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Everything posted by Freebird

  1. I would just about bet that it's totally useless. Popular Science had an article about a year ago where they tested all the fuel saving devices on the market now and not a single one of them improved the mileage or performance and some actually did the opposite. I don't remember this particular device being tested but I would be that it will do nothing.
  2. You are pretty much as wide as you can go. Look at the clearance you have now between the swingarm and the tire. I wouldn't try it.
  3. Do you wanna bet on that? No WAIT...it's the betting that got you in trouble last time.
  4. I'm too embarrassed to repeat the names that she mentioned. They are too Girly.
  5. 新しいYamahaの高貴な星の投機のスパイの写真にYamahaのライダーが興奮とぶんぶんうなることをある。 現在のモデル投機の古典的なスタイルを作ることを保っている間、新しいモデルは多分どんな一見を同じV4発電所のわずかに修正バージョンであることは VMAXの地上のポンドで最近解放したか組み込んでいる間現在のモデルよりより少しをわずかに重くするバイクに終って多くの軽量の合金フレームの部品を利 用するようである。 少し多くは現時点で知っているあるが、第一印象から、Yamahaがずっと顧客を全く聞いているようである。
  6. If you really insist on having the stock kit, Pinwall has one on Ebay for $19.95. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Yamaha-Royal-Star-XVZ1300-1300-TOOL-POUCH-W-TOOLS_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQ_trksidZp4634Q2ec0Q2em14Q2el1262QQhashZitem518ab6cd20QQitemZ350219586848QQptZMotorcyclesQ5fPartsQ5fAccessories
  7. Are you SURE you looked at the right dog? She is only about 2 years old. You folks have come up with some good names. Probably won't matter though. Eileen called and said that the mutt is now in the back of her SUV and they are headed towards home. She already has a couple of names in mind.
  8. Sgripp posted what he uses and then deleted it for some reason. Maybe the link was bad. I use that same one though. I saw it on Rick Butler's bike while at the hub and he told me that he picked it up at Cycle Gadgets. I picked one up when we rode over there. I like it a lot. Like some others have stated, I move mine back and forth between the bike and my work car so needed it mounted so that I could easily remove it. Here is the link again. Only $5.50. http://www.cyclegadgets.com/Products/gps/detail.asp?prod=ZUMO Then scroll down the page until you see the Ram Bracket for the Garmin GXM-30. It works great. I found though that the magnet is too weak when you are on rough roads and the antenna will eventually vibrate to the side. It comes with two screws that you can secure it to the mount with. The antenna is already drilled and tapped for them. Works great.
  9. Eileen just called. She left early this morning and was going to drive about another hour which would put her in Springfield, MO. Her brother went with her so she isn't driving out there all alone and I'm glad about that. Ventura isn't bad but the dog is a female and I'm not sure that's a great name for a female. Any other suggestions? Do we need to hold a contest?
  10. Ross, The reason is because of the way the internal search engine works. What it does is that it indexes all the words in the posts. I can set it at whatever length I want but if I go too low then the search index gets HUGE. I think I have it set on 4 characters at this time. If you want to search for shorter words, click on "Search" and then at the bottom of the menu that opens, you will see a "Google" option. Enter "fan" or any other word in the Google box and then select to search "venturerider.org" and it will search for the shorter words using the Google search engine.
  11. Took me probably 5 hours or so. That included modifying them to accept the stock weights and also installing the new SS clutch and brake lines.
  12. First was a Honda S90. I was 14 years old and it was shared with my brother. I let him have it completely about 2 months later when I bought a Harley 250 Sprint.
  13. Those of you who were at the rally know that my wife fell in love with a dog that was hanging around the hub. Some here had posted that there would be a new VentureRider mascot. Well...Eileen just can't stand it any longer so she called me today to tell me that she is leaving for Arkansas again tomorrow morning to get her. I guess we are indeed getting a dog.
