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Everything posted by Freebird

  1. Eck, I was really surprised but there was no penalty. I expected to get slammed but apparently there is no penalty in Ohio. I DID have to pay the sales tax on what I paid for it back when though. There was no fudging either because the previous owner had filled out the selling price on the back of the title. I tried to tell the lady that the bike was no longer worth that but she just laughed at me...imagine that.
  2. OK folks, I'm getting ready to pull the trigger on the changes to the forum. I have held off because some folks do not use PayPal and had mailed checks and money orders. I think that I have received most of them. Everybody who has paid should be marked now as a supporting member. You should see "supporting member" beside your username in any post that you have made. You can also see it in your UserCP at the upper right, across from your username. If you have paid and are not marked so, you need to let me know today. If you mailed a check but I haven't yet received it, let me know and I'll go ahead and mark you paid and trust that it will get to me. When I make the final changes, probably tonight, registered but non-supporting members will no longer be able to post messages. Even as I type this, I'm not sure exactly what areas will be open for read only but some will certainly be for members only. After the change, any new people who register will get a 15 day free trial. At the end of that trial, they will be automatically moved to the non-supporting group. So, if you have paid and are not marked as such, please let me know today. If you want to pay and haven't done so, go to your UserCP and scroll down until you see "Paid Subsriptions" in the left menu. Click on that and follow the instructions. You will be able to pay via PayPal. You do not have to be registered at PayPal to do so. It will allow you to pay via PayPal, credit card or ECheck. Thanks, Don
  3. OK folks, it's been a while since we have had any new T-Shirts made up for our members. Crash used to take care of this but he is no longer in the business. Do we have any members here who are in the silk screening business? I am looking for somebody who is willing to help me with the design of a new shirt, willing to have them made up and do the inventory, shipping, etc. If you are interested, send me a PM or an email and we'll see what we can work out. We already have a member who does embroidery on caps and shirts but not screenprinting, dye sublimation, etc. If nobody here is in the business, I'll start looking for a vendor elsewhere.
  4. Thanks to A1Bummer for providing this info and the pictures. If you need a new thermostat, there is a Napa #156 and on the Napa box was a #33708 that I was able to cross reference to a Stant #13758 at my local auto parts dealer. A stat at the MC stealer was ~$30 and at the auto parts dealer it was ~$7. All are 180* stats. Thanks, Bill
  5. In May of 1999, I bought my brand new Royal Star Venture. I put about 35,000 miles on it pretty quickly but then about 6 or 7 years ago, ran across another '99 model down in Southern Ohio that only had 5,000 miles on it. The price was about the same as I knew I could sell mine for so I bought it, moved all my accessories and etc. over to the new one and then sold my original on Ebay. The new one was the same color and etc. so it was like I hadn't even changed bikes except for the mileage. So this weekend I was looking through some papers and came upon the title for my bike. You can imagine how surprised I was to notice that I had never transferred it into my name. It was one of those things where I thought my wife and done it and she assumed that I had done it and it just didn't get done. I still received my registration notice every year from the previous '99 so I always just renewed the plates and kept on going. The problem was, the plates were actually assigned to the VIN number of the old bike. I guess I've been lucky because I've never been stopped so there has been no reason for them to run the VIN number against the plates. I DID change the insurance when I traded so my insurance was on the correct bike. So, yesterday morning I stopped by the BMV and finally transferred the title to my name. So, I guess I FINALLY own the bike that I've been riding for 6 or 7 years.
  6. Mike, Annie has a RSV, they are different than your '84. They do work just fine with the braided lines though, I have them on mine as do many here. They are a bit of a pain to get bled but you just have to stay with it. Seems I had to use quick/short pumps to get them to finally build up some pressure and then bleed them as you normally would.
  7. You can add me to the list of Corvair owners. I don't remember for sure but I THINK it was a '62 model. Plain Jane....4 door. Used it for a work car because I didn't like parking my new Chevelle SS at the construction site where I was working at the time.
