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Everything posted by Freebird

  1. If you are interested in these, please indicate how many you will want.
  2. OK...it's not a serious problem and not even one that I'm going to spend a lot of time trying to track down. I am almost sure though that my cruise once worked in 4th and 5th gear. For a long time now though, it only works in 5th gear. I would seldom have a need to use it in 4th gear anyway but am curious as to whether or not I am just wrong in thinking that it used to work in 4th or if something is wrong. I briefly looked at the service manual yesterday and didn't immediately recognize where it gets the signal for what gear you are in. I'm thinking that maybe it comes from the TCI and if so, maybe it stopped working when I installed the Dyna3000. I could put the old TCI back on and test it but don't know that it's important enough for me to go to the trouble.
  3. I've read all the posts and seen a bit of pot stirring also. Here is my opinion. I could care less if you ride your bike all the way or trailer it to where you are going. There are many different kinds of bikers. Some love the "iron butt" rides and others prefer the comfort of the auto or truck A/C and being out of the weather but LOVE the open skies ride of a bike when they get to that scenic destination. As far as I'm concerned, all are bikers that enjoy riding whether it be long distance or just for local site seeing. The only ones that are POSERS in my opinion, are those who simply bought a bike because it was the "in thing" to do and all it does is sit in their garage or once a month to a local gathering spot to show it off. We've had trailers show up at most every VentureRider rally or major Meet that we have held. There will always be some light hearted teasing but those that show up with the trailers are just as highly regarded as those that ride thousands of miles to get there. So, come on over to my house for Maintenance Day in June. There is always plenty of parking for bikes as well as for your trailers. Either way, we will have a great time and you will be more than welcome. I'll add one more thing. I can think of many reasons why I would trailer if I needed to. Weather, health, whatever. I'm lucky that my wife is willing to sit on that back seat for hundreds and/or thousands of miles but if she wasn't willing to do so, I would much rather trailer if it meant she accompanying me.
  4. We have had pins in the past with our logo. We are out of them now I think...I may have one or two somewhere. I need to reorder them and will probably do so soon. Please folks, if you come up with an idea that uses our logo, name or motto....please run it by me first. We can't have anybody and everybody marking our items without approval. Oh...and by the way...I do like that pin. Very nicely done.
  5. Yes, you are right about what they are. I have two sets of those that I will likely never use. I do appreciate you looking though.
  6. I don't think so. I think that's the shield and the pivot mechanism. Thanks though.
  7. Yea, that would be great. What I need thought is the clear cover that goes OVER the screw on the side. It is rectangular, probably about 1 1/4" long by 3/4" wide. Just snaps into the rectangular opening and your remove it to get to the visor screws.
  8. Rick, I saw yours at the International Rally at the Hub. Looked great, much better than the Ubolt that comes with the mount. I just ordered one for my bike. Thanks for this info.
  9. I actually ordered from one of them yesterday. I tried once before and ended up getting an email telling me they weren't available. We'll see if I get anything this time. The other thing is, they don't show any pictures so I'm not even sure WHAT I ordered. I ordered the item that says Covers and hope that is right.
  10. OK folks...one of our members who wishes to remain anonymous has donated two riding jackets to be given away. I've been thinking about how to do it though and have decided to give them away as door prizes at maintenance day. I'm not 100% sure of the brand but I think they are Texport Duratrak. Whatever, they are very nice jackets. 3/4 length heavy cordura nylon with removable armor. Both are black with yellow trim. One is a large and the other is an extra large. I'm really just posting this so that the member doesn't think that I'm KEEPING them for myself. Now you have another incentive to make it to my Maintenance Day.
  11. I've never been there but this looks like it. http://www.billsbikebarn.com/
  12. I don't think there is a picture writeup anywhere. It is basically the same as bleeding brakes on a car if you have ever done that though. To do the front brakes, you remove the cover on the reservoir on the right handlebar. Make sure it is topped off with brake fluid. There is a bleeder screw on the bottom of the brake calipers. I usually start with the left one but on these bikes, it really doesn't matter. You may need somebody to help you but it can be done alone if you can reach the bleeder screw and the brake lever. Pull in the brake lever and while you have it pulled in, looses off on the bleeder screw. Then while you still have the lever pulled in, re-tighten the screw. Then release the lever. You repeat this process over and over until you have finally pumpled all the air out of the lines. It could take a while. Two things to watch for. Make sure that you always re-tighten the screw before releasing the lever. Make sure that the keep the reservoir full enough that you don't suck more air into the system. OH...and make SURE you don't drip any brake fluid on any painted surfaces because it WILL remove paint. I usually hold a towel under the reservoir when I am adding fluid. You basically do the clutch the exact same way except the bleeder screw is on the left side of the engine. Under a rubber flap. Hopefully some others will join in here with some tips to make it easier.
  13. Really sorry to hear of your and the families loss. From all you have written, he was obviously a very special person. Please know that you are in our prayers.
  14. No problem. Thanks for looking. I got little plastic bags with mine that have some clear side plates in them but none of the covers. I'll find an old helmet or something eventually. The N41 has been discontinued now.
  15. I used the stock weights also. If you don't have a welder, I provided instructions on how I did it here: [ame=http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=11122]Installing weights on Flanders bars - VentureRider.Org[/ame]
  16. Are you commuting 128 miles one way or round trip? If round trip, are you saying that you can't do 128 miles on a tank of gas? Sure seems low.
  17. I've lost one of the covers over the visor screw on my Nolan N41 helmet. I've looked everywhere for a replacement and even ordered a couple of times but always get a email back saying that it is not available. So, if you have an old Nolan N41 that you want to sell, please let me know. I don't care if the helmet is totally trashed out, I just need the small covers on the side that cover the allen screw for the shield. I'll pay you for the helmet, you can send me the covers and then through the helmet away.
  18. Yes, but he said that he needed to buy one to trade with somebody.
  19. I don't know but here is his contact info. Telephone360-556-1733Postal address Roy Puchalski, P.O. Box 142, Roy WA 98580Electronic mail Sales and Customer Support: venturedad@earthlink.net
  20. I don't think anybody here has done a step by step pictorial, I wish somebody would. At any rate, you will need to bleed the clutch and brakes if you change the cables.
  21. I've posted in the Merchandise section that I am out of Guardian Bells but I actually have two or three still if you need one. Just send me a PM.
  22. I would like to know how you guys are even FINDING the I basket. It was reported long ago that Yamaha was not selling the basket and it could only be obtained through the regional reps. When I do a search for it at Partshark or anywhere else, all I see listed is the H baskets.
  23. You don't have to rewire the entire system. Just pick up a 12" adapter cable at many truckstops or from walcottcb online. On the FM side, just cut off the cable right at the antenna and crimp or solder a new connector on. Very simple.
  24. No, I don't see how they could. They are entirely different.
  25. If your antennas are on the wrong side, they are most likely NOT going to the correct units as the stock cable from the CB would not reach the unit if it's mounted on the wrong side.
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