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Everything posted by Freebird

  1. Yes, it is possible but it makes the forum very hard to read. When everybody is choosing large sizes and colors that do not contrast well it just makes a mess of the forum. I tried it here once and it just didn't work well. Just wasn't a good idea.
  2. Of course. Some have done that. The mailing address is: 16898 Hawley Road Oberlin, OH 44074
  3. When we were there for the rally last year, we stayed at the Comfort Inn. Some folks stayed at a Motel 6 right next to it. They were both pretty nice. The Motel 6 appeared to be one of the nicer ones I have seen.
  4. Yea...but the BAD part is that by the time he gets it from Beer30, it will be covered in cowhide.
  5. HEY...maybe the pen is in the freezer too? Sorry about your ice but now you have an excuse to come back.
  6. Nope...red...kind of marbled looking. Not a big deal folks, just thought that if somebody noticed it they could let me know. Certainly not the end of the world and nothing I'm going to lose any sleep over.
  7. OK folks, today I finally got around to re-organizing and putting away my tools from Maintenance Day. Now I know how it is when there are that many people grabbing tools and working on various bikes. I fully understand how easy it is to have to change a socket or grab a different sized wrench and stick the other one in your pocket. I even understand how a person can forget about the tool in that pocket and end up taking it home. I also know that a LOT of folks had tools of their own and it is easy to grab one of mine and throw it in the bag with yours by mistake. So my question is, HOW did none of that happen? Every single socket and wrench is accounted for. Which tells me, a LOT of you simply didn't do a darn thing except talk and tell lies the whole time you were here. What is THAT all about? ALSO...how come I ended up with no EXTRA tools. You would THINK that somebody one have left SOMETHING here. OH...I AM missing a pen though. My lucky Waterman Rolling Ball. I noticed when birthday cards were being passed around and signed that it was MY lucky pen being used. Now I've had that pen for about 10 years and used it to sign off on a LOT of deals when I had finished negotiating them. It may be here somewhere or else somebody did forget and stick that in their shirt pocket. So....if you have it...please let me know. Thanks, Don
  8. Freebird

    Air Cars?

