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Everything posted by Freebird

  1. I agree with the salt and I think that it's one of the single most important things you can do for your blood pressure. I was on blood pressure medication when I was about 30 years old. I was raised in a family where you salted your food automatically, before even tasting to see if salt was needed. After being on the blood pressure medicine for a couple of years, I stopped using salt on anything. I don't worry about buying salt free foods and etc but I just never touch a salt shaker. It's a bit hard at first but soon enough, you don't miss the extra salt at all. Within a few months I was off the blood pressure meds and have never needed them again.
  2. You know...I always thought that I would probably buy at least one more new bike during my lifetime but I've about come to the conclusion that I may not. My '99 tops the list as the all time favorite of those that I have owned and I've owned a lot of bikes over the years. Retirement is coming quicker than I thought and justifying the cost of a new bike when I really do love the one that I already own just doesn't make as much sense as it once did. So....things could change but at this point...I'm not leaning towards ever replacing it. The '99 is paid for and has been for many years. Though we love to ride, life has gotten in the way and really reduced the number of miles that we get in each year. I hope to ride until I'm finished on this earth but am thinking that I can easily do it on the '99.
  3. I would certainly not want to replace the RSV with it. I just can't see my wife..or me for that matter...being as comfortable on it as the RSV but if I could justify ONE MORE BIKE to own along with the RSV, this would be it...no doubt. http://www.webbikeworld.com/BMW-motorcycles/2010-bmw-r-1200-gs/
  4. I think that $100.00 may be a bit high. I've seen and purchased them off Ebay for much less even after shipping was added. That being said though, all you need to install them is a set of brackets. You can make your own or buy them here: http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showproduct.php/product/2199/cat/7
  5. That would be hilarious if it didn't hurt so bad to think about it.
  6. I think that any such rumors that you hear at this point are exactly that...rumors. Yamaha has NEVER announced what they were doing until they actually do it. I don't doubt that it could happen but I think that any dealer who says such a thing at this time is just speculating.
  7. I don't have a Dennis Kirk catalog but the only such lights I know of are made by Diamond R Accessories. Take a look at their website and see if they are the same. http://www.diamondraccessories.com
  8. Really sorry to hear the news Buddy but I certainly understand. I hope that you sell that Goldwing fast....the Venture can wait a while. Seriously, I will keep you both in my prayers.
  9. Well...I'm 54 and have been riding since I was 14. I didn't start off on NOTHING like that though. I hope it brings you many miles of joy. Now in response to some of these other posts...I'm going to be honest. While I'm ONLY 54, they say that you are as old as you feel. That being the case, I think I'm about 85. The past year has NOT been good to me but I sure plan for it to get better. At this time, I'm about blind in my right eye, almost deaf in my left ear and I've got gout which has really started flaring up more often over the past few months. Otherwise, I'm just a lean, mean, fighting machine.
  10. It is based at least partially upon time. You might try logging out when you leave if you aren't already doing so. The site logs you out automatically and I never log out when I leave but with the issue you are having, it may be that by the time it automatically logs you out that you have exceeded the time for new posts.
  11. Looks good but $875.00 is a bit rich for my blood. It may be worth the money but I would sure want to know how well it works and how long it lasts before putting out that much.
  12. OK folks....all the mugs are sold and shipped. Thanks to all who ordered.
  13. Really sorry to hear about what you had to go through. It sounds like she is just a very arrogant person who was convinced that she is always right and just refused to listen to anybody else. That type of person is not needed in the medical profession and I have seen to many like that. I won't give you advice on what to do, I think you already know that but I pray that the next time things go as they should for you.
  14. That would actually be pretty cool. I'm happy with the gauges I have added but otherwise would consider something like that. I would have to do some more measuring because I don't remember what size the opening is.
  15. I agree with all that has been said. He was always a gentleman and such a kind person. He came to the house here at least a couple of times and though we hadn't met often, it was always like seeing an old friend again.
  16. No problem. It is on the way. I shipped it just a few minutes ago. Glad you were able to get the strainer.
  17. OK...all the sold mugs are shipped. I do have ONE left so it's yours if you want it. I sent you a PM. Don
  18. When I get home from Boston and caught up a bit over the next couple of days, I'll add a button.
  19. I just logged in as you and clicked the link and it worked fine. I feel that it must be something in your settings. There is another way that you can do it though. Go to your UserCP and then scroll down until you see "Subscriptions". You can join that way. If you have any problems with that, send me a PM or email.
  20. Yep...that's all there is to it. One important note though. You have to hook the negative to the negative side of the coil. If you hook it to ground, it just won't work correctly. It will go to about 2,000 RPMs and then cut out to zero.
  21. No, sorry but you have to PM or email them and request their actual email address. It's just a feature to help protect our members from spam.
  22. Freebird

    Here it is

    Good score Dano. Looks like it will probably clean up very well.
  23. I THINK I have one more. If so, it is yours. I will know when I get home on Wednesday and will shoot you a PM. If so...that is it folks. They are now officially sold out.
  24. The one at Coffeecake.com is a different model. That is the JoeMO XL. Those came out after I started doing these a few years ago. It is also slightly larger, 16 oz. as opposed to these which are 14 oz. The XL is also slightly more expensive. That price is almost what I sell these for even after I include shipping and having our logo added. I am betting that they save money by just printing one version of the little cards. Sorry, but these do not include the filter. If I ever do this again, and don't know that I will or not, I can try to get the XL model if folks want to pay the extra price.
  25. Well, you somehow posted it twice so I DID delete one of them. Otherwise, I find it to be a heartwarming story and have no problem with it being posted. Anybody who wishes to turn it into any type of political debate has the problem.
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