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Everything posted by Freebird

  1. I use Mobil 1 synthetic for cars and have for many years. I've never had a problem with it.
  2. Folks, I've been doing a bit of house cleaning and will be doing it off and on over the next few days. If you get a PM telling you that a thread you started has been deleted, it's not because you have done anything wrong. Most of what I'm deleting are threads about upcoming meets and eats, rallies, etc. that are long past. There may be others also that are simply no longer relevant so don't worry if a thread that you started gets deleted.
  3. I think it's a good looking bike but I've pretty much decided that it's not for me. The belt drive is a non-issue or me. I've had belt drives on Harley's and never had to replace one. I'm not really 100% crazy about the looks of the fairing though and I don't like that it is a shorter bike than the Venture. I am tall and need a LOT of leg room. I will wait and see if Yamaha comes out with a 2010 model that retains the cruiser styling but adds some variation of the new VMAX motor. I would love to see a new RSV that pretty much retains the current styling but adds the new motor along with a few other improvements such as ABS, better sound system, etc. Otherwise, I'll likely keep riding my '99 for quiet some time.
  4. That would be my guess also. Speaker placement is very critical and they also should be brought out as close to your ears as possible while not squeezing against your ears. I found exactly the opposite when I installed mine. I now set my volume LOWER than I did previously.
  5. My feathers are not ruffled at all but your FACTS are just wrong. The RSV comes stock with either the Bridgestone or Dunlop tires. What is the Dulop...404 or 440, don't remember for sure but I do know for sure that they NEVER came with the E3 from the factory. So, you saying that the OEM tire was a rear E3 is just not correct. SOMEBODY had to have changed that tire at some point. I've never seen a Venture come from the factory with a rear tire mounted on the front and I've not personally seen a front tire that even looks like a rear tire. Typically they have a bit different tread and slightly different profile. If your tires had "rear only" stamped on them, then somebody put the wrong tires on it.
  6. There are a lot of electric bikes out there now. From scooters to crotch rockets. Whether any of us like it or not, that is going to be the future. Once they get the range of them increased then we will see them everywhere.e Power and torque has never been a problem. From zero to full blast is not very difficult with an electric motor.
  7. Years ago when I was working at Texas Utilities, some contractors got over spray on a lot of our cars in the parking lot. The company brought in an auto detailing company who specialized in some things to clean them all up. They washed the cars well, used a razor blade to carefully remove most of the overspray and then a clay bar to get the rest. They then waxed the cars. They turned out beautiful.
  8. Here you go. One of our members makes them and you simply can't buy a better product from a great guy. One of the smartest investments I've made concerning the bike. http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showproduct.php/product/69/cat/7
  9. OK....that file IS the correct one and I just double checked the server and it IS the Virginia flag so the image that you are seeing is not coming from here. I agree with Squeeze also, you have picked it up somewhere else and it is in the cache of your machine. You can try clearing all your temporary Internet files, cache, etc. You could also try just hold down the Ctl key why clicking "refresh" on your browser. Don
  10. Thanks. It would be very easy to set up classifieds within the forums as they have. The problem is that it means a lot of manual work to keep them cleaned up. There is no way to have the automatically expire and delete after a certain number of days as there is with the current setup. Lot's of manual pruning and etc. With the exception of the profile pages, I'm fairly happy with what we have now. I'll try to work on the profile issue when I get a bit of time.
  11. Unfortunately, the classifieds software is not perfectly integrated into the forum software. The profile there is different and unless a user fills out their profile in the classifieds, there will be nothing there.
  12. That is very strange. I even logged in as you and it still shows the correct flag. Is anybody else having this problem? Do me a favor, right click on the image that you are seeing and let me know what the file name is.
  13. Your flag is showing up fine from here. I really have no idea what you are talking about.
  14. Advertisement? I have added no advertisements and don't see any.
  15. Well, it will offer you some protection from running your battery down but don't be under the impression that it will give you more wattage to run your gear. The stator will only put out what it is designed to put out. If you draw more from the battery than the stator can replace then you are going to run the battery down. All this thing does is monitors your usage and will shut down your gear if it detects that you are pulling down the battery too much. It will not increase the output.
  16. There is a chrome shop near me in Grafton, OH. That's not too far for you and I'll get all the info if you are interested. I know of a couple folks who have used them and said they did a great job but...as already stated...they are not cheap.
  17. I really don't know that I have the server space here but I probably have some on a couple of other sites that I own. It really doesn't matter which domain does it?
  18. Really sorry to hear that she is still having problems. Sounds like she has been through enough lately. Let her know that we are thinking about her.
  19. It goes up against the caliper bracket on the swingarm side. Not against the hub. See this thread for some close-up pictures. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=515
  20. Chew toys and swings are NOT stepping stones on the path to redemption.
  21. Eck sent these to me a few days ago and I think they are pretty cool. Some people are just very creative.
  22. Very nice. I'm happy for you and your daughter and wish them many years of marital bliss. Great job with the pictures. Looks like you had a GREAT trip. Wish we could have all joined you.
  23. Shep, Some of your questions have several answers as some folks like one thing and others like something else. Here is my take on them. 1. There are several mufflers available. Baron's makes a nice set of two into four that look and sound good. As for single style, I really like the Khromewerks. The quality is excellent and they have a good deep sound. They are pretty loud though. I've had several different mufflers on my bike and they were my favorite before I got tired of LOUD and went back to stock. 2. Some folks here have bought one from JC Whitney and it fits fine. Reports are though that the chrome isn't that great. Personally, I like the one from Yamaha as well as any. 3. The only lowering kit that I know of is sold by Baron's. I think it lowers 1 1/2 inches. Another option is to lower the FRONT by looseing the fork clamps and sliding them up about an inch. I peraonally would try that first. These bikes already set a bit low in the rear and many of us have installed "leveling links" to raise the rear about an inch. It really improves handling. Lowering the front an inch may help get it down a bit as well as leveling out the bike. 4. Kuryakyn sells clamps that most of us use for our pegs. 5. Several here have looked for adapters to move the passenger pegs down and forward. There is a recent thread here by Juggle who tried a couple of options that were supposed to do just that but they didn't. There has been no easy answer yet. 6. For lightbar and lights, you are back to Yamaha again. I don't think there is an aftermarket solution. There is no specific area for list of mods with part numbers at this time. The tech library has some information along those lines but not exactly what you are referring to. It is a good idea though and one that we should consider. No parts exchange per se. There is an area where we post up parts that we have available to help members who may need them. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=101
  24. Extra credit? OK...here's what I'll do. From ALL the HUNDREDS of tire threads on the forum..if you can find even THREE people who say ANYTHING good about the Brickstones, I'll restore your status to "she knows her stuff".
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