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Everything posted by Freebird

  1. The foot massage idea doesn't work for me AT ALL. Sorry....I have a thing about that...cute feet...oil....hmmmm........... it's already getting out of hand for me. I think I will confine that to the privacy of our room.
  2. There was already a feature where you could exclude topic areas for New Posts and etc. but not to totally hide a forum. You can now do one or both. It's not a bad thing and shouldn't be taken as negative. It can really help clean up the home forum page and prevent having to scroll down so much if there are areas that you don't care about. For example, if you ride a first gen and never go to the second gen tech talk or vice versa, you can hide that one from the list. I like reading the posts in ALL areas but different folks belong here for different reasons. Some don't care for the chit chat at all and are strictly looking for technical info. They may wish to hide the jokes, ladies lair, motivational, whatever. It's just another way that you can all customize your VentureRider experience.
  3. If none of you have a Color Tune, I could mail mine to one of you to use. Let me know. It will be Friday before I could get it in the mail.
  4. OK folks...I had a request that members be allowed to hide certain topic areas from the list of forums. I THINK I finally have a custom modification that allows you to do that. In other words, lets say that you don't want the topic area "Jokes" to show up. You can hide that from the list of forums on the main forum page. To do so, just go to your UserCP and then click on "Edit Options" in the left menu. Scroll down and you should find a box where you can select topic areas to hide and then another box to exclude certain forums from "Get new Posts" and etc.
  5. You may notice that I have been doing some work on the menu bars at the top of the page. The lower menu bar was getting pretty crowded while the upper bar was almost empty so I've moved some things around. So...if you think something is missing, just look around a bit and you should find it. For example, the link to the chat room is now in the upper menu bar on the right side beside the donate button. Really...I just did it to keep you all confused.
  6. Seems that I'm always recommending them but they pretty much always have whatever is needed. Pinwall Cycle Salvage. Not always the cheapest but good to deal with and they have a LOT of parts. I know that they have some final drives and I've seen them priced between $139.00 and $189.00. Depending upon year, mileage, etc. http://stores.ebay.com/PinWall-Cycle-Parts-Inc
  7. You folks don't forget about Motorcycle Superstore. When you compare prices, remember that they give us a 10% discount. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=25266
  8. There are pictures here: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=17406
  9. I'm not familiar with the rear hub of the VStar but if it's the same as the Venture and the RSTD, I would still suspect the fingers in the hub. You said that it's a trusted dealer and that he greased the splines but are you and he talking about the same thing? The splines are on the drive shaft but the fingers are actually in the hub. They are very often overlooked and/or ignored by the dealers.
  10. I've been told that you can listen to the idle but my ears aren't that good. I use a Morgan Colortune. It is like a spark plug with a sightglass so that you can see the color of the spark. Most modern dealers would use an exhaust gas analyzer.
  11. You might check with Rick at Buckeye Performance. http://www.buckeyeperformance.com Be sure to tell him that you are a member here and you'll get a discount too.
  12. OK folks, I told you that I would get the bells shipped on Friday or Saturday but it was just a very busy weekend and I didn't get them out. They are now all packaged and addressed and I will be dropping them off at the Post Office early tomorrow morning on my way out of town. I still have about 60 bells left so there are plenty for any of you who might still want one or more.
  13. Here is a thread with some pictures. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=8061
  14. We have a member here, Lowell, who used some boots off a Snapper lawn mower. I think they are drive shaft boots or something and they look like they were made for the Venture.
