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Everything posted by Freebird

  1. Very easy. If you have done it on a car, you can do it on the bike. Same principle.
  2. Ride it up to Oberlin, OH and I'll tune it for you.
  3. I would try Rick at Buckeye Performance. I don't know if he has these or not but I would check with him or one of our other supporting vendors. I don't know much about Partshark. I've heard pretty good things about their service but they bothered me a little bit in that they wanted to post their ads and specials here in our forum but were not willing to become an official vendor here by offering our members a discount, donating some prizes to our rally or helping support the club in any way. Sorry, they may be great but I felt that they were trying to use our site for unpaid advertising and that's just not fair to the fine vendors who support us in one way or another. THEY are the ones that I try first to honor with my business.
  4. Just got this email from Trimster. If anybody is in that area and can lend a hand, I'm sure he would appreciate it. I need some help if I could. I am in crisis mode and need some help on the road. I'm south of San Antonio, Tx with a blown rear shock on my RSV. I need to be back on the road Sunday headed home to Salt Lake City. Being as I can not post to the list, could you post something for me to the 2nd generation tech talk area? I need help with locating a shock and someplace to install it (I'm in an RV park with no tools, etc.).... or I need advice on a dealer to go to in this area. Your help is greatly appreciated. I can be contacted at 8zero1-44zero-eight 721 Big thanks Bob & Lisa Trim
  5. I think that you have purchased one of the best beginner and/or commuter bikes that has ever been made. If you take care of it, you will likely get all your money back when you sell it. I'll never fully understand why Honda stopped making the 450 Rebel.
  6. We are talking the the optional chrome covers that are available from Yamaha. If you use them, they will not fit over the stock filters. Never made any sense to me that Yamaha would design their chrome covers in a manner that the stock filters would no longer work.
  7. This is a complicated subject. It can be argued many different ways. Somebody asked "where do the profits go"...well...I'm sure that much of the profit goes to the country where the company is based. What do they do with those profits though? That is the real question. At least some of those profits end up being invested in new plants and equipment in the USA. What is better? If you buy a Chevrolet, Ford, Chrysler, etc. that is made in Mexico, South Korea, etc.....then it's the workers in those countries that have jobs, pay taxes, spend money in the local economies. If you buy a Toyota, Nissan, etc. that is made in the USA. Then it's the American worker who has a job, pays taxes, pumps money back into the economy. I'm not really arguing one side or the other but simply saying that this is not a black and white issue. I consider a lot of different issues when I am deciding what to purchase. We each have to decide where our priorities lie.
  8. You deserved it Roadkill. You have been there many times willing and ready to lend a hand. Thanks for all you do. Folks, these awards are fun and just a little way of thanking somebody for going that extra mile for another member. I can't possibly keep up with and often don't even know when somebody is deserving of one. Any member here can nominate another member for an award. If somebody has gone above and beyond to lend you a helping hand, just click on VRAwards in the upper menu bar and nominate them for one. You can even nominate yourself if you feel you are deserving for any reason. Don't feel bad about it.
  9. I have tightened mine and several others. It should be said though, Yamaha typically does NOT put enough grease on these bearings. Much like the rear ends, they seem to think that they don't need much. You can tighten them and it does help but with a lack of grease, you tighten them and they will wear fairly quickly and you will have to tighten them again. These bearings REALLY need to be repacked. If they are greased properly and then tightened properly there should be no reason to have to tighten them very often if ever. You may have to tighten them once or twice as they seat in after being repacked but that's all. If you are continuously having to tighten them then I think you are going to need new bearings sooner rather than later. You are having to tighten them because they are wearing too much due to the lack of grease.
  10. If nobody has a set, I see that Pinwall does have some for $99.00 or something like that. They are actually a pretty good deal because the come with a set of DiamondR extensions. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Yamaha-Venture-PASSENGER-FLOORBOARDS-W-LEG-EXTENSIONS_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQ_trkparmsZQ7c293Q3a1Q7c294Q3a30QQ_trksidZp4634Q2ec0Q2em14Q2el1262QQhashZitem1e5760a0ccQQitemZ130314969292QQptZMotorcyclesQ5fPartsQ5fAccessories
  11. I think it will be the same as in the past. You have to be there to win any prized EXCEPT for the Grand Prize which is the trailer. One reason for the prizes is to encourage attendance.
  12. I agree...I've been to Florida many times but have never ridden a bike there.
  13. HEY...it REALLY bothers me too. I headed that way for bike week one year but didn't make it. Long story.
  14. I agree with Redneck. That's the only reason I have them also and I agree with his comment about them not filtering as well.
  15. Very good. I LIKE patriotic mini skirts.
  16. If that one won't work, give Rod at Pinwall Cycle Parts a call. Tell him that Don from VentureRider told you to call him. He has parted out a lot of second gens and probably has one. His number is (330)879-9910
  17. Here are Tom's pics. He's having a problem uploading them for some reason.
  18. I absolutely don't understand the confusion...hmmmmm
  19. Annie, I think you are a very nice looking couple. You look as sweet as your posts reveal you to be. Thanks for FINALLY posting some pics.
  20. HEY...that's a VERY SPECIAL CAMERA. Besides, it's probably trying to predict when it might sell. Doesn't seem to be a lot of interest in old bikes in this economy. A year ago these things were bringing pretty good money.
  21. Sorry about that. I have added her but if you want her removed again, you're gonna have to send me that $100.00.
  22. I pasted the link wrong....it is there now. Sorry about that.
  23. Well folks, it was fun but it is time for somebody else to enjoy it now. I have just listed my bike on Ebay. If anybody is looking, now is the time. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1972-Honda-CT90_W0QQitemZ300327944924QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUS_motorcycles?hash=item45ecf0c2dc&_trksid=p4506.c0.m245&_trkparms=65%3A12|39%3A1|72%3A317
  24. You bet..and thanks for all the input. Even though it turned out to be a 30 cent nut instead of a $500.00 pump, I still learned a lot from all the posts. Thanks much to all.
  25. OK...so now I feel pretty stupid. uh....THANKS though. The bolt had come out of one end of that dampener. I WOULD like to say that it is VERY WELL HIDDEN.
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