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Everything posted by Freebird

  1. I have a GPS in my company car. I've read that GPS units are now one of the hottest items for thieves. Every time I stop and the car will be out of my site, I remove the mount and unit from the windshield and sit it in storage console between the seats.
  2. Oil leaks are not uncommon but I haven't heard of many air leaks. I would start by using some soapy water and try to determine where it is leaking. Could simply be something loose. If he DOES find that it's a bad shock, any from 1999-current models will work. Works also makes an aftermarket shock. Both are fairly expensive though.
  3. Congrats...I studied Tae Kwan Do many years ago and then another karate a few years after that. I did it primarily for the exercise but really enjoyed it at the time. I admire you and your son for staying with it.
  4. Freebird

    Swap meet

    I don't know...never been. That's only about 20 minutes from me but I just HATE paying $10.00 for the opportunity of buying stuff. Still...I may check it out if I remember.
  5. That's pretty much correct. Small patches, decals and etc. are available for a small cost if anybody wants them. Check the VentureRider merchandise area to see what is available at this time. I realize that some clubs DO include those things in the price of the membership but those clubs also charge usually from $24.00 - $45.00 per year for membership. I elected to keep the membership fees LOW for everybody and not force things such as patches, pins, etc. on people whether they wanted them or not.
  6. Also, there are a number of after market seats available but it is sure hard to recommend one because NOBODY agrees which one is best. Some work well for some and not for others. Your best bet would be to attend one of our meets and hopefully you would get the opportunity to sit on some different ones.
  7. The link that I posted shows them at $49.95. Our price if I order 50 would be 10% off that with the VentureRider logo included.
  8. JC Whitney sells one for the Goldwing that some have used and say it works OK but I really prefer the Yamaha rack.
  9. OK folks....this is just to find out if there is any interest at all. If not, then no big deal. I have worked out a deal where we can get these bags with the VentureRider logo on the back and a 10% discount IF I can buy them in a lot of 50 units. I already have a bag and don't really need one but would buy one with the VentureRider logo if there is enough interest to get the group purchase. So...any interest at all or should I just forget about it? http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Yamaha-Royal-Star-Venture-Trunk-Rack-Bag-by-Bestem_W0QQitemZ400104858013QQcmdZViewItemQQptZMotorcycles_Parts_Accessories?hash=item5d281ba19d
  10. You BETTER be good. Don't be pushing your luck again.
  11. OOPS....you wouldn't have had to search for them if I had included the link like I had intended to. Sorry about that, I have added it to the first post.
  12. Most of you already know who Kisan is and the great lighting technology that they offer for bikes of all kinds. You can now receive a 10% discount on all orders if you mention that you are a VentureRider member. If you order by phone, just tell them that you are a member here and the discount will be applied immediately. If you order online, mention in the comment box that you are a member and the discount will be credited to your order on the next business day. https://www.kisantech.com/
  13. OK...all done. You can now let them know when you call that you are a VentureRider memvber and you will receive the 10% discount. If you order by phone, it will be deducted immediately. If you order online, just mention in the comment box that you are a VentureRider member and the discount will be applied the next business day.
  14. I didn't know that they offered a club discount. I'll see what I can do. Thanks for the heads up.
  15. You are correct. The Works is not air adjustable. It is adjustable manually to some extent but also they supposedly build each one specifically for the buyer. You tell them your weight, weight of passenger, etc. I guess if I were going to have to buy a new shock, I would probably go with the Works but I still think that a GOOD air shock would be a better solution. Just my opinion. I've never had a Works shock but I understand that adjusting it after it is installed is not an easy job.
  16. It is an interesting idea and one that I had thought about also but never really looked. I really like the air shock but don't adjust mine very often since adding the leveling links several years ago. I've found that with the leveling links, about 35 psi works well for us whether I'm riding alone or two up or even pulling the trailer. I know that it varies depending upon rider weight and etc. so really think it must be adjustable.
  17. It's on the left side, just up under the tank. I'm not home to look...but if I remember correctly, the tank has to be removed or at least raised up a bit to get to it. Anyway, it's on the left side toward the front of the tank.
  18. Will do. Max on mine is 35,000 so I'll set it on high and let 'er rip.
  19. http://www.edsets.com They are the best I have used. I like the speakers they come with but they also have a jack where you can plug in earbuds if you prefer.
  20. Here is a site posted by Flash41 in another thread that has just about any kind of video editing, audio editing, ripping software that you will probably ever need. All free. Great resource. http://dvdvideosoft.com/
  21. Just got off the phone with Mike. I'm happy that we were able to work this out with no involvement from Jeff. Turns out, we didn't even need him in the middle of this. I do appreciate the tips Mike. Now I just have to get it done.
  22. Yea, I actually had mine wrapped around the cam in the wrong direction.
  23. You know...I'm not even sure how Jeff got involved in this. I'm thinking that maybe I could just cut off his forum access until we are finished working out these details.
  24. WOW...lunch for two...two 40 year memberships....this is getting EXPENSIVE.
  25. I agree with Kevin and tried the same things. I finally gave up after finding the Edsets.
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