  14. I just saw the other day where Ohio is legalizing crossbows for dear hunting this year. I used to do some bow hunting with a compound but lived in Texas where crossbows were illegal for hunting at the time. I haven't hunted in years though.
  15. I don't want to be an alarmist because I'm not even 100% sure that it's the right brand. We have a rider that rides with a local MTA chapter though that has been pushing this oil for a couple of years now and I'm ALMOST sure that it's Shaeffer oil. I just looked at the website you posted and it seems to verify my thoughts. It has friction reducers in it. I will NEVER use an oil that has friction reducers added. The guy that I'm talking about claims that they will not cause clutch slippage but there are MANY here who can tell you for a fact that they do cause clutch problems. Use it if you wish but I'll pass thank you. I also see that you are a rep for Shaeffer oil and understand you wanting to promote your product but I'm sorry that I can't support it.
  16. It's been a few years but the last time I was there, there were no tolls. Beautiful country though.
  17. Heck...I taught Bill everything I know while at the Hub so either I'm not too good with these 'puters either or he's a slow learner.
  18. I agree with most of what you said but not all. I don't want this to turn into yet another of those threads that ends up being deleted but I need to address one thing. Freedom of Speech in a private organization is NOT guaranteed by the Bill of Rights or anything else. This is a private club and there are a few rules. One is that political discussion and debate is not allowed. Inflammatory remarks and personal attacks on fellow members is not allowed. There are a few rules which are clearly spelled out here and repeated way more than should be necessary. This is not a government organization. I hate censorship and it always pains me and the other moderators when it becomes necessary but it would NEVER be necessary if the members here would simply think about what they post before doing so. Most are VERY good about doing so but some feel that they must always push the envelope as far as they can. It really needs to stop.
  19. Folks, we all have the right to our own opinions but name calling and personal attacks on another member because you may not agree with what they say or an action that they did or didn't take will not be allowed here. If you can't state your opinion without the personal attacks then please don't state it at all.
  20. I'll just add my 2 cents and agree with the others here. Peggy, you did nothing wrong. In fact, I was wondering just the other day how that trial had turned out and wasn't even sure it had happened yet. It is often not the first post that is a problem but a response to a response and etc. Please don't feel that you have done anything wrong.
  21. POOF....and it's done.
  22. Heck, I don't know that it got rained out and it certainly wasn't your fault. I think we were just beat from a good day of riding and our hearts probably just weren't in it. Thanks much for the idea and maybe next time we can make it happen. It was a pleasure getting to know you and your wife a bit.
  23. Home safely. Unpacked. Gonna lay in bed now and see what's on the tube. Unfortunately, gotta hit the road again tomorrow and will be gone all week on business. It was fun while it lasted.
  24. What can I say. The past two weeks have been a glorious time for Eileen and I. We had to leave Vogel yesterday before the meal but we had a wonderful time. This entire trip has been fantastic. We left Ohio a little over two weeks ago and have really taken our time on this one. Been in no hurry and until yesterday, had not ridden any interstates at all except for about 15 or so miles near Memphis getting to our hotel. We have slept in most days and then done only about 350-400 miles per day most days. The rally in Arkansas was fantastic. Bill and crew did a heck of a job organizing it and I don't know how it could have been any better other than perhaps the weather being a bit cooler. Then over to Vogel where Lewis hosted his usual class act. All who helped with both rallies will be justly recognized when I get back home and have more time to get things done. Eileen and I left Vogel around noon yesterday and took a couple hours of back roads again before finally jumping on the interstate and truly heading for home. Stopped in Lexington, KY for the night and will make the final 330 mile leg home today. I hate for it to all end but that ugly 4 letter word....WORK....is screaming at me from somewhere deep inside and it must be appeased. It was great seeing old friends and meeting new ones. You are all the best and I look forward to much more in the future.
  25. BRAKES? THAT'S what I was forgetting.
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