  8. Moving this to the Darksiders forum. You will get much better response there.
  9. Folks, let's please keep it nice. I too had my own issues with Alan Cease and that is the main reason that I am not a member now but there are many great folks involved with the local chapters. Chances are, you'll never have to deal with Alan. The best advice given here is to check out your local chapter if you want to and you may find them to be a great group of folks. In fact, that's probably exactly what you'll find. Let's please keep this thread respectful though. No reason for any name calling at all.
  10. I've had my problems with Verizon customer service also. I just hate it when I have to deal with them for any reason. I travel a LOT though and know from experience that they have the absolute best cellular coverage in the USA. I've tried a couple of others over the years, including AT&T, but there were just way too many times when I didn't have a signal when I traveled. Even here at the house, AT&T signal is hit and miss. So...I just stay with Verizon for now and hope I don't have a problem that requires talking to them. We had our land lines taken out about 2 years ago except for the DSL. We use cellular phones exclusively for voice. You do not have to have a voice land line in order to have DSL.
  11. I can tell you for a fact that the RSV will do it. I don't make a habit of it but have done it once or twice over the past 10 years. Now that I have the VMAX rear, it would be even easier.
  12. It is possible that your bike is still under warranty though. I know it's an '03 model but it depends upon when it was purchased. The 5 year warranty starts at the purchase date, not the date it was manufactured.
  13. It was our honor to have you here and Eileen and I were truly happy that you accepted our invitation to stay with us for a couple of days. My only hope is that your visit can be longer next time.
  14. Are you talking about the old ones or the new ones? I think all the new ones are made in India. Don't now much about them other than that.
  15. Dave, Even if it has been posted before, we wouldn't have purposefully ignored you. At the very least somebody would have posted a link to the article. Sometimes when there are just a lot of posts, one gets overlooked. Sorry about that.
  16. I agree...he did some bonehead things but the guy was almost a musical genius. Sad that the turned out the way he did towards the end.
  17. Just a huge shout of thanks to Coveralls. They were already a gold member for their past donations to rallies but now they are not only offering two of their covers as prizes at our International Rally at the Hub but they are also offering a discount to any VentureRider member who wishes to order direct from them. See the topic area "Vendors who offer us Discounts" for details. You can see their products at their site but you must call in your order to obtain the discount. Their online system is not setup to calculate the discount. http://www.coveralls.biz/
  18. Great news from a Great company. Though already a "Gold Vendor" due their generous past donations, Coveralls is now offering a 10% discount to all VentureRider members. To obtain the discount, you must CALL your order in because their online system is not setup at this time to figure discounts. Just give them a call and mention that you are a VentureRider member to obtain your discount. They are a great company with a great product. http://www.coveralls.biz/
  19. They will basically look like the small patches. Black background with silver colored text and border.
  20. Yes, approximately the same size. About 3.5" x 2.75".
  21. Yes, I hope to get to that tomorrow night.
  22. It a forum topic area. Two under the watering hole.
  23. I've always liked the "domed" style decals and am thinking about ordering some of our logo. They would basically look like our small patches (Pictures of those in the VentureRider merchandise area) but these would be domed style decals that are UV stable and designed for outdoor use. Price will depend upon quantity but I'm shooting for about $4.00 each including postage within the USA and probably $4.50 to Canada. ONLY if enough of you are interested. Here is a picture of one for Buell...ours would NOT say Buell.
  24. I've owned 3 Ford Taurus's. I never had a moments trouble out of any of them. Put well over 100,000 miles on two of them. My son is driving one now, '96 model I think that belonged to my mother in law. It has about 85,000 miles on it and is really working out well for him. I have no preference to Ford and have owned more GM vehicles than Fords but the Taurus is a good car that would probably server you well for many miles.
  25. For performance, my top recommendation would be to add the VMAX rear. The second would probably the the Dyna ignition module. I don't think that changing the timing curve helps that much but setting the rev limiter to 7250 - 7500 allows you to really crank these things up, especially after you add the VMAX rear.
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