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Everything posted by Freebird

  1. Freebird

    Got Milk?

    Really just checking to see if the video embedding still works after the software upgrade but this is actually a pretty decent video. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--FL1WKS8-c]YouTube - GOT MILK ?[/ame]
  2. Those may be better than mine, don't know for sure. I have the Hopnel ones and they are available at JC Whitney. They have done OK for me. http://www.jcwhitney.com/HOPNEL-SOFT-LINER-BAGS-FOR-HARD-SADDLEBAGS/GP_2002414_N_111+1999+200004571+600014545_10111.jcw
  3. History and Memorial pages are back. You need to use the search at the top of the forum. The one in the right menu actually just searches the Portal which means the links and etc. Doesn't search the actual forum posts. This should be OK now. As far as I can tell, the only things not working now are the Ebay links in the left column. You can use the home page for now. Hopefully I'll have it figured out soon. Banners are missing at the top of the page. Still working on that too. Let me know if you find anything else. Again, thanks for your patience. This one has been a bit of a challenge.
  4. Geezzzz.....what have we come to. Do they know that you are a spy?
  5. I think it's about 15 miles. Don't know if anybody is staying there this year but they have in the past.
  6. Yea right....that's why I usually wait until I'm in a hotel room like tonight before I start all this upgrading. She gets irritated if I'm on the computer all night.
  7. OH...OK....I fixed that one. It is now GONE.
  8. Which search? The one at the top right of the forum seems to be working.
  9. Sorry Buddy, not sure exactly which one you are talking about. I'm about done for the night. Some of my custom modules such as History, Memorials, Ebay, etc. are working yet but I'll get back on them tomorrow night. I'm seeing crosseyed now.
  10. I just put it back. Thanks.
  11. OH...and profiles are now customizable for anybody who wishes to tackle it. I did just enough to mine to show you what I'm talking about.
  12. No, it's not working. I didn't realize which link you meant. I'll get it corrected ASAP. Thanks. Chat room listing is now working.
  13. Are you talking about the Ebay listings on the home page? They are showing up for me. Thanks...I'll have to figure that out, as well as the "Who is Chatting".
  14. Freebird


    From the album: My Steed

  15. There are several new messaging options and depending upon what messages you have waiting, that may be why it changed. Not sure yet. The "CLOUD TAGS" and just a way that members can add "tags" to a thread to make them easier to search for.
  16. Working now. Thanks.
  17. Yea, I'll take care of that soon. Flags are back. Which message thingie? OK folks...I'm getting close to having things back to normal now. I still have to work on the sorting of the members list by state. What else am I missing?
  18. Yea....once I get things back to normal. Just curious, what have you noticed?
  19. OK folks, the good news is that I have just completed the initial installation of the newest software here for the site. It seems to have gone pretty well. Now obviously you will notice some things that are missing. I will be working on the site for most of the night but the downtime should be over. Please be patient as I work at restoring missing features and ironing out any bugs that may show up.
  20. OK folks, the good news is that I have just completed the initial installation of the newest software here for the site. It seems to have gone pretty well. Now obviously you will notice some things that are missing. I will be working on the site for most of the night but the downtime should be over. Please be patient as I work at restoring missing features and ironing out any bugs that may show up.
  21. This is not a mandatory reply in any way. Though I don't usually know what words to use, it is a sincere and heartfelt acknowledgment that your wife and you will be in my prayers. So sorry to hear this news.
  22. I would have no problem buying a Harley unseen and riding it home. In fact, I did just that a few years ago. I found an '86 FXRD on the Internet. I flew from Dallas to Tulsa, OK and bought it and rode it home. Nowhere near 1,000 miles but still a decent haul on an unseen bike. It was perfect and I had a great ride. Only kept the bike for about a year but never had any problem at all with it. I never had to work on it and it was never in the shop for any reason. I only wish I had kept it AND bought the RSV.
  23. There's also a good article in the tech library. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=508
  24. Found some at J&P but I sure can't tell what comes in a set or how many. Not very well described at all. http://www.jpcycles.com/productgroup.aspx?GID=9A68C00D-CBFC-4B2A-AC55-A785945B47E6
  25. Wish I could have been there. Anything that involves eating Mexican food works for me. Thanks for the pictures. Very nice.
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