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Everything posted by Freebird

  1. Don't know if it helps or not but the pinout for the headsets is in the tech library here: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=499
  2. Yea, I knew he would get in touch. He's a good guy. I was sorry to hear that he is no longer riding. Hopefully he will be again soon. Finished second round of radiation early today. Seemed to go a bit easier and quicker today. Slight headache but otherwise no big deal. Still tired though.
  3. Thanks folks. Had first radiation treatment this morning. Wasn't bad at all. The only thing that hurt was them putting this spreader on my eye lids. WOW...how far do they think they are SUPPOSED to open. I felt like they were ripping them off my face...I'm sure they had my upper eyelid stretched over the top of my head. Otherwise, it was OK and didn't take long at all. I felt fine when we left so we drove over to the Aquarium and also saw an IMAX movie. Back at the room now though and I am really tired. Don't know if it has anything to do with the radiation or not but I DO know that I am going to take a nap now. Next treatment is tomorrow morning at 8:40...actually ... they are 8:40 every morning through Friday. Did I mention that I really don't enjoy driving in Boston and WHY does it cost so much to part here. Geezzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  4. Thanks.
  5. It's fairly simple. I think that 7.5 will get you close enough. You can test it then by going for a ride and checking it against the mileage markers on the highway. Just sit it on 60 MPH and use your second hand or a stop watch to verify that it takes 60 seconds. Best to check it over a span of several miles as the markers are not always dead on. You will be very close though.
  6. OK folks, Eileen and I will be leaving for Boston in just a little while. I will start the radiation treatments on Monday. There will be 5 consecutive days of radiation and then we'll head home on Friday. In the meantime, if you have purchased a membership through PayPal, it should be indicated in your UserCP under "Paid Subscriptions". I think I have them all entered so if yours does not show up, then let me know. If you mailed a check, it may or may not be there yet. I have entered the information for the checks that I have received to date but I'm sure that some have not arrived yet. If you paid by check and don't see a paid subscription in your profile, don't worry about it, I'm sure your check will be here when I get home and I'll get everybody updated then. I really want to thank each and every one of you who have subscribed. Some have gone far beyond what was asked and please know that it is sincerely appreciated. I have been snowed under and have not been able to email each of you personally but please know that your kindness is so much appreciated. While I am gone, please give some thought to how you would like the forum to be handled. There are several ways I can do it now. We can have it open for all to read but only paid members to post. We can have it with a short trial membership but only members can read OR post once the trial ends. We can leave it just like it is and simply add some time of indicator to the posts that indicates supporting members. I am open to all suggestions and your opinions are what count. Give it some thought and let me hear your suggestions. I will have my computer with me and hopefully feel like checking in each day. I don't know what else to say at this point. You are the greatest group of folks I have ever been associated with. This entire ordeal has been and continues to be a humbling experience.
  7. I'm very happy for you both. Mary, I have never met you but if you have won Gary's heart then you are obviously a very special person. He is the best. I look forward to meeting you in June.
  8. No, I haven't gotten it all set up yet. At this time, he would just register using the links in the upper menu bar. You won't see them, only visitors see the register links. After he registers, he can go to his or her UserCP and scroll down to paid subscriptions.
