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Everything posted by Freebird

  1. Freebird


    I don't really understand what it going on. I have the ads back on now. It made no difference at all on my end. I find that all threads, posts, etc. open very quickly. The only time that it seems a little slow is if I am actually in a thread and hit the browsers refresh button. I would seldom have a reason to do that though.
  2. Freebird


    I disable some ads at the bottom of the screen. Let me know if that helped any.
  3. Freebird


    Well I'm in a hotel in Bradford, PA right now and have a wireless connection that isn't that good. I just timed it though by clicking on several links and etc. and they all open is less than 2 second. Not sure what is happening there.
  4. Freebird


    That didn't last long. Pages stopped loading after I changed to PHP 5.25. Had to go back.
  5. Freebird


    I just made another change. Upgraded from PHP 4 something to PHP 5.25. Don't think it will make much if any difference but we can try it.
  6. Freebird


    Yea, I turned off the Portal for a minute to test a couple of things. Sorry about that. I should have warned everybody.
  7. Freebird


    I HOPE it's just you. Seems very quick here. I would like to hear from any others having a problem though.
  8. You really do need a lawyer. I had a situation many years ago that was similar except that their insurance company was eager to settle. They ended up agreeing to a settlement that left the medical open for another 5 years.
  9. I have the same KuryAkyn pegs on them as I have on the front. I don't remember the bolt size though and am not home right now. I can check when I get home on Thursday.
  10. Yes, I've done it but not on a Harley. A couple of years ago at our Vogel Rally, there was a guy on a BMW1200GS. He asked if I would sync his injected bike. He showed me where the port was and I did it. VERY simple. Even easier than carbs. I've never done a Harley though. I think it will depend on the type of fuel injection used.
  11. The end caps are the only complaint I've ever heard about them. When Bub first came out with the mufflers, they used polished billet end caps. Then I think people starting asking for them to be chromed so they changed to chrome. They should have stuck with the aluminum.
  12. Mike be a good deal for somebody else doing a rebuild or to put back together.
  13. I don't know how much they run but you can contact him at: http://www.diamondraccessories.com
  14. I've had a few folks email me about the center stands that I used to make. As I have replied, I no longer offer the stands. I was talking to Allen at Diamond R Accessories the other day though and he tells me this: "I have received about 8-10 of our center stands from the machine shop if you hear of anyone wanting one. These are ones that they had enough parts left after we quit carrying them to make complete stand. However, I will be out of pocket for about 6 weeks, I am having another knee replacement in the morning. After I get back up and around to where I can I will start putting them together." So contact Allen if you are interested.
  15. I can answer this one. When you click on an as, there is a link right beside the heading in the ad. For example, it may say "2005 Royal Star Venture" in big black letters and right beside that in small letters is a text link that says "Contact Seller".
  16. Yea I know...but if I go to bed knowing that something is screwed up...I can't sleep. There are still some things I want to do but they can wait. I want to integrate the various subscription and donation options. I want to TRY and figure out a way to enable some sort of email or private messaging if a new post is made to a social group that you have joined. I'm sure there are other things also but those are tops on my list.
  17. OK...I finally got it figured out again. Let me know if you see anything else wrong. I THINK everything is working now but I'm probably missing something.
  18. OK folks.....I'm pooped tonight. Been trying to work on some things that you requested. One was to update the Assistance List....that is done. Another was to make the search button consistent. I also discovered that the Google search was missing so I added it back. Now, how many of you turn the forum side menus off? If you do, are they off for you now? I always leave them on but no in testing, they won't go off. I'll work on it some more tomorrow night.
  19. If any of you got an error, don't worry about it. I'm trying to reconfigure a few things and caused it.
  20. Just a note for those of you who don't watch the Stickies at the top of the page. I have updated the VR Assistance list this evening. Details are in the Sticky at the top of the Watering Hole.
  21. Yes and Yamaha used to sell it as an accessory but I think they have ended their contract with Corbin and no longer offer it. Here is the link to the seat at Corbin though. http://www.corbin.com/yamaha/rsventure.shtml
  22. OK folks...I should have looked closer. You can still use the PayPal link in your UserCP to purchase the yearly or monthly subscription. Just click on the one that you want and click the PayPal button. You will get a screen, just like the donation button at the top here, that allows you to login to your PayPal account OR use a credit card or bank account if you don't have a PayPal account. All credit card transactions require a credit card processing company. I'm simply using PayPal as the processor. You do NOT need a PayPal account to pay with credit card or bank account. To end any confusion, I would like to remove the donation button in the menu bar and will do so after I figure out how to add a user selectable input field for those who want to donate their own amounts.
  23. The "Donations" button in the upper right menu bar allows you to donate whatever amount you wish to and to use credit card or echeck. Don
  24. Yes, you can also click on their name and go to their profile. Then you will see a "Statistics" tab. There will be a list there of all posts made by the user as well as all threads started by the user.
  25. No, it's not a scam. It is just not built into the subscription code for VBulletin. I will add it if I can figure out how.
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