  15. I got an email the other day and then spoke on the telephone to a company that does custom paint jobs. He was interested in purchasing a banner on our site. I talked to him for about 30 minutes on the phone and he seems to be very customer oriented. His work is NOT cheap. It is top notch and professional. I do think though that, based on quotes that I've received in the past, his prices are fair for the type of work that he does. I declined the offer to sell him a banner simply because I haven't seen a LOT of interest here for high end custom paint jobs and I didn't feel that it was a perfect match for our members and I am committed to not adding banners just for the sake of making money. I do think though that this is a reputable company and worth checking out if you really want a nice custom paint job. I spent some time looking through the pictures on his site and really like the work that they do. They have been featured in many custom motorcycle publications, also television on the Biker Build-off and many other places. Here is the link for anybody who is interested. http://www.airea5150.com/
  16. I think it's pretty common for the rear pads to go first. That's been my experience anyway and I do NOT use the rear that heavily. Maybe because there is only one set of pads rather than 2 sets as on the front. I'm not sure. Also, I always tell folks to check the INNER pad on the rear. I've a LOT of times when a quick inspection of the outer pad will lead an owner to assume that the pads are good only to find that the inner pad is completely worn out. Shouldn't be that way but I've seen it many times.
  17. I'm really glad to hear some good news. I understand about finding a good job when you get above that 50 year old mark. I went through that a few years ago and was lucky to find a company that actually prefers experienced folks. I am a bit tired of all the travel that I have to do but I think I'm pretty much stuck with it now. I have a good job with a great company and finding something as good without the travel at 53 years old would be very difficult. I am very happy for you and hope that it turns out to be a fantastic job for you.
  18. Brad, Thank you for posting this. I was just getting ready to do the same thing. A gentle reminder is a good thing from time to time. Also, a HUGE thanks to all our members who are honestly very good at self-moderation. You make our job here very easy.
  19. First let me say, this is NOT meant to be hitting anybody up for donations. While donations of any amount are always appreciated, they are not required in any way. The purpose of this post is to clear up any confusion about HOW you may donate if you so choose. There are a couple of ways you can donate to VentureRider.org. The money is used to help defray my costs of running this site. Software licensing fees, hosting fees, etc. The simplest and most basic way to donate is to click on the "Donate" button on the far right of the upper menu bar at the home page or here on the forum. When you click that button, you will get a page where you can enter whatever amount you choose to donate and then click the "PayPal Donate" button and it will take you to a PayPal login page where you can complete your transaction. You do not need a PayPal account to use this method. You will see a place to login to your PayPal account if you have one but if not, you will see a link to the left of that that says "Don't have a PayPal account" and if you click on that, you can still donate using any major credit card or an e-check. The second way you can donate is through "Subscriptions". You will find this method in the User CP or via the "donate" button in the right menu. In the User CP, just scroll down until you see the link for "Paid Subscriptions" in the left menu. Click on that and you will see several options from which to choose. There are recurring monthly options as low as $2.00 per month. The monthly subscriptions are automatically deducted from your credit card or account each month. There are also options for yearly subscriptions. These are NOT automatically recurring and you will simply get an email the following year reminding you that it has been a year. Again, this option uses PayPal as the payment processor. The third option is the old fashioned way. Simply send me a PM or an email if you wish to donate via a check or money order and I'll send you my address. Again, you are NOT required to donate in order to participate in this club. Those who donate and those who don't have the same full access to everything that we offer. I fully understand that money is tight for many people and I would NEVER want anybody to donate if they are not financially able to do so. For those who can, it is always MUCH appreciated but for those who can't, I consider your participation here a donation in itself and thank you for it.
  20. OK folks, I have repaired the "donate" button. Sorry about the inconvenience. You can now use it to donate any amount you choose. You can still use the User CP "subscriptions" if you want to donate and then receive a reminder after a year or if you wish to set up an automatically recurring monthly subscription. Thanks for your patience and thanks for letting me know that it was not working. Don
  21. Freebird


    Sound nice but too expensive for me. I like nice stuff also but I'm just not good with sunglasses. I can't remember how many expensive pair I left above sun visors in rental cars.
  22. I blame it all on the people....all you people....when you all came together, something special happened. Heck...I'm not even menopausal.
  23. I'll stick with my feeling that you will see NO significant change for '09. Anybody in the mood to bet?
  24. Sorry guys, I didn't know it was broken. Will try to get it working in the next day or two.
  25. I have the lift adapter but other than that, I do it exactly the way Kent does. Just slide it under the bike and start jacking. The bike will come up straight and lay right over on the lift as it should. Easy one man job.
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