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Everything posted by Freebird

  1. Just so you all know, Flagman IS our official supplier now for the VentureRider flags. You can order direct from his site. There is also a listing under the VentureRider Merchandise topic area.
  2. Just so you all know, Flagman IS our official supplier now for the VentureRider flags. You can order direct from his site. There is also a listing under the VentureRider Merchandise topic area.
  3. NO cattle prod. Just the whip should do...and maybe some thigh high leather boots. Then I can get my exercise just chasing her around.
  4. That's usually caused by your browser having an old copy of the page cached. Try clearing your browser's cache and see it will work then.
  5. NO...not a walk behind. I want one that mounts to the front of my lawn tractor or else buy a used lawn tractor with one already mounted. I actually look at one last week. It was a mid 90's Ariens with a two stage blower mounted and was complete with weights and chains for $750.00. Should have bought it I guess. It was in great shape. Even had a nice mowing deck with it that I really don't need.
  6. Well, I have been pulling a trailer for several years. Have pulled it thousands of miles including high elevations. I can tell you that my wife packs it HEAVY and I've never had any problems at all. The main thing is the tongue weight. I try to keep it to around 20-25 lbs. if I remember correctly.
  7. Just click on the "Classifieds" link in the upper menu bar. On the upper right had side of the classified's page is a text link that says "Place and Ad".
  8. Some of you may have noticed that I've added a banner at the upper right of the site that says "VentureRider St. Jude Auctions". If you click on that banner, it will take you to a new classified's section that is dedicated to the items being auctioned off to benefit St. Judes. Those banners are random so you may have to refresh the page a couple of times to see it. You can also just click on the "Classifieds" link in the upper menu bar. I also want to thank the ever wonderful DragonRider for his continued efforts in regards to this cause.
  9. You will never get flamed around here for asking an honest question. I'll try to answer and not leave anything out. You are correct in that if you have a mic plugged in, it will always be "hot". That is unless you install some aftermarket device such as the Mic Mute that will toggle it off and on. With a headset/mic plugged in, you can still here the music. You can select whether to hear the music through the external speakers on the bike or through the headset. If you have it set to external speakers, you will hear the music and the CB through the bikes speakers. If you have a passenger and you both have headsets and mics, then all the intercom talk will be through the headsets regardless of whether you have music set for external or headsets. If somebody talks on the CB, it will automatically mute the music. Now I'm trying to remember but I don't think the intercom mutes the music, you have to talk over it.
  10. Great question. I've been wondering the same thing. I really need to come up with something to plow my 400 foot drive. I bought a blade for my 23 HP Craftsman lawn tractor and it was a total waste of money. I do have a small electric winch that raises and lowers it but the tractor is apparently just not heavy enough. Even with wheel weights and chains it just doesn't have enough traction to plow though the snow. I've thought about a front mounted snowblower but the drive is gravel and I'm afraid a blower wouldn't work so well either.
  11. Now you are making sense...go ahead and cave in before the fight starts. You ARE a smart man.
  12. A trainer might work....I would want her to be pretty HOT though.
  13. Yes, that is what I was looking for but no luck yet. My company does formed plastics and if I could find some gauges, I could have some bezels custom formed to blend in with the dashes.
  14. Yea, when I first saw the post about the 660, I briefly considered returning my 550 and waiting on it. Then I saw though that though it has a few new features, it is also missing a few that the 550 has...like the XM radio. I'm going to keep what I have.
  15. Let's see...you've been married HOW long? Do you REALLY have to ask who is going to win a fight?
  16. I like it. I was thinking of building a similar bracket but for a couple of small gauges. The problem is, I've not been about to find any really small gauges that will fit there .... at least none that are affordable.
  17. I'm sure that they enjoed the ride. Dealing with such things can be so very hard but it sounds like you are your wife have handled it well. Having someone you truly love to share and support one another is a wonderful thing.
  18. OK....I've put it back the way it was for now. I still have some work to do on the Navbar but it should be working as it was. You are SUCH a pain in the butt. There were a lot of hidden changes in the Navbar with this upgrade. Mostly to do with notifications and etc. The members list is not working as it did in that it sort of opens to the left side. Maybe I can figure out something to make it better later but I think it will do for now.
  19. It MAY be back soon. I'm actually trying to simplify what it takes when I have to upgrade the software here. That is a custom mod that I had done and requires a lot of programming every time. I've added a sort function where you can go to the members list and click on the top of the state column and it will sort by state and province. It seems to work pretty well. If that doesn't work out, I'll go ahead and reprogram the it the way it was.
  20. Freebird


    It's usually caused by old files in your browsers cache. You need to clear your browsers cache and then it will probably work.
  21. You have several options. Diamond R Accessories makes a very nice one. They are also GREAT to deal with and are a very good supporter of VentureRider.org http://diamondraccessories.com Utopia also makes a nice one. http://www.utpr.com Both fold forward but neither are quick detachable. The only ones I know of that are quick and easy to remove are those that come with custom seats and plug into a hole is the seat. Corbin, Travelcade, a few others offer such custom seats and backrests but you are going to pay BIG MONEY for them. I have the Corbin on mine and love it but you are talking upwards of $700.00 for a new seat, backrest, etc.
  22. I MAY be wrong but when I read Craig's post, I got a chuckle out of it. I took it as some great sarcasm. Though there IS a bit of logic in what he said, I didn't take it seriously. I can't read his mind so I could be wrong.
  23. To be honest, that does concern me a bit. Changing the air going in could certainly mess up your mixture. That is also why I'm reluctant at this time to add it to the tech library, I would hate to put it there with no good readings on what it does to the air/fuel mixture. I don't THINK you are hurting anything but I'm just not 100% sure.
  24. Looks very nice to me. I have the chrome covers from Yamaha and I like them but they are way overpriced and the chrome is starting to peel on mine. I will need to have them re-chromed or replace them with something else. You did a great job.
  25. I've never had a BAD whine on my '99. It has a bit but nothing I can't live with. I did install the VMAX rear end a couple of years ago. It is a great change in my opinion but did not affect the whine at all. I think all it would do is change the speed at which you hear it as you will be running higher RPMS at any given speed.
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