the road a lot and don't want my wife to have to deal with loading, cleaning, etc.
  15. I have been exploring home heating options and have just about decided that there is no good solution. I cannot get natural gas here and propane has gotten expensive. I looked into Geothermal and had a heating contractor come out but it just doesn't make sense for me. He says that my furnace is already very energy efficient so my savings would be minimal. I already have a heat pump but the system switches to propane somewhere around 35F. So...there are just not a lot of good options. Was wondering if anybody has experience with or know somebody who is using Infrared heating? The system here looks interesting but there are no prices. I'm sure they are very expensive. http://www.redwell.us/index.php
  16. I have NEVER cared much for fruit cake.......never understood why they were so popular. Gary, that recipe sounds good. We'll have to give it a try. Glad you were able to have that special moment. I know you will cherish it always.
  17. I don't know if the weights are the same but they sure look to be and I would bet that they would work. Interesting idea you have there. I didn't realize that they were that much different. I have seen a few people post about changing them to the Flanders bars....now I wonder why.
  18. I agree...I originally used a splitter but then later ended up removing the cassette player and putting an equalizer/amp where it was. It's your choice but yes, you will need the splitter if you want to keep it active.
  19. WOW...it's actually 46 F here in Northern OH today. Plenty warm but it's a work day and the roads are very wet and a lot of salt. Would hate to put the bike in that mess.
  20. Now that's better. Now I can dream of warmer days soon....well.....not TOO far away.
  21. Freebird

    New to forum

    I looked at one for sale locally here a couple of months ago. It was much too rough for what he was asking though.
  22. ahhh....I'm thinking that you guys are being pretty darn cruel. Heck...at LEAST post some pictures so we can ride vicariously through you.
  23. FINALLY...one that Muffinman will want.
  24. I've done that before but sold the snowmobile a couple of years ago.
  25. Yes, and you do that from Windows Explorer. Don't actually open the image, just go to the folder where you have the image and right click on the file name and choose "resize". Choose the default, 640 x 480 for uploading pictures to the forum.
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