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Everything posted by Freebird

  1. Well what? I haven't been home long enough to take a picture of anything.
  2. Yes...but THAT worked to my advantage.
  3. Geeezzz......sounds like all of you had more fun that I did. Now I wish I had stayed home.
  4. I've got my order in for a fleece and 4 shirts. Eileen already has the fleece. Can't wait to see get them.
  5. My wife bought me the Tom Tom Rider 2 last Christmas. It seemed like a good unit but it has no hard wired audio output so I couldn't tie it into the RSV sound system. It is bluetooth out only and unless you want to buy some more gadgets to connect it via bluetooth, you won't be able to hear it through your headsets. I ended up taking it back and getting the Garmin Zumo 550 and have been very pleased with it.
  6. Looks like it would be VERY easy to build. At the price of steel now days, don't know how cheap you could actually build it though.
  7. I honestly think that either of those products would be just fine. I personally use the 50/50 Honda mix that I pick up at the local Honda motorcycle dealership. So no, I have not used either of those but don't think that there would be a problem.
  8. LOL...I SEE YOU. I'm not too far from the area but of course am never home.
  9. Great job. I have copied the first post to the Second Gen Tech Library.
  10. We have a number of Star members here and I know that there are some great members in that organization. I will never join due to an issue I had long ago with Alan Cease. I never joined after my free one year membership was up. He will never get a dime of my money. There are a couple of things in their "guidelines" that really irk me. 3. Links to other competing organizations, or non G rated sites. Vendor links should be put on the LINKS page. If we implemented this policy then anybody who posts such links to the Star information would be banned from VentureRider. I don't mind the posts but hate that it is so one sided when they don't allow the same. This is somewhat the reason that Alan and I got cross ways with each other years ago. 9. Personal grievances between members, STAR Touring and Riding Association, Star Motorcycles, Yamaha, dealers, vendors, or other organizations. Don't know if they still enforce it but there was a time when you were absolutely NOT allowed to say anything bad about Yamaha. I know of more than one person who was booted from Star for voicing some problems that they were having with their bikes and Yamaha would not take care of the issues. Not trying to convince anybody here to NOT join Star. They have some great members and it would be one of the finest clubs around, in my opinion, if it weren't for Alan Cease and maybe some of his senior officers. Sorry, but needed to let you all know how I feel about it.
  11. Very nicely done. Looks like a very informative and enjoyable site for those who live in or visit the state. Even enjoyable for those who don't.
  12. Yes, what he said.
  13. Not yet...but I'm still looking.
  14. I have 6 more. First come, first served.
  15. Annie is doing great. She is a wonderful dog. Very well behaved and very loving. Eileen insisted that we even take her with us over the weekend. She did great. I'll try to get some new pictures soon. She has settled right in here though.
  16. I don't know if there is a way to do that or not but I'll take a look tomorrow night.
  17. Well, we are back and had a nice time. Weather wasn't too good but we went in the car so it wasn't a big deal. Spent the weekend at Cook Forest in PA at MacBeth's Cabins. Great area if you have never been there. We have been there before on the bike and there is some fantastic riding. Would be a great place for a rally sometime in the future. I took the computer but there was no service. Heck...there wasn't even any cellular service so we were really disconnected. So...I got home and made my way through more than 700 emails. Now back on the road tomorrow.
  18. Eileen and I are going out of town for the weekend. I will be taking my computer but don't know if there is WIFI there so if you don't get a response to a post/pm/email....please be patient. Will respond Sunday night or Monday morning.
  19. OK....headed to the post office to ship the 4 that have ordered over the past couple of days. I also checked and I have a couple more than I thought so there are NOW 6 more left if anybody else wants one or two. Eileen and I are going away for the weekend. Anybody who orders after right about...NOW...will have to wait until Monday for shipment. Don
  20. I would need to see some pictorial proof of that.
  21. No, not that I know of. Even if there was, I wouldn't tell you.
  22. Well....first of all...those are NOT the right pictures. That is NOT my bike. The ones that Brad are talking about are around here somewhere though. I was not broke down however, just getting ready to move from Texas to Ohio. Just couldn't figure out how to drive two cars and ride the motorcycle at the same time. That Brad is just a trouble maker.
  23. A lot of us just split the fairing and hard wire the GPS power.
  24. I'm glad you all like them. I was hesitant the first time I did this because I had never tried this brand before. I can honestly say though, it keeps my coffee hotter than any travel mug I've ever owned. OK....I think I am down to 6 now. I have two to ship when I get home tomorrow.
  25. It will be interesting to see how the Autometer gauges work out. I like the look of the gauges but didn't want to give up the three gauge setup. The Equus gauges I ended up going with are very nice also. It just seems that even with two gauges it is going to be a very tight fit even vertically.
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