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Everything posted by Freebird

  1. You aren't violating any rules. There was a recent thread though, you may want to post it there. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=31089&highlight=smoking
  2. Thanks...I can't take credit for all of them though. Many were done by other members and I simply formatted and posted them. Now, the passing lamp installation did not cause mine to not touch. You should be able to bend them slightly so that they just barely touch. Watch those brackets though, they do tend to break. You can usually see a crack starting in the bend. Yamaha will replace them if they break while your bike is under warranty but after that, you are better off buying the SS setup from Diamond R Accessories.
  3. If you haven't modified anything then you should be able to gently bend the brackets so that they touch. There should be rubber bumpers on the back of the brackets. Are yours there?
  4. A bit soon I think for a 2007 model but assuming that you REALLY didn't accidentally hit the kill switch or something like that, I would sure suspect the ignition switch. Another slight possibility is that the tank is not venting properly and got vapor locked. If it happens again, or possibly even check it now, open the gas cap and see if there is a suction on it.
  5. OK folks...a while back...I ran across this hat/lapel pin on Ebay. I thought that it might make a nice prize for a little contest here so I started bidding and ended up with it. Now I assume that this is pretty rare because I've seen a few first gen pins but never one like this. It says "South Daytona" "Lions" on it and then "Bike Week 1992" at the bottom. Now the cool thing is that I bought it from a seller in Germany so this pin has seen more traveling that a lot of actual riders. Anyway, it's in great shape. I didn't put a ruler next to it but it's a pretty good sized pin...probably 2 1/2" across. I'm going to make this contest very easy to enter. All you have to do is post to this thread about your first introduction to the Yamaha Venture motorcycle. Whether it was a first gen, second gen...heck even a Royal Star...tell us about it. Was in an '83 that you never owned but always wanted or a new '99 RSV? Now if you don't WANT the pin....enter anyway. I'm sure you can find somebody that would love to have it. The winner will be chosen by random selection from all entries one week from today.
  6. That's not true. I just proved it.
  7. Just to update this article a bit. Here is the info for Vintage Electronics. It appears that the belts have gone up a bit but that they still have them. https://www.vintage-electronics.net bob@vintage-electronics.net
  8. I run Mobil 1 Racing 4T 10W-40. I live in NE Ohio and run it year round. Don't ride much in the winter though. If i DID, it is still what I would run.
  9. All done.
  10. Freebird


    I've never ridden one. I did own a Honda FatCat which has even FATTER tires. It was fun....but it HURT me. My fault though....there may still be a story about it in the "Embarrassing Moments" forum.
  11. Roadkill is correct of course. You cannot scroll through and find HS and SP...it will only show one or the other. When you see HS, hit the toggle/rocker switch to swap to SP.
  12. Are you absolutely SURE that you didn't somehow switch it to headsets?
  13. That is just exactly what I was getting ready to say. I have a 17,000 KW propane fired generator with an auto transfer switch. I would sure not want to run it for very long though. It would quickly run through my bank account.
  14. You can get a $3.00 discount by printing out the coupon from the Progressive Insurance site. http://motorcycle.progressive.com/IMS-Admission-Discount-Coupon.pdf
  15. There are some good deals out there. You should be able to pick up a pretty decent computer for not a lot of money. I don't even have a desktop setup any longer. I use a laptop for everything I do. Have wireless setup in the house and can computer anywhere I want to. As for the Mac systems? I know that some folks swear by them but they are just not for me. I bought into all the hype and bought one a few years ago and absolutely hated it. It turned out to be just an ugly paperweight for me. I also don't have the animosity towards Microsoft that many seem to have. I started out long ago running MSDOS and finally moved to Windows at version 3 I think. There were some back versions but once I got to Windows NT, 2000 and then later XP, I have been very pleased. Millennium was a joke and I never installed it. I've also never gone to Vista but am still happy with XP.
  16. I don't know Buddy....that sounds like all I get with the advanced. I'm going to have to look into it further.
  17. I'll admit that I had a bit of fun writing that one. As for the Harley site being "For Sale"....actually I'm just hoping to find somebody to take it over and give it the attention that it deserves. I'm under no illusions that it's worth a lot of money.
  18. Well, I did leave a re-direct there for a day or two. PLUS...if you are REALLY concerned, you could send him a PM and let him know where it is.
  19. Geeezzzz guys....did I word it wrong?
  20. Folks, it has come time for me to simplify my life. I have too much going on to continue trying to run a site that I simply have no interest in. So, this website is for sale! NO...not VentureRider.org I said THIS website. That would be: http://www.touringhogs.com I started it when I was seriously considering buying a Harley but as you know, I never did that and there is a good chance that I never will. Therefore, I have just let the TouringHogs site just sit then and stagnate. I honestly believe that it has a lot of potential if somebody would put the time into it that I have put into VentureRider.org. So, if you know any Harley riders and/or businesses that might be interested, I'll be entertaining offers over the next 3 or 4 weeks.
  21. OK....I'm not 100% sure but I THINK Harley starting putting the catalytic converters on their bikes in 2006. Most here who have done this mod went with the Road King mufflers. Stock take-offs can be had cheap if you look around. Any aftermarket or SE models should also work but probably more money. Several here have bought the catalytic converter ones and removed the cats but it's easy enough to find unused ones before the year they were added. You will need to make or buy a simple mounting bracket and a couple of clamps. Don
  22. If any of you have a really good picture of Darrell, I could sure use it for the memorial page. Thanks for your help.
  23. Sorry about the scare folks. I've had a bit of trouble with the server over the past few days. About 4 times a day, I get an email letting me know that the CPU usage is high. I login and it all looks normal, no problems that I can find. I was working with our host company this morning and they were tweaking the MYSQL settings to try and find the problem. Apparently we tweaked when we should have twacked or some technical term like that. Anyway, things are restored and back to normal for now. Just have to see if I continue to get the high CPU usage error.
  24. WOW...didn't even know that existed. Looks nice but I would sure want to hear it before spending that kind of money. You are still relying on the 4" speakers to get the sound out and I'm just not sure that you can get $500.00 worth of improvement out of any 4 way speakers.
  25. Radio, NavTraffic and NavWeather are $19.95 per month. I'm just not sure the weather is worth it because I don't know what comes with the basic weather. What I get it current conditions, about a 5 day or so forecast and a weather map that shows trouble spots within a certain distance.
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