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Everything posted by Freebird

  1. Could I use this one for all our Canadian Vets?
  2. Here you go.
  3. I just got one in the mail from Silver Bullet. It is engraved I - 8 on the outer gear the same place yours is engraved G. I will take a picture and upload it sometime later today or tomorrow.
  4. and thank YOU Ken for the phone call that prompted me to find a small way to show our appreciation. Now enough thanking ME. Thank all those who served, if not for them then we might not even have the freedoms to do such things.
  5. Guys, what I need is just the general seals for the Canadian forces. Army, Navy, Air Force if I'm not mistaken. If I start doing all the different divisions there will be more than I can handle.
  6. I have been in contact with Yamaha Canada regarding their support for any future rallies in Canada. I got a very nice response back from the events coordinator for Yamaha Motors Canada. He said that his team reported back that they were well received at our rally in Kitchener two years ago and says: "Yamaha appreciates your patronage and loyalty and we try to keep abreast of what the different clubs are up. I would appreciate knowing what your plans are for 2010. We can't guarantee anything at this time, as budgets and plans are constantly moving target and won't be finalized till later, but it is always good to know what's happening and if we can attend one of your function, we would be pleased to contact you and make arrangements." So....please let me know of any plans for a significant rally in Canada. I know that there was talk of another "Kruisin' the Kootneys" rally. Is that one confirmed yet? I want to say that I sincerely appreciate the fact that Yamaha Canada supported us at the Kitchener rally with caps, t-shirts, etc.
  7. I have one on my RSV. I say it's not a big deal unless you like running higher RPMs. To be honest, I don't think I saw any performance increase but it did allow me to set the rev limiter higher which I do enjoy from time to time.
  8. To get to it, you have to remove the battery and then the battery box.
  9. Yesterday I received a telephone call from a member who felt that we should come up with a way to honor our military veterans. I knew that he was right and tried to come up with something yesterday but just couldn't get it done. I have now added a new award category that will add a icon to your posts that signify that you served and in which branch of the military. At this time, I have only found icons for the US branches of Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marines and Navy. If some of our Canadian members can help me with icons of their military seals, I will get them added as well. The same goes for our members in other countries. In lieu of that, I could try to come up with some type of generic icon. Now, if you wish to have this icon added to your posts, you only need to click on the VRAwards link in the upper menu bar and request the reward. Don't be shy about it because if you don't tell me, I won't know. I know this is not a huge deal but hopefully it will in some small way show our appreciation for all of you who presently serve or have served in the past.
  10. Tom, I'm not 100% sure but I think they will be the original style. [ame=http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=1486]Large VentureRider Patches - VentureRider.Org[/ame]
  11. Many of us here use the KuryAkyn pegs. They have an arm that can be rotated for different lengths. Here are a couple of options. Most of us use this method. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=39650&highlight=Kuryakyn Here is one that was recently posted that mounts a bit differently. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=41498&highlight=Kuryakyn
  12. I've seen several posts of the past months that folks don't know where the VentureRider Merchandise area of the forum is. It is just a topic area of the forum and can be found on the forum home page. There you will find information about shirts, caps, patches, decals, etc. I have added a link to the upper menu bar on the far right side. It says VRStore. Hopefully that will make it easier for folks to find.
  13. Folks, I just talked to Eddie. He ordered the patches about a week and a half ago. He said it takes a few weeks to get them and he'll post as soon as he has them in hand. Somebody asked about small patches, I have them in stock and you can see them in the VentureRider Merchandise area of the forum. [ame=http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=645]Small VentureRider Patches - VentureRider.Org[/ame]
  14. If it truly is real leather, then it's probably the optional Corbin seat. Yamaha offered a leather "Dual Touring" seat that was made by Corbin.
  15. I think that my dad may have had a bike or two when he was growing up but never owned one when we were growing up. I do know that he could ride though. When I was 15 and had just bought my Harley 250 Sprint, I was working at a local Sonic Drive In as a cook to make the payments on it. It was the first time I had borrowed money from the bank to buy a vehicle. One evening while at work, I looked out the window to see none other than dear old dad driving through the parking lot on the Sprint with a big grin on his face and waving at me as he drove by. Come to think of it, I think he should have made that month's payment. Nawww.....I know I owed him a LOT more than he would ever owe me.
  16. Heck...I'm thinking that I may as well just take a vacation also. Shut the site down for a week.
  17. I've found that if you go with speakers that are rated for too many watts, you will not get good results. The higher wattage speakers usually do not work well with lower wattage amps. Just not enough power to drive them.
  18. I used to know but don't remember now. I know it's really low...too low I think...I'm thinking around 10 watts or something like that.
  19. Yes they did. Late 70's. Here is a nice example on Ebay right now. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/HONDA-CBX_W0QQitemZ190347015744QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUS_motorcycles?hash=item2c5190f640#v4-37 Kawasaki also made one. The Voyager was a 1300 inline 6 for a couple of years.
  20. To all who served and those still serving, we owe you more than we could possibly ever pay you. Without you, the freedoms that we enjoy and take for granted would not be possible. Thank you so very much.
  21. I also had a CL 350 but it was my third bike. First was a Honda S 90 and second was a Harley 250 Sprint. I think I was 14 when I got the Honda 90. Probably 15 when I got the sprint and later the same year the CL 350.
  22. Plastic fins? On the RSV? I don't think so.
  23. LOL....another oil thread. I actually did read your post on the Delo but I've got to tell you...I'll stick with my Mobil 1 thank you. Even if I were to change, which I don't think I EVER will, it would be to another synthetic. I don't think you are getting Delo synthetic for that price.
  24. I use Mobil 1 but I use their motorcycle specific version. I get mine at Autozone but I understand that some Walmarts have it also. My local Walmart does not. I THINK that some of the auto versions are also non energy conserving. Look at some different weights such as 20W40 or something like that.
  25. I don't think it is necessary. Why repeat something that is already borderline in yet another place for it to be seen? Like I said, it is not hard to figure out which ones are in question. I would say that most of them are ones that contain heavy sexual content.
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