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Everything posted by Freebird

  1. To me it is worth it. As for gas mileage, I think that in some cases it can actually improve your mileage. Depending on how and where you ride.
  2. Very nice. Looks great.
  3. You stay out of this. I KNOW you are color blind.
  4. These are probably the best suggestions. I'll look in the phone book when I get home on Friday. Thanks.
  5. Yea, that's the problem They are SO far off that I'm not even sure which is which.
  6. It is the same color. The plate you did was great and very close. Plenty close for the location but this one will be on top of the trunk in the bright sun and I would rather get it as EXACT as possible. A slight variation is going to be very noticeable. It could also turn out that yours is closer than what I'll get from them.
  7. I picked up a used trunk spoiler and need to paint it to match my '99. Looking at the color rite page though, I am just not at all sure which is the correct color. NONE of them look like the darker gray color of my trunk top. http://www.colorrite.com/matrix-colors.cfm?CFID=2237224&CFTOKEN=91175331
  8. I'm interested too but not optimistic. In my opinion, adding amps and etc. will never be a success until we figure out how to install larger speakers. Though there are better speakers available, none seem capable of providing the range/bass that is necessary for a truly good sounding system.
  9. I've got that same one and really like it. I first saw it on Rick Butler's bike. The only problem is that the arm that comes with the Zumo 550 isn't really quite long enough. I bought a medium length arm from Ram to set it up higher so that it is above the radio pod. Here is the one that I use: http://www.ram-mount.com/CatalogResults/PartDetails/tabid/63/partid/082065077045066045050048049085/Default.aspx
  10. That statement is a bit contradictory. You said that "the Yuasa I described is an AGM just like the Odessy" and then you said "a regular battery tender will not work with the Odessy" but that "All the AGMs use a regular battery tender". So you first say that they are the same and then that they are different. This battery tender thing has been brought up several times and I still say that it is NOT true that a battery tender cannot be used on the Odessy. It cannot be CHARGED with a battery tender but a battery tender is certainly fine for what it is designed to do, maintain a fully charged battery. I used a Battery Tender on my Odessy for over 5 years and it did just fine.
  11. There are actually two of them. One under the left side cover as Cougar said and the other inside the right lower cowling.
  12. I think that way to big a deal is made out of it. Heck, when we were kids we played with that stuff all the time. Later in life, I worked for Diamond Shamrock Chemical Company in Muscle Shoals, AL. It was a chlorine plant and at that time, the chlorine was made in mercury cells. We had mercury spills all the time and were always scooping it up. The main danger is when it gets HOT. It will vaporize and then you can inhale it. Even that isn't a huge deal unless you do it on a continued basis. I'm not saying that you shouldn't be careful with it and it is certainly not great for the environment but small quantities are certainly not going to kill you.
  13. That really does look great.
  14. OK...I KNOW it's in the lower right cowling. please keep it quite if I am wrong.
  15. OH....I forgot. You actually DID offer to bring beer.
  16. I think it is inside the right lower cowling.
  17. COMMISSION? I didn't hear anything about that. Now that you mention it.
  18. Well heck...I GUESS I'm glad that it all worked out. Hope you don't decide to be a stranger though. You know you are welcome here regardless of what you ride.
  19. Yea, they are completely different. I will say no, it won't work. It would be a complete re-design and I don't know where you would even put it.
  20. Very nice Charlie. Now PLEASE try to keep the shiny side up.
  21. There is an adjustment on the cruise. The manual shows how to adjust it.
  22. For all of you who have ordered, I put them in the mail yesterday with the exception of two folks that did not include their addresses. I have sent emails or PMs to you two. But to be sure, I need addresses for: George Powell and Bobby Petersen Thanks
  23. I repaired my original seat but it was years ago. I pretty much did it the same way that Hairman did but I did manage to get the old bolt out and put a new one in the same way it was in. It was years ago and I don't remember now exactly how I did it.
  24. Well...now that a garden hose was mentioned, there is another idea that I could implement. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wrun-MgBjU8]YouTube- The End of Toilet Paper Part I[/ame]
  25. I've had a Utopia on a stock seat and now a Corbin on a Corbin seat. They are both very good. I wouldn't have a preference for one over the other.
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