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Everything posted by Freebird

  1. OK folks, I've had a few emails lately asking about my condition. So, I suppose it's time to let you know what condition my condition is in. As for the cancer, I honestly don't know. I was told after the surgery and radiation that they could not tell me anything until I go back for my 6 month checkup. That appointment is on November 2nd. At that time, I will go back to Boston to have all the tests repeated and only then will I know if the treatment was successful. As for the vision. They told me at the time of the treatment that the primary goal was to treat the cancer. They said that if they were able to save my vision, that should be considered a bonus. They also warned me to got get overly optimistic because any vision loss would not necessarily be immediate but could come at any time as long as two years after the treatment. I had started to get very confident because my vision had remained unchanged...that is until about a month ago. A few weeks ago I started thinking that I was losing some of my vision. It was hard to tell for sure but I just felt that there was a bit of cloudiness in the peripheral vision of my right eye. Then I would think that I was just imagining it. Well, it has continued to get worse and there is no doubt that I am losing vision in my right eye. Over the past few weeks, the vision has gotten progressively worse. I'm going to estimate that it is probably cloudy about 30% to the right and seems to be getting worse pretty quickly. So, that's the status at this time. Only time will tell how far the vision loss progresses. It could level out where it now is or I could lose it completely in that eye. The good news is that it is at least a fairly gradual thing so that helps me adjust to it as it happens. If I lose it all but then find out in November that they DID get all the cancer, then that is a blessing. Sorry I took so long before I let you all know what is going on. Heck...I don't always accept things as quickly as I should. It was only late last week that I finally told my wife that I thought I was going blind in my right eye. I guess I thought that if I just kept it to myself and ignored it, then it wasn't really happening. Thank you all for your emails and even more so, for your prayers. They mean more than I can ever express to you. Don
  2. Well...I don't know what to say. I'm sorry you are losing the insurance but glad you had enough notice to get some important things taken care of. We will keep you in our prayers and I know that things will go OK.
  3. Very nice indeed. Great choice of colors.
  4. It is strange to me though that they made one for the RSTD and it came out later and has already been discontinued.
  5. I'm just glad that things have turned out OK for you. Everybody deserves to be happy in life and I'm happy for you.
  6. You are late Squidley. Though most everything you said is still very relevant and well said. It is decided though, Potato Creek is the site of the 2010 International. Though not completely central, it's not all that bad as for east to west and even north to south if you are talking the entire USA and Canada. It will be a great place especially since it was the site of our very first rally.
  7. As far as I know, there was never any decision made about alternating it between the US and Canada. In fact, I said last year that we might do 2010 here in Ohio. Due to the 5 year anniversary though, I think that Potato Creek is a good choice for this year. No promises but we'll look very closely at Kootney for the following year. That being said, Potato Creek it is for 2010. Now we need to decide on a date.
  8. You can buy a DC Adapter for the Ipod that plugs right into the Ipod and then into the accessory outlet in the dash. Here's an example. http://cgi.ebay.com/USB-DC-Car-Charger-Adapter-For-IPOD-MP3-Nano-3G-Video_W0QQitemZ300342906860QQcmdZViewItemQQptZOther_MP3_Player_Accessories?hash=item45edd50fec&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14
  9. I'm leaning towards Potato Creek also. So should we start talking dates and who to head up the committee?
  10. OOPS...sorry about that. Company this weekend and I forgot all about them. OK....I read all the stories and some were pretty creative. Rather than try to figure out the best one, I just used a random number generator and picked the post came up. Actually though, the winner would have been one of my top choices and that one is: SYLVESTER I will PM for his address and get them shipped tomorrow.
  11. OOPS...sorry about that. Company this weekend and I forgot all about them. OK....I read all the stories and some were pretty creative. Rather than try to figure out the best one, I just used a random number generator and picked the post came up. Actually though, the winner would have been one of my top choices and that one is: SYLVESTER I will PM for his address and get them shipped tomorrow.
  12. Mine would be WHITE. Love that color.
  13. Ride Ride Ride....don't give it another thought.
  14. The links seem to work with the programming change I made. The listing really has ended now though. The changes that I made won't affect the old links that have been posted but I think it is going to be OK with any new ones. We'll see.
  15. WOW....I had FINALLY manged to forget about the false starts. That was painful. Now the nightmares will probably start again.
  16. Don't worry about that. I'm going to appoint a committee this year and their sole purpose will be to watch after that woman.
  17. Sounds like it's about time for me to change the date again.
  18. Trying this link again. Just make a change in the programing code that I hope will solve the Ebay link problems. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&_rdc=1&item=160362059027&ru=http%3A%2F%2Fshop.ebay.com%3A80%2F%3F_from%3DR40%26_trksid%3Dp3907.m38.l1313%26_nkw%3D160362059027%26_sacat%3DSee-All-Categories%26_fvi%3D1&viewitem=
  19. I can only imagine the apprehension that you and your wife must feel. I know I would. Please make sure your son knows how much we appreciate what he is doing for all of us.
  20. She's a cutie. Looks like a very happy young lady too.
  21. I agree...great color choices. I look forward to seeing it all back together. You DO remember how it goes back together right?
  22. Yes David, plenty of camping space in my yard. You will have a lot of company.
  23. Congrats Carl. I'm really happy for you both. Maybe I'll actually come and visit. Now ignore Dano...everybody here knows that I'M the mower guy...er....there's not a pond is there?
  24. I had a similar problem when we went to the Colorado rally. It turned out to be a bad coil. Number 3 on my bike. Several others here have lost the number 3 coil also for whatever reason. V7Goose has been looking at the coils and has looked at a couple of bad ones and is thinking that the coils are possibly OK but it's corrosion in the plug cap that is causing the problem.
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