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Everything posted by Freebird

  1. Are you commuting 128 miles one way or round trip? If round trip, are you saying that you can't do 128 miles on a tank of gas? Sure seems low.
  2. I've lost one of the covers over the visor screw on my Nolan N41 helmet. I've looked everywhere for a replacement and even ordered a couple of times but always get a email back saying that it is not available. So, if you have an old Nolan N41 that you want to sell, please let me know. I don't care if the helmet is totally trashed out, I just need the small covers on the side that cover the allen screw for the shield. I'll pay you for the helmet, you can send me the covers and then through the helmet away.
  3. Yes, but he said that he needed to buy one to trade with somebody.
  4. I don't know but here is his contact info. Telephone360-556-1733Postal address Roy Puchalski, P.O. Box 142, Roy WA 98580Electronic mail Sales and Customer Support: venturedad@earthlink.net
  5. I don't think anybody here has done a step by step pictorial, I wish somebody would. At any rate, you will need to bleed the clutch and brakes if you change the cables.
  6. I've posted in the Merchandise section that I am out of Guardian Bells but I actually have two or three still if you need one. Just send me a PM.
  7. I would like to know how you guys are even FINDING the I basket. It was reported long ago that Yamaha was not selling the basket and it could only be obtained through the regional reps. When I do a search for it at Partshark or anywhere else, all I see listed is the H baskets.
  8. You don't have to rewire the entire system. Just pick up a 12" adapter cable at many truckstops or from walcottcb online. On the FM side, just cut off the cable right at the antenna and crimp or solder a new connector on. Very simple.
  9. No, I don't see how they could. They are entirely different.
  10. If your antennas are on the wrong side, they are most likely NOT going to the correct units as the stock cable from the CB would not reach the unit if it's mounted on the wrong side.
  11. I've never owned one but know several people who have. They were all generally happy with them but I remember something about a problem with a rear engine seal or something that was an expensive repair I think.
  12. Don't worry about that. I've learned to always keep a lookout now when I'm around this bunch.
  13. I could probably make it from stop to stop without it but that's not the point. The point is that I LIKE sipping on my coffee from time to time while I'm riding. I enjoy it. I could car less about a status symbol or anything else. It just adds to my enjoyment ... period. I travel daily for my job in my company car and there is seldom a time when I don't have a cup of coffee with me.
  14. Folks...I was just looking again at the park site and the thing about cabins must be reserved for a week during the summer is a real concern to me. I hope that you guys check on this soon and then we can talk about it again. To some, this will probably be a deal breaker. It also said that during other times, you must combine a Friday and Saturday night.
  15. I can see why some would rather have it on a weekend. It would enable those who are closer to possibly make it without using any vacation time. On the other hand, it would mean that those who are further away would have to at least split some vacation time over the week before and the week after due to travel days. I was a bit surprised to see Mon-Wed though. I think we have normally done them on Tue-Th. Don't know that it really matters.
  16. Yea, that could be a difference. The RSV does have a low fuel light but it's not in the speedo but the lower left of the fairing.
  17. That is correct. I use Firefox and it works that way. The only option available for IE is ISpell where you have to right click on and choose check spelling or use the ISpell icon in the upper right of this box.
  18. I used to have a set of Samson turnouts and they were LOUD but never got any louder. They had permanent steel bafflers that never needed repacking. Don't know if yours are the same or not.
  19. Looks great Lewis. Almost looks like the 2003 Harley Anniversary Edition Venture.
  20. Lehman makes a nice kit for the Suzuki. Don't know why they don't offer anything for the VStar. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Suzuki-Intruder-VS800FLP-1998-Suzuki-Custom-Trike-VS800GLP_W0QQitemZ180408635248QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUS_motorcycles?hash=item2a01314f70&_trksid=p4506.c0.m245 http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Suzuki-Intruder-2003-Suzuki-Volusia-800-Romani-Trike-by-Lehman_W0QQitemZ220481761747QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUS_motorcycles?hash=item3355bcb1d3&_trksid=p4506.c0.m245
  21. I've never heard of them either. They have some strange but actually pretty cool looking kits. Barebones kit for a shaft drive bike is $7,000.00. Sounds like a decent price until you see what comes with it. Seems like you get a lot less than you do with a Tri-Wing or Hannigan kit. Not sure it's such a bargain but they will make one for any bike model so that is a good thing.
  22. Even riding on the hottest of days, I've never had mine get more than barely warm. Doesn't sound right to me.
  23. I wouldn't think so but I suppose anything is possible. Maybe you could unhook the power to it for a few days to test it?
  24. I'm not sure about Squidley but I think it was BradT that helped me keep all them numbers straight. So....what is the bet for NEXT year?
  25. OK folks. I've added all the dates that I am now aware of to the countdown page at: http://www.venturerider.org/rally/ Please check it and let me know if any of them are wrong. Also, any that I need to delete or others that need to be added. Will there be a Skid In? A Cody Roundup? A St. Charles Meet? Don
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