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Everything posted by Freebird

  1. You are an inspiration to me Gary. I have lost loved ones and it was very hard for me but I know that it doesn't compare to how I would feel if I lost my wife. I too still think about and pray for you on a regular basis. I'm glad that you are looking for and finding some joy in your life. Though you will never, and I think should never, get over this completely...I do think that the days will get better as time passes. I am glad that I know you and glad that I had the pleasure of meeting Leslie.
  2. I wish that I could answer your question but since my Odyssey is still going strong, I can't yet. It is now 4 years old. If it craps out this year then it probably wasn't worth the extra money. If it keeps going at least another couple of years, then it probably was. Just don't know yet.
  3. Yea, that was one thing that I read in my research. It will be a limiting factor for them until they go International. I would look for it to happen soon. Now listen folks, I would never try to talk a single one of you into doing something that you feel uneasy about. So please don't think that I am. I am signed up and really feel good about it. Already have the money from them into my account and actually already a couple of donations due to some others joining up. I am pretty dang cautious also so understand how you feel.
  4. I certainly understand. That's why I spent over an hour checking them out. PayPal requires your social security number also when you sign up. That will be the biggest challenge for this company, getting their name out and establishing trust.
  5. Anybody else? The link works for me.
  6. I expect that they hope to make money on interest drawn from money if folks accounts. A lot of people, me for example, leave some money in their PayPal accounts all the time. I do that and use it like a checking account with my PayPal debit card. They also have charges for some things like paper statements, checks by mail, etc.
  7. OK folks, this was brought to my attention by Cinderella. Many of us use PayPal but they have pretty much been the only player in the market and in my opinion, have continued increasing their fees to the point that it is getting a bit crazy. There is a new online payment processor named "Revolution Money Exchange". It was originally founded by Steve Case. If you join up now, they will pay you $25.00 for doing so. This is not a scam and if you search for "Revolution Money Exchange" you will find a lot of information about it. I just joined up and within minutes they had deposited the $25.00 into my account. So why is it better than PayPal? They charge NO fees for sending or receiving money. Here's another good thing. If you join you will get $25.00. If you join through the link that I am providing, they will also donate $10.00 to my account to be used to support VentureRider. It's a no loose situation. You get $25.00 and you also donate $10.00 to the site and it costs you NOTHING. Check it out. If you don't feel comfortable with it, that is fine but I feel good about it or I can assure you that I would not have signed up. I certainly plan to start trying it on any of my Ebay auction and etc. and to use it as an optional choice here for donations. PayPal will still be available for those who wish to use it. So, check it out if you wish. Please click on and use THIS link to ensure that the $10.00 goes to VentureRider.org FREE to register for an account FREE to add money from your bank account FREE to send money FREE to receive money FREE to request money FREE to transfer money to your bank account
  8. If you are talking about the new collector that has been discussed here, or a replacement for the collector, here is the link. http://markspipe.com/index.htm
  9. I have to admit that I'm a bit taken back by the fact that we have a member who doesn't like Mexican food. That just doesn't compute. We have apparently let our membership standards slip very badly.
  10. .4" is not much. I sure think that I would attribute it to the tire width and/or even the tread profile. I haven't checked mine that way but will try to do so in the next day or two and let you know what it shows.
  11. Also, you might just try going ahead with the sync. They can get pretty erratic if they are out.
  12. I would love to join you also....way too much to do around here today though and that would be a long haul for us to meet up.
  13. I like them. Good job.
  14. WAY too rich for my blood but still looks pretty cool. http://drivelikeapro.com/pages/detail_motorcycles.html
  15. HAHAHA....I typed faster than you did.
  16. Here you go. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=248
  17. Don't want you to feel that you are being ignored. I'm sure some of the first gen owners will jump in here soon but I THINK that the answer is yes. I'm not 100% sure but I think the fairings will work. I think though that you also have to go with the newer headlight assembly from the later model fairing also.
  18. My thought ands prayers are with you and the family Lowell. I wish I could understand and explain why such things happen but we just have to take comfort in knowing that there is somebody far wiser than us handling such things.
  19. OK folks...Condor has asked that I close this thread. He will start a new one with payment information and etc.
  20. Hey folks...let's not get all worked up over this. I'm sure that Condor is in touch already with SuperBrace. If they are interested in working out something then that is fine, if not, then I'm sure the deal will go on as stated. I have sent Superbrace an email and though I won't get into the details of it at this time, I really don't expect there to be any major issue. So please, for now let's just get back to our regularly scheduled program.
  21. I feel the same way about it. I still haven't been able to put as many miles on it as I would like to but so far, I absolutely love the change. To me, it is how this bike should have been geared from the start.
  22. Folks, I get quiet a few email here from people who are trying to contact another member. For example, you post that you are looking for a part or have a part that somebody might need and a member clicks on your username to send you an email or PM and you have both turned off. Then I get an email asking me to contact that member and etc. and etc. Please check and make sure that there is a means for a member to contact you if necessary. If you don't want to be contacted then that is your right but I think there are some here who are doing it by accident. Just click on User CP in the menu bar above. Then in the left menu, click on "Edit Options" and you'll see settings for email and PMs. Please note, even if you elect to accept email from other members, your email address will not be publicly viewable. I have "safe" email set up so that it is done through the server without your address being shown. Same with PMs, it does not subject you to spam and etc. If you post something and a member tries to respond via PM or email and you have it turned off, there is really not much I can do. If you do indeed intend for it to be turned off, then I assume you don't want me giving it out either and I really don't want to be the messenger between members trying to work out a swap, sale, whatever. Thanks for your help with this.
  23. A trouble spot is where the wires come across the top of the triple tree. You don't even have to remove the fairing to get to them. Just turn the handlebars all the way to the right and I think you can see them.
  24. WOW.....I'll have to admit it Charley...you DO look better than I remembered.
  25. OK....keep it simple first. Make sure he didn't hit the kill switch. Try wiggling the key in the ignition switch a bit. It may be going bad.
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