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Everything posted by Freebird

  1. OK folks, I have had a number of requests from people who would like an easy way to donate to the support of VentureRider.org and also be reminded of such. Please understand that any support continues to and will ALWAYS be 100% optional. There are now a couple of ways you can help. In the left menu of the forum and the home page is a button that says "Subscribe". This is good for people who do not use PayPal as you can pay by credit card, bank account, or PayPal. It is a recurring $2.00 per month subscription plan. For PayPal users, there is also now a "Paid Subscriptions" option in the UserCP. Just click on UserCP and scroll down to Miscellaneous. You will see "Paid Subscriptions". You can the choose an option of monthly or yearly. At this time, you get nothing extra for helping support the site. Just please know that it is much appreciated. For those of you who have already donated due to the recent server change and even before that, thank you VERY much. You can't know how much it helped. I will also be sending out an email and HOPE that none of you consider it spam. As I said, this is in now way mandatory and whether you choose to help support the site monetarily or not, I am sincerely happy that you are a part of our group.
  2. The Harley forum is still with the old host. It's not very busy so will do fine for now, maybe forever as dead as it is.
  3. OK...I'll work on getting them all the same. Maybe not today though.
  4. There is something wrong with your computer. What operating system are you using?
  5. Is it remembering you the next time you go in or do you have to login every time?
  6. I have deleted the database on the older server. Could somebody please try to login to the chat room and see if everything is working properly. Is it remembering your login info and etc.? Thanks.
  7. I see where some areas in the central USA got hit hard last night by tornados. I hope that all our members and their loved ones came through it unharmed.
  8. Sorry...it is only in the forum, not on the home page. It is there on the main forum page.
  9. One of my biggest concerns has always been that somebody posts a message and nobody responds at all. We get so many posts that it is easy for a new post to get pushed down the list pretty quickly and never get noticed. Most of our long time members understand that it can happen but for a new member especially, I just don't want them to feel unwelcome or ignored. So, I've added a new feature to the forum and if some of you can use it every once in a while, it would be helpful. Under the "Search" link in the top menu bar, there is now a link called "Unanswered Threads". Click on that and it will show you a list of new threads that nobody ever responded to. If you see one that is more than a day old, it would be nice to offer some type of response. Even if it's just something like, "Sorry, I don't know the answer but hopefully somebody will jump in soon with some help". At least they know that they are not being ignored AND it will bump it up again so that maybe somebody else will see it.
  10. Looks like you had a lot of fun. The '83 was too fast to get a good look. I'm sure that's what any of our first gen riders will tell us.
  11. I can be cut. I have seen it done while on the bike also. Just decide where you want it cut and then put masking tape on the side of your saw so that you don't scratch it.
  12. I know that some here have drilled the catalyst. Do a search for catalyst and you will probably find some info.
  13. Yea, but now all you need is a wood burning cooler.
  14. My wife seldom wants much of anything but this year she wanted a Gazebo out by the pond. We went Friday evening and she picked one out. I put it all together yesterday. She loves it.
  15. HB is higher load. V is higher speed rating. For these bikes, you want the higher load.
  16. Freebird

    New Name

    No, Forum and Forums is the same...I just screwed up and gave them different names when I added the links. I just tested and the email password is working. I suspect that it got caught in a spam filter. Do you have a spam folder? If so, check that but it really doesn't matter at this point. Also remember when you are trying to login from a different computer that passwords ARE case sensitive. If your password is TEST...then Test or test would not work. You have to enter it the exact way that you created it. Same way as before I think. Just go to your UserCP and click on "Subscribed". You can also go to your profile and see a link to all your posts and all the threads that you have started.
  17. I guess none of you remember the little 2 track tapes and players.
  18. I just looked and don't seem to have a picture of mine. If nobody does so sooner, I'll take and post a picture tomorrow morning. Don
  19. Yea, that does sound a bit high. On the other hand, I bought a guitar on Ebay a few weeks ago and the guy charged a flat rate shipping of $23.00. He shipped it to me but then emailed to explain that he had planned to send it priority (though he hadn't advertised it as such) but that it ended up costing him almost $90.00 to ship it from Sacramento to me in Ohio. He asked for nothing extra but I did send him a bit more money.
  20. What am I missing? For my zip code it shows $20.90 for shipping. Considering the size of the box that it will take with packing, that sounds extremely reasonable to me.
  21. It was when moving the site to a new server that I realized or remembered that Windows Explorer search function would NOT search within PHP files for words and/or phrases. I was trying to find all the files that had certain database and absolute paths so that I could update them to work with the new server. This will be no use to many of you but for those who sometimes need to search within all file types, it worked very well. Windows Grep
  22. Freebird

    New Name

    All done. Your usernames have been merged and bjboomer deleted.
  23. Freebird

    New Name

    Sorry about that. I can merge your two accounts into one so that all your posts still show up in your name. Which username do you want to keep?
  24. You folks amaze me sometimes. Not much gets by the members here. I just hadn't enabled that feature because I didn't think that anybody cared. It should be back now.
  25. hmmm....not sure I understand. .05 per day. The subscriptions are set up so that if somebody subscribes, their credit card, paypal account, bank account, whatever is automatically debited at whatever it is set for. I now have it set for $2.00 per month. Now any processor, in this case PayPal, is going to charge a minimum fee for transactions. So out of that $2.00 per month it will likely mean about $1.60 or so actually gets to me. How does setting it at .05 cents work?
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