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Everything posted by Freebird

  1. At the bottom of your ad...it says "For Sale Buy" and shows your username. At the bottom of that is a menu with a link to "edit ad".
  2. Ignition Switch Failure A big thanks to Eck Nace for the excellent write-up Clicking on the pictures will show a larger version. For those of you who have not had ignition switch failure I recommend that you check this connector as soon as possible. This is the connector for the Red Hot wire and the Brown & Blue wire that comes from the ignition switch located under the fuel tank. Luckily, I just happen to “turn” the connector upside down while installing the ignition switch by pass mod in the case of ignition switch failure. View of ignition switch connector under fuel tank. This is the connector for the RED wire and the Brown/Blue wire View looking down at ignition switch wire connectors under fuel tank. Note: The two wires that you see with RED TAPE are the two wires used to by pass the ignition switch. One of them is the RED hot wire and the other is the Brown/Blue wire. Mental note: When splicing into the Red wire and Brown/ Blue wires, it is highly recommended that you make your split connection on the “aft” end of both connectors. This way if you ever DO have to remove the ignition switch, you can still unplug the two connectors with out having to cut the two by-pass wires again. Also, as shown in this picture, if the connection on the brown/blue wire did happen to burn up and where I lost connection, I would STILL be able to use the ignition by-pass switch I installed to start and run the bike. After I cut the burnt connector out, I installed this connector in its place. Please note: Only (2) wires go thru this new rubber sealed connector. The RED hot wire and the Brown / Blue wire which both go to the ignition switch. The black wire may LOOK like it goes through this new connector but it does not. Photo of removed burnt connector This photo is to show the location of the ignition by-pass switch installed in the case of ignition switch failure. I wanted the by-pass switch located in a convenient location, where I do not have to get off the bike if the stock ignition switch fails.
  3. No, sorry but we don't at this time. I've never approached and asked if they would be interested.
  4. Yes, JCWhitney sold the one made by Hopnel. I have one of the Hopnel ones on my bike also. Don't know why they quit making them.
  5. Yes, I'm sorry...nobody ever answered your original question. I have never seen an aftermarket source for these. hmmmm....except there MAY have been somebody on Ebay who was making and selling some. That is just a dim recollection but I've never seen any. Yes, mine came from Yamaha.
  6. Do you miss them? Do you even remember them? I'm bet most of us here do remember them. Here is a neat article about Fulmer who is producing them again, including the metal flake "stars and stripes" helmet from Easy Rider in celebration of their 40 year anniversary. You can even get the bubble shields. http://www.webbikeworld.com/motorcycle-accessories/2009/fulmer-helmets.htm
  7. Well...I don't get what you are talking about at ALL. I went back and looked again and the illustration is VERY true to what you and I are both riding. I've even got my glasses on.
  8. Yes, I agree. After looking again, they sure look different in the picture. Not sure when they changed though.
  9. LOL...but BUMPING is to keep it at the top for those who have NOT seen it. Why do people who have already seen it need to keep it bumped? It will show up as new for those who have not seen it....sorry...I don't understand the "bumping" of a thread that has been stuck either.
  10. I'm not sure what you are looking at. Is this it? http://www.starmotorcycles.com/star/accessories/acscitem500/5/4/83/404/all/all/126/0/main/itemdetail.aspx They look the same as always.
  11. I think this is specifically what you will need. http://www.cellset.com/mcbt2.html
  12. I too use the Zumo and Buddy's cable but if you don't want to buy a GPS, there are other options. Kennedy makes what you are looking for: http://www.cellset.com/Motorcycleitems.html
  13. Very nice...I love it.
  14. It got deleted. I just uploaded it again so the link should work now.
  15. Uh...Eck...are you OK? He said "then warmed up the piece in the oven at 270 for 30 min (did some test pieces to figure out the right time)." LOL...you even QUOTED it. DUH......... I saw (did some test pieces to figure out the right time) and really didnt see the 30 minutes... so I was asking what was the "right time"... I will wake up from now on before I post... (That was around 3:30am this morning)
  16. No big deal. I wasn't really fussing at you...just a reminder to all for future reference.
  17. I'll say here what I just said to a poster in the watering hole. It has become a regular thing to either post ads on the forum or post them in the classifieds and THEN post them in the forum also. The classifieds are the only place that ads need to be listed. The problem with posting them in the forums is that they end up staying long after they should have expired or they get deleted while still available. Please help me get this back under control folks. Thanks.
  18. Folks....we are getting a bit lax about placing ads here on the forum. Please use the "Classifieds" pages for ads. Not picking on you specifically Mashley...you are just the latest.
  19. I was asked to start a poll per this quote from ReinyRooser: "to get a handle on how many people would actually be interested in purchasing. I realize it's hard to say without knowing the final price but we need some sort of number si the question is this: IF we can get them at a price that beats anyone else, who's seriously interested? Whatever price I eventually get would be in Canadian dollars. Obviously that price will NOT include shipping, but I'm guessing we can work out something in the shipping....between me getting them to the US and then perhaps delivery through meets & greets or something."
  20. Very nice. I like it a lot. I may do that and just tell Eileen she can't ride any more.
  21. That is a bit more than I like in mine but I don't know that it will cause you any problems. What happens if they are overfilled is that the engine ends up blowing oil out the vent tubes and it will end up in your air filters.
  22. Sorry about that. I think it's just something that hasn't been done very often and apparently those couple who have done it have not seen your post. Scroll down to the bottom of this thread and you'll find a couple of links that talk about it a bit. Here is one of them. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=7205 I have not seen the stretched bags that you mention at all. Would that be something that Corbin made for other bikes?
  23. I wonder if the RSTD is a little different than the RSV. Mine slid right out after I ground the weld off. The sleeve then slid right into the Flanders bars. Here is how I did it. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=11122
  24. I may be missing something here, if so, please accept my apologies. I know that you are just trying to help but I think the $100.00 would be high. Aren't they available for around $80.00 already? I think if you are offering to buy 100 sets then they should be a heck of a lot cheaper than that.
  25. OK.....but you and I have some bench racing to do around the first of June. What was that....Jack and Coke?
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