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Everything posted by Freebird

  1. In 1999 I was riding a 1986 Harley FXRD. It was in MINT condition and is a very limited edition called the "Grand Touring Edition". I wish now that I had kept it but at the time didn't feel that I could justify buying a new bike and keeping it also. Anyway, I was looking at new Harley Road Kings the new RSV and the Valk Interstate. In 1999 Harleys were still in short supply. I went to 3 dealerships in the Dallas area and couldn't even get anybody to wait on me. At that time, the attitudes of the dealers was very bad. I finally got a guy, turned out to be the manager, of Longhorn Harley to talk to me. He was sitting at his desk. I asked him about a Road King he had and then asked if he took trades. He told me that they did. He asked what I was riding and when I told him it was an '86 model, he wouldn't even get up and look at it. He said that they didn't want any old bikes. I ended up buying the RSV and later sold the Harley outright for several thousand more than I could have gotten on trade. It was a very clean and nice bike.
  2. Yea yea yea....but it is SO much trouble.
  3. OK folks...it's that time again. I have some updating to do on our software here and it is pretty major. I may even have to back it up before I do it this time. First of all, in preparation of a major upgrade, I will be slightly changing the URL of the forum. This will affect you only if you have the actual forum bookmarked and come straight here instead of to the home page. The URL is now http://www.venturerider.org/forum the new URL will be http://www.venturerider.org/forums The only difference is the plural forums instead of forum. The reason for this is because about 4 years ago when I started this site, I used forum instead of forums and should not have done that. All upgrades and changes that I make assume the default is "forums" and it causes me a LOT of extra work having to change all the files. That is just the small part. There is a major upgrade coming in the very near future. Not sure yet about the exact date but I will give another warning. It could be a few days from now or a couple of weeks. The new upgrade will add a number of new features. There are some new features included that I will likely disable because I just don't know that I like them. One such thing is "social networking". It basically allows members to create their own custom profile pages, much like MySpace and similar where you can post pictures, personal interests, even public messages and responses. I don't know that I like that idea. I am afraid that it will take away from the general forum. If everybody is posting and swapping messages on their personal pages, I think it will take away from the "one family" feel that we have now. There are other features also though and some good reasons for doing the upgrade. More on all of this later. I will give another warning before making the changes and then will list the new features gained from it.
  4. I may be interested Eddie, what model is it? I want one that will work with the same dock that I have.
  5. I was sitting here watching an old movie tonight. I don't even know the name of it. Goldie Hawn is coaching a high school football team in the ghetto. A lady friend gave here a ride home on her motorcycle...not sure of the year but I THINK it was an '85 Venture. Pretty cool. Never saw a lot of them in the movies.
  6. Great articles. I copied them to the tech library. Thanks.
  7. Hold off on the money folks. I'll let you know when I have them in hand. Thanks.
  8. Freebird


    Mines not.
  9. Here you go. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=645
  10. OK folks, I've had a number of requests for the small venturerider patches. I have been out of them for a while now. I am sorry for the delay but I did finally order then a few minutes ago. I should have them on hand again in about 3 weeks. Thanks for your patience.
  11. He mentioned last summer when we were there that they had been asked to move it in with another museum. If I remember correctly, it was the Barber Museum in Birmingham, AL. I may be wrong about that.
  12. Sad news. Sounds like somebody that I would liked to have known better. Does anybody have a good picture of Mike? I would like to add it to our "memorials" page. He has some nice picture of his bike in the pic gallery but no picture of himself.
  13. Yes, it's nice that somebody finally did it. I had always intended to but was having problems figuring out why my mileage had dropped so bad before I even added the rear end. I knew that it hadn't hurt my mileage and based upon running a tank of gas through mine on the freeway in 4th gear before changing the rear ends, I think that in some instances, like when pulling a trailer, the mileage may actually improve.
  14. Well, seeing the lights dim is pretty common on these bikes so I wouldn't worry about that too much. As for the front horn not working, first of all, these horns are really not very good to start with. You would be far better off with a set of aftermarket horns. The Stebel horns seem to be the choice of members here but I have a set of Fiams mounted in the fairing and they are MUCH louder than stock. If you still want to mess with the stock horn, you will need to pull the lower to get to it. There should be a small screw on the back of the horn. It is probably tightened down too far not allowing the plate to vibrate. Screw it in and out until you get the sound and volume maxed out.
  15. Yea, the advertising is not what I signed up for. BVinson is right though. After listening to Sirius for a couple of days now, they are pretty much the same as XM in that regard. They may not call it advertising but in my opinion, that's exactly what it is. Too much talk and etc. Heck...I don't want to hear any DJs at all. Just play the music and shut up.
  16. Not only was she illegal but she had been stopped and cited for driving without a license about a year ago and then released instead of being deported. No license, no insurance, illegal....just cited and released. Something is wrong with this picture.
  17. I haven't tried but I think I could work this one with gloves. At least the channels and etc. It has a knob to scroll between the different categories and then you just push it to select a channel. This is the Sportster 5.
  18. I agree with you 100%. Takes a couple of rides to get used to the sound of the 500 RPM increase but makes for a MUCH better performing bike. I love it.
  19. Not looking good for here either. Most of what we had melted off today but they are predicting snow off and on all week.
  20. Have you been to the Corvette museum before? I was there a few years ago and really enjoyed it. They have a good short movie there on the history of the Corvette.
  21. Nice picture...man....it has GOT to warm up around here. I need to RIDE.
  22. This was sent to me by McBrush. Good article...makes me want to go back and spend more time on it and less on the Dragon. http://www.ohio.com/lifestyle/15917027.html
  23. Good looking trailer. Heck...you are ALMOST close enough for me to borrow it. Just kidding, I have my open trailer that works for the little that I use it.
  24. Just happened upon this. I'm off to Pittsburgh this week and was looking at Craigslist to see if there was anything interesting to look at while I am there. Ran across this ad. http://pittsburgh.craigslist.org/mcy/584470896.html
  25. A favor to ask, it only takes a minute.... * I * 6*Y Please tell ten friends to tell ten today! The Breast Cancer site is having trouble getting enough people to click on their site daily to meet their quota of donating at least one free mammogram a day to an underprivileged woman. It takes less than a minute to go to their site and click on 'donating a mammogram' for free (pink window in the middle). This doesn't cost you a thing. Their corporate sponsors/advertisers use the number of daily visits to donate mammogram in exchange for advertising. Here's the web site! Pass it along to people you know. http://www.thebreastcancersite.com/
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