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Everything posted by Freebird

  1. If you have any problems, please clear your cookies and try that first. If the side menus won't turn on or off and etc...or other issues. It is possible that you have duplicate settings for the site due to the different IP address. So far, things look great on my end. Hope it continues. I'm fairly confident at this point that we are going to be OK now.
  2. test3
  3. test2
  4. test
  5. By the way, I have to say that from here, the performance of the server is much better.
  6. It just propagated to me a few minutes ago so at least I know it is happening.
  7. Well...I'm happy to say that it has propagated now for me. When I go to http://www.venturerider.org, it does bring me to the new server.
  8. OK folks....many of the items in the blue menu bars are hardcoded back to venturerider.org so if you click on them, they will take you to the old server. If you are navigating the forum, use the links on the left BETWEEN the two menu bars. They will keep you here where you should be.
  9. Please not that until the new IP address of the server is finished propagating, clicking on some of the links will take you back to the older server. If you click a link and see http://www.venturerider.org...whatever in the address bar, then you have been taken back to the inactive server. Hopefully it won't take too long for it to complete the propagation.
  10. If you can read this, you are on the new server.
  11. Just a note to let you all know that I am getting ready to do a final backup of the site. Any messages posted from the time that I do the backup until we go live with the new server, hopefully early tomorrow morning, will be lost. So if you have anything important to say or ask, you might want to wait until tomorrow.
  12. OK...here's the latest update. Yard is mowed. Gazebo is rebuilt Porch railings are built, installed and painted. Site is ready to go on the new server but the nameservers had STILL not propagated so it's still a waiting game. Now I have another little job to do. Gotta repair the Altec speaker that WAS mounted high up in the corner of the front porch. It was mounted there until I was hammering in a new rail and it fell on my head.
  13. I just spent about 6 hours rebuilding that dang thing. Welding, drilling, bolting, cursing.....
  14. I'm only going to say a very little about this. I would like to sell my pond. You can also have whatever you find in the bottom. Here are a few rules you might want to remember when you get it home. 1. Ponds are always hungry. 2. Gazebos are a lot like sails or parachutes in high winds. 3. The water is still COLD this time of the year. and that's all I've got to say about that.
  15. Yea..I'm going to bed now. It's just a waiting game now on the new nameservers. Nothing I can do and it could be several hours before they go active. Night all.
  16. LOL.....I'm just afraid I won't have to.
  17. OK folks..the site is uploaded and working on the new server. I can't flip the switch and send you to it though because the nameservers that I had to create have not propagated yet. I don't know how long that will take and it's out of my control. Once the new nameservers are propagated, I can flip the switch and point the site to the new nameservers...in other words, we'll start using it. Depending upon how long it takes, I may do another complete backup of this one and then restore it to the other one so that we don't lose all the posts since I started all this mess. We'll see. It takes a long time to backup and download this site, it's well over 2000MB now. Then I have to upload it to the new site and restore it. If it doesn't take TOO long, we'll just lose the posts during this time span.
  18. Well...I did a complete backup of the site so message posted between then and now will be lost after the move. I am having to create new nameservers because we will have our own nameservers now. I have finished that but I don't know how long it will take them to propagate. I am restoring the backup to the new server but once thats done, I really can't do much until the new nameservers are propagated, Then I'll point the domain to the new nameservers and we will be good to go. Sort of a waiting game now. I hope they propagate soon. I hate to lose TOO many posts.
  19. Remove the black cover again and coat the metal parts with white lithium grease. That should do it. Pretty common problem. Also good idea on the saddle bag latches.
  20. Yard is half mowed, porch rails are half built, site is half moved.
  21. Thanks...what I really want to do is RIDE. All I have to do this weekend is get this site moved and working properly, cut the 4 acre yard and finish rebuilding the front porch railings. Just too busy right now. Believe it or not, the bike hasn't been out of the garage YET this year. I also have two new tires sitting in the garage but haven't had time to get them mounted.
  22. Here is the thing folks. Before moving to our new hosting company, I spent HOURS researching, talking to others who host VBulletin forums, etc. I narrowed it down to 3 companies and then chose the one that I THOUGHT would be the best for our needs. I spend many hours over a two or three night period moving our entire site to the new server. It is not working out. Sometimes I just want to sit down and cry but I don't think that is becoming for a grown man. To make a long story short...I will be moving us again. Probably within the next few hours. I have once again secured a new server and am waiting for it to be setup as I type this. I will then migrate our site to the new server and will then change the nameservers again to point to the new IP address. What does this mean? Other than a lot of work, it means that from the time the new server is setup and then I do a backup of the current files and database and then move and configure them on the new server, we again lose posts that are made in that span of time of me backing up the old one, moving to the new one and then changing the nameservers. All I can say is that I am very sorry. I tried very hard to do my homework and make sure it would be a good move for us. It's just not working out.
  23. Freebird


    VBulletin recommends PHP5 as optimal for the software. I try to enable PHP5 and it will sometimes work for 10 minutes, last time for almost a full day. Then the page just quits loading for some folks, including me. I reported this to our host and they said it was not a problem. They re-enabled PHP5 and said it would be fine. I did not ASK them to re-enable it because I KNOW it is not fine. There is a problem. It was during that time that some of you had a problem. We are back at PHP4 now and it is working fine. I am not happy though. I'll be posting a new thread.
  24. Freebird


    Condor, I do not have the expertise to manage a dedicated server. That means me configuring and taking care of all the root programs. Unix and etc. I just don't have the knowhow. Now here's another suggestion for all of you who may still be having speed problems. I think it has a lot to do with the external images being loaded on all the post pages. The more posts, the longer it will take. All our signature images, weather banners, images linked from another site, etc. will slow down the loading time. If somebody has an image in their signature that is linked from Photobucket or any other site and that site is running slow, it will take longer to load our pages. Same thing with images within a post. If you want to make it faster, go to your UserCP, Edit Options and then scroll down and deselect the "Show Signatures" and also the "Show Images". That means that you won't see the images but only links to them. You can try only disabling the sigs first if you want to. Don
  25. Freebird


    I made a few more changes over the night. I really don't know what else to do at this point but will continue to watch it. Now, even with side menus on and ads enabled, the threads are opening for me almost instantly...under 1.5 seconds. I honestly don't know how to improve much on that. Plus, I don't have a great connection here at the hotel.
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