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Everything posted by Freebird

  1. Skid was right. That is how you change your password for logging into the site.
  2. OK folks...it is time to start thinking about a place and date for the VR International Rally in 2010. I know that we will get a ton of different opinions but I'm ready for them....... BUT.... Keep in mind, we need to have folks in the area of the rally that are willing to step up to the plate and put it together. Snarley Bill and his group did a great job this year as have all those in the past who took on these rallies. It takes time and effort to arrange a host hotel, find camping areas, order shirts and etc. So who wants to suggest a place and volunteer to head the planning committee?
  3. No problem. I'm glad it was that simple.
  4. Well...it works for me...just waiting to make sure there are no major conflicts with too many of YOU.
  5. Don't pack yet..the date is in question again. Nance was kind enough to contact the Oberlin Inn and found that they are almost booked for that Friday night. Only 14 rooms available due to a Oberlin College trustees meeting. We can move it to the next weekend and they will have 40 rooms available. That would make it Saturday June the 19th. So....any comments?
  6. Have you checked the squelch on your CB? If it is set too low, you will pick up transmissions and the radio goes out when that happens. Try setting it all the way up to max on the squelch.
  7. Off Topic posts deleted. Please keep it respectful.
  8. You might try Rick at http://www.buckeyeperformance.com
  9. Just deleted 3 political posts in this thread. Come on people. Maybe someday if enough people want the rules changes, then it will be considered but right now that's not the case. Please don't turn a request to refrain from political posts to a springboard for that very thing.
  10. OK folks...it's a little later than I would like to have it but due to company meetings and etc. and then the Oberlin College graduation weekend, looks like the second weekend of June it will be. That is Saturday June 12th. So, there you have it. Hope to see many of you here.
  11. He did some good movies. Sure hated to hear the news but it was not a total surprised based upon recent reports. Only 57, what a shame.
  12. All of you are SO pathetic as this that I'm only going to let this one run for a few days. I think on Friday evening or Saturday morning I'll choose a winner and then get the gauges in the mail. I don't know how many of these I can read.
  13. Heck Charlie, you would be unique regardless of what you were riding.
  14. Looks like we were typing at the same time. I'll pick another date. Thanks for thinking of that.
  15. Yea, I'm going to have to pick another weekend. I hate to admit it but that Mini Mouse..uh....I mean Muffin is right. I just checked the Oberlin College site and that is indeed graduation weekend. I'll get back to all of you with another date.
  16. Eileen and I actually got a few miles in today also. Left here about 11:00 and headed down to the area of Cambridge, OH. We wanted to ride through Salt Fork State Park just because we hadn't been through there before. Ended up riding about 265 miles and YES...we DID stop at the DQ for ice cream just before getting home.
  17. I'm trying to set a date for the annual Freebird's Maintenance Day. First week of June is out because I have a company trade show that weekend. I'm looking now at the last weekend of May. That would be the weekend of the 29th. That is also Memorial Day weekend though. That works fine for me but maybe not for many of you who would like to attend. So I need your feedback. How many of you have a problem with it being on Memorial Day weekend?
  18. OK folks...I recently replaced my Sunpro gauges on the '99 RSV with a new faceplate from Ponch and a new set of Equus gauges. I liked the off white color of the new gauges better. So, I have a set of Sunpro gauges with the chrome faceplate available to one of you for free. You will have to pick up or make the adapters for the water sensor as we all do but everything else will be there. So who do I give them to? Let's try to have some fun with this. I want to hear your hard luck stories about why you need a set of free gauges. Your milk cow went dry, whatever. Just submit your best FICTIONAL story about how down and out you are and I'll choose a winner based upon what I think is the best submission.
  19. I too have the Corbin and it is leather. I think it is much cooler than the stock vinyl seats.
  20. I don't remember the exact from and to places but the longest for me solo was about 1020 miles in about 17 hours from I think somewhere in Tennessee to somewhere in PA. The longest two up was coming home from Alberta, Canada a few years ago with Eileen. We did just over 700 miles one day. Don't remember how long that one was but probably about 12 hours or so. Both of these were on the '99 RSV.
  21. Actually I could add music. I could even do it in a way that it would be optional for those who want to hear it and those who don't. The problem is that it would use a TON of bandwidth and could get very expensive. Let me check into that and see what options are available. I do have music in the chat room and I think that Freebird is still there, don't remember for sure now. I actually need to change the chat room music, same songs have been there a long time.
  22. It varies for everybody depending upon rider and passenger weight and etc. but I would start at around 35 lbs. and see how that works out. I think the maximum is 57 pounds but that is just from memory and I may be wrong. Front is fine at 0 but 7 lbs. is max. Don't try using a airhose from a compressor for either one. They are very low volume and you can easily blow the seals. Most of us use a hand pump from Progressive Suspension.
  23. Great to hear from you. I know you are busy but you have GOT to stop ignoring us here. Heck...we are family TOO you know. I wish you the very best with your new career. I know that things are busy for you right now but sure hope that you and Sam can make Maintenance Day again next year. I'm leaning towards the last weekend of May. Congrats to your son and new daughter.
  24. I used to have the Samson turndowns on my '99. They sounded good but were WAY too loud for me. I think they are about the loudest aftermarket pipes you can buy for the Venture.
  25. Does anybody here love Skynyrd? DUH.......
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