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Everything posted by Freebird

  1. We have propane and I would love to find a cheaper alternative. I honestly don't see the savings with the Kerosene heaters though. I have one in the garage that I use to take a bit of the chill off when I HAVE to work out there. It's only 10,000 BTU. It will run about 20 hours on a gallon of fuel. At $4.00 per gallon, that would be $120.00 per month for that ONE heater. It would take at least 3 of them to heat our house and I don't think that even that would be enough. So that is at LEAST $360.00 per month worth of Kerosene.
  2. Mine came with that switch also. I installed them myself and also put it beside the accessory outlet. That is where the instructions recommended it be installed. I didn't like the switch that came with it and used a lighted rocker switch instead. I heard that at some point, Yamaha started putting them on the lights but don't know when it was or if they still do it that way.
  3. Yea, I know. That's why I hid them. Don't want to advertise how pathetic I am.
  4. I would prefer to add only fairly major or annual events to the countdown page. It requires a good bit of custom programming and is time consuming. I do recommend though that any events be posted in the Meet and Eats forum. They get lost in a hurry in the watering hole. Of course they should be put on the calendar also.
  5. What post counts?
  6. Now I don't know WHAT you are talking about....now shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
  7. Yes, what he said. Take the pictures as you have been. Then the quality will be great if you want to print them out or something. Then just resize them using your computer before uploading them here.
  8. You know....there was a special segment on CNN a couple of nights ago where some well known and highly regarded scientists were talking about the growing belief in the scientific community that the natural cyclic warming trend is coming to an end and some are predicting that we are actually in the beginning stages now of a new ice age.
  9. My link is at up higher in this same thread. Buddy, I only have the one XM so didn't get the discount for a second radio. I went with the music and Navtraffic package but also with another weather package that cost a bit more. Maybe I don't need it, I may cancel it later. Probably the basic that comes with Navtraffic is enough.
  10. -12F here. Not as cold as some of you but PLENTY cold for me. -29 with wind chill.
  11. It's not all that old but my favorite is "My Cousin Vinny".
  12. Buddy, Did you just get the basic weather that comes with Nav? There is another one that costs extra. Not sure now WHAT I signed up for but it was a bit more than that.
  13. I bought mine from this seller. It came today and I just ordered it on Monday. I activated it online and all seems well. XM and Nav came up in about 5 minutes, Weather took another 5 minutes or so. http://cgi.ebay.com/Garmin-GXM30-GPS-XM-Traffic-Weather-Antenna-GXM-30_W0QQitemZ110336360158QQcmdZViewItemQQptZGPS_Devices?hash=item110336360158&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=72%3A1234|66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1308|301%3A1|293%3A1|294%3A50
  14. I've seen Mainac post a few times about how uncomfortable the back rest was for him. There are also at least a couple of other members who had similar experiences. Most of us LOVE the backrests though. I don't know what the difference is between the body types of those of us who like the backrests and those who don't but there must be something. I am 6'3" tall with about a 35 inch inseam. I had the Utopia before buying my Corbin seat which has a Corbin backrest and I can tell you that whether it be a Utopia, Diamond R, Corbin, whatever .... If I were only allowed ONE accessory for my bike, it would be the backrest. It literally makes all the difference in me being able to only ride about 50 miles without a backache or 1000 miles without a backache. The backrest saves me.
  15. I bought a refurb off Ebay for $109.00. I could have bought it for $10.00 less from another seller but didn't like the comments on the negatives that he had. I expect it to arrive today or tomorrow and then can report back on it.
  16. Those just might work. I would prefer that they just be rectangular but those might do. You would only be able to fit two of them though. One on each side of the cruise switch. What two would be most popular I wonder? I think for me, I would probably go with the voltmeter and the water temperature.
  17. How large are the pictures?
  18. I understand. I can promise you though that I don't typically change things just for the sake of changing them. As new releases of software come out, there are usually changes. Some are just for security updates but there are always a few new "features" added and sometimes they aren't features that we really care for. I can often remove and restore things to the way that they were but it's not always possible as one feature is often very intertwined with another. Yes, you can sort by several of the header listings. Username, Join Date, State/Province, last visit.
  19. I checked the Audiovox site and elsewhere and couldn't find it in French. The Audiovox site only shows it in English. Sorry.
  20. Actually there is still one at the top. It has just been renamed to "Community" as there are a couple of other links there also.
  21. I ended up buying mine from PC Nation. I found it a bit cheaper a few places but the customer feedback scared me off. PC Nation was great. Very fast shipping and no problems at all.
  22. We've had one for a LONG time. It's in the Classifieds.
  23. One other thing. I've found out that this can sometimes be caused by trying to upload very large images. What size, file size, are the images you are trying to upload. They should be no larger than 640 x 480 and under 200,000 bytes.
  24. What browser are you using? I use Firefox and you click "tools" on the menu and then "clear private data" and the select "cache". IE is a bit different. You click on "Tools", "Internet Options", then the delete button on the General Tab under Browsing History.
  25. That is because of some customization I have done here. The problem was that there would be a whole page of commentary about a subject and then somebody would link a HUGE picture. That would cause all the posts on that page to become very wide and you would have to scroll back and forth within every post to read them. Most people didn't like that. Now people can still link the high res photos and if somebody wants to see the high res version, they simply need to click on the photo's header.
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