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Everything posted by Freebird

  1. Go for it. I have no problem as long as it's for personal use and you are not going to be selling them on Ebay.
  2. I would recommend that you start with about 35 in the rear and 0-3 in the front. You will need a progressive manual pump for the front...for the rear too actually. Do NOT try to use a regular air compressor, the volume is VERY low and you could easily blow the seals.
  3. Go to UserCP and choose "Edit Favorite Smilies" from the menu on the left. Then you can just select the ones that you want to show up.
  4. OK....here's what it looks like has happened. First of all, when you right click on the menu bar, you should be able to deselect the "Favorites" bar to get rid of all of those. If you wish to keep them, then right click on any one of those tiny icons and then choose "Customize Title Widths". You will see that the choices are "Long Titles", "Short Titles", "Icons Only". You can choose to add the titles to them if you wish. I personally have the favorites bar turned off and just use the drop down menu for my favorites. Actually, I don't even USE IE8 but if I did, I would have it turned off. You have a LOT of favorites added to the bar. Don't know why or how you added so many because I think you have to add each one manually. When you save a page to your favorites, you have a choice of adding them to your favorites menu or to the favorites bar. You've added a LOT of them to the bar. To get rid of them, you have to right click and choose "delete". Don
  5. I've just never pursued it. Which insurance company was it and I'll see what I can do.
  6. Heck...I missed the subtext too. I KNEW it had to be a joke though. Those two are soul mates. I'm not even sure that they aren't physically connected somewhere.
  7. WHAT? Now there has to be more to this story. I'm hoping that this is some kind of joke. You two seemed so perfect together. So.....please don't leave us hanging here. Some things are NOT meant to be joked about.
  8. Let me check with my wife...maybe you can move in with us. on second thought.....maybe I should leave it alone.
  9. Symantec does know about it and if you use Symantec, you are already protected against it. I figure most other virus protection programs have you covered also. It's those that are not practicing safe computing who would be in trouble. http://www.symantec.com/norton/theme.jsp?themeid=conficker_worm Note: The article also points out that if your Windows is up to date, you are also protected.
  10. A LOT of people have had that problem. Many have been replaced under warranty. Mine cracked a couple of years after the warranty ran out. I just used some JB Weld on the inside to repair it. Always seems to be the left side too.
  11. Don't get discouraged. If they turn out nice and you post a picture I'm sure there will be more interest than you think.
  12. Trying again. If it works, here is an attachment of what I see when I right click on the menu bar of IE8.
  13. Well heck, I did a screen shot to show you what I see but this awful internet connection at the hotel is not letting me upload files. I'll post it later when I have a better connection.
  14. Folks, there is a picture and dimensions in the VentureRider Merchandise section here: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=1486
  15. IE8 is pretty much the same way. Just right click on the menu bar and then select customize. It will give you options of large icons, icons with text, etc.
  16. YAWN....how boring is THAT. Geezzz...........you need to experiment more. By the way, are you planning to come to maintenance day? We missed you last year.
  17. To my knowledge, there has been no change in gearing from 1999 to the present models. Yamaha has a couple of different clutch baskets that they will change out if there is a bad problem with the clutch basket chirping. These are typically known as "I" baskets, "H" baskets, etc.
  18. I caught site of one this evening also. On 270 south of Columbus. Looked like an '85 maybe. Red and black. I was headed the opposite direction.
  19. Dan, I am sorry that you felt the need to sell your bike. BUT...I'll say it again...I still expect to see you at Maintenance Day even if you take the bus. I'll even pick up you at the bus stop.
  20. Heck...I actually thought it was MY little joke that upset you. I would have let Mike fight him own friggin battles. No problem, all it forgotten and I'm sorry if I over reacted.
  21. No problem. I am not one to thwart free enterprise. One word of caution, be careful trying to go longer. Diamond R actually makes their's about a half inch shorter than stock because the original ones will crack from hitting the front fender trim rail of those who have installed that option.
  22. My Avon's are a year old and have no cracks. I'm very pleased with them. That being said, my previous tries were Michelin Commanders and I was very happy with them also. If anybody has doubts about the Avons, I would suggest either the Michelin Commanders or the Dunlop Elite 3. I've not tried the Elite 3's but have heard good reports on them.
  23. Jeff, Are you talking about the lower wind deflectors? If so, I already have the polished stainless steel ones from Diamond R and they are top notch. Not trying to discourage you but just saying that you may be re-inventing the wheel.
  24. Like I said, it's all in fun. There is a lot of great help here and a lot of great folks who will bend over backwards to do so. The fun and joking gets mingled into that. Just the way it is. You can decide if you wish to accept that or not.
  25. You know, there is a lot of fun teasing that goes on here. I've owned 3 first gens and they are great bikes. I listen to teasing all the time here about how slow our second gens are. I take it in the joking manner in which it is offered. I'm not rich either. If I had to buy another bike right now, I would probably do without. If you are that thin skinned then by all means pay your membership fee and join the other site. No offense was meant but if you get offended that easily, you have probably joined the wrong group. Let me know if you want your membership/profile here deleted. I try to run a nice site and am here to enjoy the company, not respond to this type of thing.
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