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Everything posted by Freebird

  1. Very nice. I think you did very well. I'm with you ..... all we need is some warm weather.
  2. The men here are all OK....it's those female types that hand around here that you have to worry about. Them wimmins can be VICIOUS.
  3. Beer???? Are you getting SOFT in your old age? Sure wish I lived close enough to stop by. I NEED some warm weather about now.
  4. Freebird

    repair work

    I often forget that I've got the trailer behind me. My wife can SURE pack it heavy too. It is no problem at all. I've even drug my pegs through the twisties with it behind me.
  5. 3 Quarts. You will likely find it full at somewhere around 3.5. Go no higher than 1/2 way in the site glass. I usually put in 3 quarts. I then start the bike and let it run for about 3 or 4 minutes. Then shut it off, let it sit for a couple of minutes, and finish filling to half way in the glass.
  6. Freebird

    repair work

    Hey folks..he is talking about the carb boots. You might try Pinwall Cycle Salvage for used: http://stores.shop.ebay.com/PinWall-Cycle-Parts-Inc__W0QQ_armrsZ1 Call them because they aren't good with email. Otherwise, look further down on the forum home page and you will find a forum named "Dealers who give us discounts". Check there for some good dealers who have fair prices and offer us an additional discount.
  7. I agree with Kent for the most part. I will say that coming home from Colorado two summers ago, pulling a loaded trailer and fighting a STRONG headwind, I did have a problem maintaining 75 MPH in 5th gear. I also admit that I found after getting home that I had more problems and indeed do think that I was running on 3 cylinders. I finally got it running right but in the meantime, also installed the VMAX rear end which I like very much. I think the gas mileage has stayed very close to the same but the gearing is much better suited to the way I like to ride.
  8. Actually, that explains it quiet well and even makes sense. Thank you very much.
  9. I'm pretty sure that it's 50:1 Don
  10. OK folks...we have a winner. And that would be! SWIFTY! PM me your address and I'll get it in the mail. Thanks to all for your stories.
  11. I had a Decra Stone Coat steel room when I lived in Dallas. It was on the house when I bought it. Owner said it cost him $13,000.00 to have it installed. It was a fantastic roof and I would love to have one on this house but doubt that I ever will. I don't know what was different but it wasn't noisy at all.
  12. OK folks...this contest is coming to an end. I'm getting ready to take my very lovey wife out for a nice Valentine's Day Dinner and when I get home, I'm planning to have other things on my mind than checking in here... So.... This contest will run until midnight tonight and I'll check first thing tomorrow morning and randomly draw a winner. So...you STILL have time to enter.
  13. There is a LOT more too it than simply blow back gases. We've pretty much discussed it all before though. To each his or her own. I'm simply saying that there is more than one school of thought on the issue and folks should do their own research. As for the chirp, whine, etc...there have been reports here exactly the opposite of your experience so I guess you and I can agree on your last statement. YMMV.
  14. OK OK....You GOT your award already.
  15. I'm pretty sure that '83 - '93 used a 34mm carb. The first gen Royal Stars went to a 28mm carb and then with the RSV and the new generation RSTD, they went to a 32mm. I don't know that everything was the same between the 1200 and the 1300 first gen but I'm almost sure that they were the same size.
  16. Dang it Pegscraper....you should precede that with "In My Opinion". There are a LOT of us here who would use nothing BUT synthetic. I have up on the dino oils long ago when I could tell my the hard shifting, engine noise, etc. that they broke down in the Texas heat after about 500 miles. Nothing but synthetic for me thank you.
  17. Yea Lewis, I kind of kept the stroke thing low key. I did mention it in another thread somewhere but just didn't made a big deal out of it. I happened 2 weeks ago today. Very minor and I am back to being....well...as normal as I was before. I just decided that I should probably mention it because my wife tells me that over the past 11 days since I've stopped smoking, that I may have been just a tiny little bit irritable...JUST A SMIDGEN you understand? She is PROBABLY wrong though.
  18. Well....I do hope that you find out who the creep is and that law enforcement handles it appropriately..the main thing though is that I am glad you are here to tell us about it.
  19. Really sorry to hear this Tom. What a mess and I know it's not what you wanted to spend your weekend doing. My pump starting acting up a couple of years ago and I replaced it IMMEDIATELY. I'm lucky in a way because the way mine is set up, the washing machine actually drains into the sump and then the sump pumps the water out so it's like regular checks on it working or not.
  20. Very interesting. A helmet with skin. http://www.webbikeworld.com/r2/motorcycle-helmet/lazer-superskin/
  21. I know that I have seen these driving lights mentioned a number of times here as they are sold at most Walmart stores. Therefore, I thought that this review at Webbike World might interest some of you. http://www.webbikeworld.com/lights/platinum-burner-driving-lights/
  22. Yea, while I know that it's nice having everything factory, I know that I would just go with the J&M unit. It looks good and probably actually better quality. http://www.sierra-mc.com/products.asp?cat=243
  23. As for common issues, it is NOT unusual for the tanks on the early models to rust out and leak. Several here have had to change them out.
  24. No problem. Thanks for looking into it. I wouldn't have known either. Hey...every little bit helps and is sincerely appreciated. You did great, thank you very much.
  25. OK....here's the thing. I've been smoke free now for 10 days. I decided to do this with no patches, gum, etc. Just cold turkey. The first day was really hard...the second day was really hard too. Then it seemed to started getting a bit easier. OR SO I THOUGHT! The past two days were absolutely BRUTAL. On Wednesday morning, I snuck a couple of cigarettes out of my wife's pack before leaving for work. Actually drove around for about 30 minutes with an unlit cigarette in my mouth and a lighter in my hand. I never lit it though. Ended up taking them home at the end of the day and put them back where I found them. Today it seemed to get a bit easier again. I keep hoping that I'm getting over the hump but only time will tell. I try to remind myself all the time that if I start back now, that means I've tortured myself for 10 days for nothing. I also try to remember all the money that I'm saving...believe it or not..that is about $350.00 per MONTH.....that's just crazy. I also try to remind myself that the doctor told me last week that the little stroke I had two weeks ago was just a gentle warning and I had BETTER quite smoking. It's amazing though how a little nicotine addiction can almost make all those arguments seem irrelevant. That's the other thing that I keep reminding myself of...that it is a drug addiction and I don't WANT to be a drug addict. So...I'm hanging in there. I know some of you are going through the same thing and just wanted to say....GOOD LUCK!!!! Let's be STRONG!!!
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