  9. I think I've told this story before but will do so again. In 1998 I went to Sturgis on my Honda Shadow Ace. I camped at Glencoe right in the middle of a bunch of riders that were probably in the 1 percenter category. Rough looking crowd and I was just a bit apprehensive about it but figured what the heck. It turned out that they were as nice as any group of riders I had ever associated with. There was not a single negative comment made about what kind of bike I rode. To them, it was all about riding and that was all that mattered. I doubt that any of these guys were members of HOG but some may have been. In my limited experience, I have found that the true Harley bikers really don't care. It is usually the younger "yuppie" crowd that exibit the attitude that we are talking about. It's the young crowd that likes to ride their Harley from bar to bar or hang out at their local Quaker Steak bike night that are more apt to make comments about the ricer burners. I personally don't care. I let it go in one ear and out the other...very little between my ears to stop it... I've admitted many times and will do so again, I do like the Harley bikes. I love the history, I love the sound, I love the look. I've owned them before and had very few problems. I would like to have one in the garage now parked right beside my RSV but it is not financially feasible at this time and I certainly don't want to sell the RSV. When I bought my RSV in '99 though, I could have bought anything I wanted at that time and I chose the RSV for a number of reasons that were important to me. I guess all I'm saying is that I don't think it's the bike that creates these attitudes in some riders. I think that there has to be some type of insecurity in them that leads to the mentality that they must fit into a certain group. There are many riders of other bikes that are pretty much the same way.
  10. I was TRYING to forget about that.
  11. I've got a set of sockets that work on my half inch drive rachet. I find that they are much better on those tight bolts than the typical allen wrenches.
  12. I like mine too. I've had it for probably 4 years and have tuned MANY carbs with it. Take it apart and clean it from time to time and I think it will continue to give you many years of reliable service.
  13. It's been a while Joe, great to hear from you again. Where was that...Harrison, Somerset? I remember it but can't remember where it was. Sorry to hear that you are no longer riding but I sure understand.
  14. I've got no problem with what you are saying and in fact, we have helped a number of people here and have donated lot's to St. Judes. I HOPE this is different though. I'm honestly not asking for charity but only for those who find value is what is being provided here help support it. Just like you would subscribe to a magazine, satellite radio, cable TV, anything that brings you joy and information. I didn't build this for that reason but now have been pushed into taking that route with it. I hope that makes some sense.
  15. I have no problem with ZFactors comments. Heck...they pretty much mirror how I feel about it myself. My dream was that this site always be 100% free. I agree with much of what he said and will be looking at ways to offer a free trial membership that will automatically expire at the end of the trial period. Shouldn't be much of a problem to implement. My plan right now is to make the changes to the forum in 30 days. That should give everybody who wishes to join time to do so. Over the next few days and couple of weeks, I will be considering various options.
  16. OH....I'm sorry, I misunderstood your other post. I thought that you were saying that you had an avatar previously working. No big deal if you have one or don't.
  17. I just checked your profile and it doesn't show that you have an avatar uploaded or selected. Posting from your cell phone shouldn't make any difference, the info is pulled from your profile. Did you create a new profile? If so, what was your old username that did have an avatar, I could merge them.
  18. Good to be back but unfortunately, it's only for about a week. Back to Boston next weekend to start the radiation treatments on Monday. I found that the chat service had updated the software and our chat server was moved to another server. So...all my code to link it to our members database and etc. was no longer correct. Would have been nice to know that BEFORE they moved it. Anyway, I think I've about got it all sorted out now. Still a couple little bugs that I'm working on but it appears to be working again. I'm finding it very irritating to work on the coding with one eye. My right eye has a patch right now due to the surgery. I remove the patch once in the morning and once in the evening to put drops and a salve in it. Really looks UGLY right now. Plus, it gets full of crap and I have to carefully pry it open to put the drops and salve in. Not a pretty site.
  19. OK...forum home page seems to be displaying who is in chat correctly now. Still working on the options menu within the chat. Don't know what is going on with that.
  20. Done.
  21. Seems to be OK with IE and Firefox. Only thing I'm not sure about is the status "who is chatting" at the bottom of the forum home page. Not sure it's working. Will watch and figure it out if not.
  22. OK folks...I got home around 10:30 last night and then couldn't sleep. So...I decided to work on the chat room and I THINK it is working now. Please give it a try when you get a chance and let me know.
  23. I would be doing fine except for trying to figure out the dang chat room problem. Ready for bed but really want to get it working first.
  24. Actually...SHE drove home. Almost made me want to take a pain pill.
  25. Thanks folks. We got home just a few minutes ago. Nothing like being home is there.
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