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Everything posted by Freebird

  1. I agree....opinions will vary about any make and model. There is no way that I could pass judgment unless I could do some seat time on one. Go ahead and buy one Eddie...then drop it off here at the house and leave it for a couple of months and then I'll get back to you on it. BUT...please wait until at LEAST May.
  2. Eddie, I agree that it looks pretty good but I'm just not hearing great reports from people who have ridden and bought them. I would have to find the post but we actually have a member here who bought one and then couldn't wait to get rid of it.
  3. I agree. It is done.
  4. Well it's 12 F as I type this and I would have to plow the driveway before I could get the bike out. So.....not going to happen today.
  5. Rod, I know them pretty well. I have bought from them and have visited their store in person a few times. Great folks. All parts are stored indoors, nothing out in the weather. Used parts are used parts but Pinwall always gets my recommendation.
  6. Thanks for the COLD reminder. Yes, I know that those in the gallery are older BUT....I looked so much younger in them.
  7. OK.....it seems that the vast majority like it better the old way so I have changed it back. Sorry for the incvonvenience.
  8. Yes, but in that same left menu, it you click the one titled "Mark Forums Read", it will work. At this point, I'm thinking of changing it back. It seems that most don't like it.
  9. Well I really don't have any pictures of Eileen and I but Ponch was good enough to send me these three taken at various rallies and etc.
  10. Yea...don't you just HATE it when that happens. Oh well....it's just a cross that some of us must bear.
  11. The big increase may have just been because it marks them differently. It should get back to normal after you get it cleaned up the first time.
  12. I've made a little change in how the "New Posts" function works. Previously, the threads would remain on your list but would go from bold font to regular font. Now the thread will be removed from your list after you have read the new post. One note though, if the thread is multiple pages, you have to go to the last page so that it at least THINKS that you have read all the new posts of that thread. Let me know if you like it better this way. If not, I can easily change it back. I also may have to change it back if it has a large affect on the server. This method is more server intensive but I think with the recent upgrade, we should be OK.
  13. That's one of the things that I like about the Seagull. It has a slightly wider neck than most acoustics. Still not as wide as a classical but wider than most steel string acoustics.
  14. Webbikeworld just did a review on the Garmin 660. Though I like the widescreen, I would not consider this an upgrade from my Zumo 550 simply because it does not have the XM radio capability. I'll just stick with what I have thank you very much. For those who don't care about the XM though, it seems to be a pretty good unit. http://www.webbikeworld.com/garmin-gps/garmin-zumo-660-review/
  15. I'll have to see if I can find any. There are a couple in my PicGallery but I don't think I have any new ones.
  16. yep....my statement continues to be proven.
  17. Gary, Good suggestion and is now done. Thanks.
  18. I understand. It's difficult to keep quiet about things that we believe strongly in but we just ask that everybody try. Your participation here is truly appreciated. Even if you DID stir this one up a bit.
  19. Great thread. I hope you folks that haven't posted your pics will do so. One thing that is glaringly obvious is that MOST of us guys married WAY UP.
  20. Folks....this IS turning into a political thread and will be deleted VERY soon if it doesn't stop. Lewis, I am truly sorry to hear about this mess and hope it gets straightened out very soon. Our prayers are with you both. As for government run health care. Whether you are in favor or against, this is not the place to discuss it.
  21. I've had them on my '99 for more than 10 years. They have never caused a problem. I love them for all the reasons mentioned already.
  22. I love my guitars also but don't play worth a dang. I'll keep plugging away at it though. My main player is my Seagull S6 Acoustic Electric cutaway. It just has a fantastic action. I also have a Yamaha acoustic and an Epiphone acoustic. I've had the Epiphone for about 40 years. It's a beautiful guitar but never had a good action. I can't justify buying another guitar but would love to have a hollow body electric like a Gibson or Gretsch. May start watching for a good deal on something similar but lower priced like the Ibanez Artcore, Epiphone DOT or something.
  23. I considered the Interstate when I bought my '99 RSV. In fact, I stopped and test rode one on the way to the Yamaha dealer. I had ridden one before and really liked it but loved the styling of the RSV. I had to give it one more test ride though just to be sure. I loved the power and smoothness of the engine but the RSV was just more comfortable for me and also had the CB and intercom system which was missing on the Valk. I've never regretted my decision. They are a great looking bike though.
  24. Sorry you trouble maker...I deleted ONE of those pictures.
  25. Well...to start with...your shop needs to read the manual. Max PSI for the front shocks is 7 psi. I wouldn't think that 10 would have blown the seals but it may have. I typically run about 35 psi in the rear and usually zero in the front.
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