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Everything posted by Freebird

  1. I never bothered with it. I change my oil often enough that it's never all that dirty. The little bit that is left by not removing that screw is really insignificant in my opinion. It will be so diluted with the new oil that it doesn't matter.
  2. The only thing on that list that MIGHT not be warranty is the front brake pulsation. I would even fight that. If it's a pulsation, it's probably a warped rotor and that should not happen on a bike that new.
  3. I have a really depressing feeling that those pond monsters would follow us.
  4. I think that you are doing a wonderful thing. If I may offer one suggestion though, open a PayPal account for donations. I can tell you from a LOT of experience in these things, you will be much more successful if you take PayPal so that people can use credit cards.
  5. That's my opinion also. I tried it and left it that way for probably a year or so but saw no benefit at all. Finally just capped them all.
  6. Good luck to you. I hope it works out. I know how stressful it can be looking for a new home. Eileen and I have actually discussed selling ours and downsizing to a smaller yard. Then when one of us gets serious about it, the other starts having a change of heart. We really do love our place. Besides, now is NOT a really good time to be trying to sell...it is a great buyers market though. You should be able to make a good deal.
  7. So far, I like the Edsets better than anything else I have owned and I've owned several different brands. I did not do the group buy but did set up a discount for VentureRider members. It's only about $15.00 per set but to be honest, they are worth it even without the discount. Details of how to get the discount are in the "Vendors who offer us Discounts" topic area.
  8. Folks...just wanted to let you know that I am aware of the problem. Unfortunately, I'm having double difficulties tonight because the hotel I am in has TERRIBLE service so all sites are slow as molasses and I can't even connect to the Internet at times. Our host is aware of it to and is working on it as well. Sorry about the problem.
  9. Yea...I THINK what he said was that NO...you do not post too much. I agree.
  10. Very good. Looks like a very successful day and that everybody had a great time. Good turnout too. I think that I had about 15 or so the first time I did mine. GREAT JOB.
  11. hmmmm.....I don't know if I was just complimented or insulted....or if Eileen was complimented or insulted. Now if I were complimented, then she must have been insulted unless I truly am a great guy in which case that would mean that we were both complimented unless there was sarcasm intended in which case I am a terrible guy and she was insulted for marrying me unless she married me out of pity in which case that makes her a pretty special person and she was truly complimented unless I am terrible and she is stupid to have married me in which case it was really an insult to both of us unless ...... WOW...you SEE....I can think just like you WIMMINS do.
  12. I once had it that way on my '99. It is called the Jason Mod. Some think it helps but I really saw no benefit to it.
  13. There had BETTER be pictures. That's the rules you know....would hate to have to de-sanction this event. Especially considering the fact that I'm not even sure that de-sanction is a real word.
  14. That's exactly what I figured...I KNEW that Eileen was explaining it wrong.
  15. By the way, I started to use this one.
  16. Well I'll admit that I DID think of the Muffinman when I did it. Actually though, the pig graphic just happened to be pink so I just went with it.
  17. Got up fairly early this morning. A member from Norwalk, OH had called yesterday asking if I could help him sync his carbs and I said sure, come on by. So he was here about 10:00 this morning and we got the carbs synced. Then of course the yard needed mowing so I spent about 4 or 5 hours doing that. Absolutely beautiful day. So I finished the yard and came in the house to change clothes and take a little ride and no sooner had I gotten ready than one HECK of a thunderstorm rolled in. Checked the weather and they were warning of hail and winds up to 60 MPH. So much for riding. Most of it has blown through now but it's still raining. Small tree limbs all over the place but nothing major. Oh well....maybe tomorrow.
  18. No problem, was glad to do it. The hardest part was trying to create the banner. I'm not exactly a graphics artist. I thought the scared looking pig was adequate though.
  19. LOL....Tooldood deleted it without being asked. That showed a lot of class. I had actually seen it before and really didn't find it offensive but I know that some would. You just can't get political without somebody on one side or the other taking offense.
  20. I guess I can fabricate a Bushtec hitch to the back of my Bushtec trailer and have a train. Just a note here folks, the trailer will NOT actually be at the rally. You will be awarded a certificate for the trailer and then you will pick it up at or arrange shipping from the Bushtec factory in Tennessee. Cost of shipping is not included in the raffle and is the winners responsibility. That being said, I'm sure that we actually could put together a relay to get it to the winner if we need to.
  21. Pretty cool. It's amazing what creative people can come up with. If I'm not mistaken, the Fiero engine is the same as the older Cavaliers. I'm not 100% sure on that but I know that the transaxle is. I bought a Fiero years ago with a bad tranny and bought a Cavalier transaxle from a salvage yard. Bolted right in, just backwards.
  22. I looked at them pretty closely and didn't see where that could happen. It appears that the only difference would be the angle/direction of the drain screws. I'm not saying that it isn't possible though. BUT....the reason I pulled them off last fall in the first place was because of this issue with the bike not running right and my fuel mileage being so bad so the problem did not start after that.
  23. Don't discount the fact that the Modulite could be bad. They do seem to have a quality control issue. I know of several who have gotten bad ones and I think that Cougar went through 2 or 3 of them before he finally got a good one.
  24. Yes, I think most people do pull the lowers off when they service the filters. I know that some, Squidley for one, does not but I find it easier to just pull them off and I think that most dealers do also.
  25. Yea...I know. I just have a soft spot for those big blocks. My last Chevelle SS was the 454. Loved that engine.
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