    The future? [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fm8RCww3cUY&feature=related]YouTube - air car ? why not in u.s.a.? can you power a car on air ?[/ame]
  9. Nothing really...but after you upload the new picture, there is a link right beside the pic that says "Insert into Signature". That was all you had missed.
  10. There...is that better?
  11. I do like the way that Crash did his, it looks very nice. He does not have the VentureDad hitch though, his is the Khromewerks. Very similar but one difference is that the Khromewerks hitch does not stick out as far. That is why the insert works so well. It won't work like that with the VentureDad hitch.
  12. I believe it was non other than the legendary Muffinman that was doing that. I can see where it would definitely cause problems. I got all excited about it and thought that maybe it could be the answer to the fuel mileage and fume problems that I had experienced but I checked mine and they are all as they should be. Oh well........
  13. The only one that I know of is from Baron's and it is indeed a 1" lowering kit. http://www.baronscustom.com/catalog/display/565/index.html I would suggest that you look at that in combination with a custom seat.
  14. There is also another reason that they may want him to come in every day. Years ago when I worked for Texas Utilities, they would do the same thing. It had to do with their lost time accident reports. As long as they could get an employee to come in every day, even for a few minutes, they didn't have to report it as a lost time accident.
  15. Kent, I know you are kidding. There is NO WAY that you can constrain your opinionated nature. Just for the record though, I wouldn't want you to even try. One thing that I consider when it comes to moderators is whether or not it is somebody that I can have a difference of opinion with and still get along. I do NOT want anybody who just agrees with me because I started this thing. It's only through folks standing up and telling me that I am wrong that I am able to see my own errors. I expect you and the other moderators to say exactly what you think, not agree with everything I say. Not that you could do that anyway. You and I certainly don't agree on everything. AIS comes immediately to mind but that's OK. I wouldn't have it any other way.
  16. hmmm...now that you mention it...a little shorter than requested.
  17. I want to do the same thing but I figure that sooner or later I'll find a nice set off a Midnight that is being parted out. The only problem is that the forks are often one of the first things damaged in an accident. I'll keep looking though and sooner or later I'll find them. As for how hard it would be? It would be fairly time consuming but not that difficult. The easiest way to pull them would be the same method as repacking the steering head bearings. Rig up a hook in the garage ceiling to hang he inner fairing and etc. and then just lift the bike on a lift and let the forks drop out. I'm going to do that soon anyway to repack the bearings. In that case though, I'll just let them drop down, not all the way out.
  18. I haven't posted a public thanks to my lovely wife Eileen for helping make Maintenance Day a success. I know that she had a wonderful time and truly enjoyed it but I also know that it was a lot of work for her. Here is a little story that I wanted to share with you. On Monday morning I decided that I had better get a long overdue hair cut. The lady who usually cuts my hair does not work on Monday so I told them that anybody would do. When I got there, I found that I was scheduled with a new girl. She was maybe 20 years old, and a cute young lady. She asked me if I had a nice weakend and I replied that I had and told her that I had a few friends over for a little get together. When she heard how many there were, she made a comment that I must have a wonderful wife and of course I replied that I do. She then asked me how long it took to clean up after everybody left. I told her that I really didn't know because I had gone for a ride on Sunday evening and when I got back home, my wife and son had everything cleaned up. She said "WOW...I would have been MAD". Then she said "well, I probably wouldn't have been made...I would have just used it to put a guilt trip on my husband for the next few months, I would have gotten a lot of use out of it". OK...now first of all..please understand that I surely didn't expect things to be cleaned up when I got home. I am usually very good about helping clean up around the house, especially after something like that. Eileen told me though that she felt I was too exhausted and she wanted me to rest and knew that I wouldn't unless she got it done before I got home. Anyway, I told the young lady "well...you are cute but you need to stay VERY CUTE if that is going to be your attitude". I said it in a laughing manner and she didn't take offense but laughed also. I asked if she was married and she said no. I asked how she became so wise in the manipulation of the male species and she told me that she learned from watching her mother. I said OH....OK...and how long have your mom and dad been married? To which she replied: "Oh...they are divorced now". hmmmm.....imagine that. Anyway, Eileen is wonderful about these things and I simply could not do it without her. Sam teased me about the "LIST" that Eileen provides me with and I fuss about that list. Sam pointed out that the list that women provide their men is not meant as orders but simply "guidance". I don't know about all of that but I do know that without Eileen and the "list", things would never get done. OH...and I also need to add my son Dylan to my thanks. He really worked hard this year helping us get ready. He was a trooper.
  19. It makes perfect sense to me. I watched the entire 75 minutes and found it to be fascinating and I think that it is probably the truth.
  20. Sounds nice. I priced one a while back it is was crazy expensive, more than I would want to pay but I can see how handy it would be.
  21. There also is an after market replacement. Made by Works Performance.
  22. OK folks, there are two actually two new moderators that I wish to announce. One has been a moderator for a while but I don't know if I ever officially announced it or not. Eck was made a moderator back when he started the VentureRider Parts Exchange Program. That give him the ability to edit and maintain that forum area and also to help out with any moderation duties site wide. I truly respect his dedication and efforts and am very happy to have him as a moderator. Today I have added one other moderator. Please welcome V7Goose as our latest victim. Kent has actually been added as an Administrator. How does this differ from a moderator? It gives Kent access to the templates and etc. that are used on the site which is where much of the custom programming and etc. takes place. Kent has a background in programming and some server management experience so can hopefully help when I am having any issues with database errors, server configurations, etc. In addition to that, he is on the site a lot and is always willing to help with any technical issues regarding the motorcycles and has a good head on his shoulders if any actual moderation duties are necessary. I hope you will join me in welcoming both of these gentlemen to our team. This site takes very little moderation and there are often weeks at a time where we don't even communicate with each other. These guys are here more to help our members with any questions about the site than they are to actually moderate so please feel free to contact any of them should you have a question. For those who may not even know, our Admins and Moderators at VentureRider.org are: Admins Freebird V7Goose Moderators Squidley Black Owl Buddyrich Eck
  23. hmmmm....I never hit the rev limiter any more.
  24. What did you lie about? I don't know of a larger Venture site. This one has more members and far more activity than any others that I know of. Don't mean to sound like I'm bragging, but it's just a fact as far as I can tell.
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