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Everything posted by Freebird

  1. I've got the Diamond R passenger pegs on mine. I did change out the actual pegs with some KuryAkyn's that I had. They work pretty good.
  2. Really sorry to hear this news. I sure wish that they would find a cure for that horrid disease. We lost my sister in law and now my mother in law to it over the past couple of years and this weekend. Now we found out yesterday that my wife's aunt only has a day or two to live due to cancer also. Way too much of it in this world. If anybody has a good picture of Greg, please email it to me at dnelson@axcesswave.com so that I can use it in on our memorials page.
  3. It may go high when you pump it but should drop back off as you retract the plunger for the next stroke. You want to read it while you are not pumping.
  4. Eck, Your procedure on this is posted in the Tech Library. Very well done I might add.
  5. I don't think that's your problem. I'm running a 1.86 GHz processor on the notebook with only 1 GB of RAM and they all open and play fine for me. Unless you are running a LOT of stuff in the background, memory shouldn't be the issue. OH...and I'm running Windows XP and Firefox but IE works fine also.
  6. I honestly don't know how it COULD have happened unless you just created a new profile.
  7. I've merged the new name you created with your old one. If you do not remember the password for fixit, email me and let me know what it should be and I'll re-set it for you.
  8. Freebird


    Not true...they are .99 cent cheaper at Sierra. http://www.sierra-mc.com/proddetail.asp?prod=JM%2DHS%2D8154%2DOF
  9. Freebird


    Go to http://www.sierra-mc.com They sell J&M cheaper than J&M and also some other brands.
  10. Here is more info than you ever wanted to know. http://www.odysseybatteries.com/charging.htm
  11. Freebird

    stock seat?

    You'll get a lot of different opinions on this one. Pads are much like seats, what works for one person doesn't always work for another. Some here really like the AirHawk cushion. It really didn't work for me at all. I had a seat with one installed in it and also tried one on top of a stock seat and neither helped much. I also tried a gel pad from AirRider. It was no better. I've just never found a pad that worked for me. Others have had good luck though. I also tried several seats. Stock, stock modified, stock with various pads, pillow top seat off later RSV, TravelCade Road Sofa.....none of them satisfied me. I finally ended up with a Corbin seat and it's the best I've found for me. I've done a number of 600+ mile days and some closer to 800 miles with it. That doesn't mean it would work for you though. Some folks just HATE the Corbin seats. Same is true of pads and other seats. There...that should confuse you enough for now.
  12. OHhhhh....that reminds me of another one.... "Yellow Ducky"..... terrible song. Don't remember who sang it either.
  13. Nothing special at all. Just put gas in it and have a ball. After you get it and put a few miles on it, we will start giving you suggestions on how to spend a LOT more money on it. Backrest, highway pegs, etc. Don't worry, we like helping new owners spend their money...that's what we are here for.
  14. Looks fast just sitting there. I like it.
  15. Freebird

    #1 Song ...

    hmmmm...."Sincerely" by The McGuire Sisters. Had never even heard it, had to go listen.
  16. Is it also possible that he has installed the leveling links on the rear? They raise it about an inch also.
  17. You folks have named a LOT of them that I would agree with but for me, Tiny Tim would certainly be at the top of my all time worse list. I think that is one that most everybody would agree with. I have to admit though that I actually do like American Pie and also didn't think that Season's in the Sun was so bad.
  18. I need to pay more attention to what bikes we are talking about. I couldn't for the life of me figure out what you meant. Then I just realized that we are talking first gen. Second gen has a plastic reservoir with markings.
  19. I had a Utopia a few years ago before swapping to a Corbin seat. I can tell you that at that time, there was no quick removal. They install easily and remove easily but you have to remove the seat and unbolt it to remove. I think that the Diamond R is almost exactly the same in how it mounts and adjusts. They both have a screw that is turned in or out to adjust the angle. I think there are about 2 or 3 adjustments for height if I remember correctly. They are very near the same.
  20. Well, I can tell you for a fact that the air vacuum in the gas tank DID cause an immediate quit on his Wing. I know it for a fact because I was sitting on the side of the road waiting with him. Don't know exactly how common it is but certainly proved to be possible.
  21. That sounds like the rear end fluid. He's asking about the brake fluid. It's been a while but I seem to remember that there was a molded in mark on the reservoir.
  22. Probably something very simple. Did you put gas in it recently? A few years ago, I was on a ride with the MTA group in Texas. One of our members was riding a wing and it shouldn't shut down just like yours did. Turned out that he had put the gas cap on wrong. Apparently it only vents correctly if you line it up correctly. It can be put on 180 degrees off. It caused it to vapor lock and shut the bike down. He noticed the problem, removed the cap and installed it properly, and all was good again. You might take a look just to be sure.
  23. It's very easy. I have a modification installed here that automatically embeds the video. All you have to do is paste the link to the YouTube page.
  24. Indian is now under new ownership and giving it another try. Here is their site. http://www.indianmotorcycle.com/ The pictures that Condor posted are one with the S&S motor. They actually designed and started producing their own motor before they went belly up again. Looks like the new 2009 model will be using their own motor again. I like that.
  25. OK Miss Smarty Pants....so MAYBE I hit the wrong key. Yea right...I may send some of it to YOU.
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