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Everything posted by Freebird

  1. Well, as most of you know, I sold my Star Venture a while back but due to winter weather, it has been in my garage since selling it. The new owner finally got a break from work and the weather cooperated just enough for him to pick it up yesterday. It was sad to see it go but it needs and deserved to be ridden. I don't know yet what the future may hold. I tell myself that I won't be buying another bike for a while and yet in the back of my mind, I'm not so sure. At any rate, if I buy one, it won't be new and probably just something to kick around on for weekend rides. Our long trips may be over. But who knows at this point. Anyway, the bike was actually purchased by one of our members, Mike, known here as @N3FOL is the new owner. Great guy and I hope he gets many miles of smiles out of it. Please join me in congratulating him on his new to him 2018 Star Venture. He got a great deal. Once he committed to it, I never rode it again because it was his bike, not mine. It left here yesterday with a grand total of 1173 miles on it. He and his wife stopped last night and spent the night in Akron, OH but should be home later this afternoon. It was cold and raining so he finally ended up trailering it home but I'm sure he'll be enjoying the ride very soon.
  2. Looks good. The wobbling would scare me but I would either get used to it or figure out why. Either way, looks like a good plan.
  3. I'll post something soon. It has really dropped off the past couple of years. May start doing it every other year but then again, may continue as we have. Decision not made yet. Input welcome.
  4. That link isn't working for some reason. Not sure which post he was linking to but here is some informartion on his repair, https://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?132400-RSV-Repaired-Rear-Shock-2000-Mile-Update
  5. I've always used the 4T-Racing. Great oil. As far as filters. I've used several different ones but sort of settled on the ... I think it's Champion...that has the hex nut welded on the end for easy removal. Swapping through synthetic will be no problem at all with the little bit of conventional oil left in it.
  6. Glad to hear that she is doing better. That is scary stuff. It just goes to show that we need to do our very best to value and appreciate every day we have on this earth. I pray that you have many more years together.
  7. I was told that they no longer make them but I'm finding them on the Flanders website so I'm not sure. The part number should be 650-08761. Here is a link to the Flanders page: http://www.sideroadcycles.com/ImportedMotorcycles/ImportHandlebars/ImportMore/ImportRoadG.html
  8. I've run synthetics, Mobil 1 for Motorccyles in my case, since 1999 and have never had an issue.
  9. That looks interesting. There is another one too that is very similar and also has some nice routes, user submitted, already included. I'll have to find it again. I had it downloaded but apparently deleted it at some point.
  10. Freebird still does.
  11. I put the Flanders bars on my '99 and really liked them a lot. I later bought an '07 and put the RSTD bars on it. They were fine also. I actually liked the Flanders just a tad bit better but I don't think that they make them any longer and you can probably pick up a set of RSTD bars a bit cheaper. Either work well. I didn't have to replace the cables for either installation but I later did replace everything with Stainless Steel.
  12. Larry Skeels, @Carbon_One here, used to make and sell some but I don't think he is any longer. I tagged him in this reply so maybe he'll see it. In the meantime, here is a thread that he posted with pictures. https://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?8054-Crash-bar-supports
  13. As far as I know, they never changed.
  14. No, that was Ponch.
  15. I've bought two or three from our member Nancy. She custom makes them and can do pretty much anything you want with the design. Her website is http://www.acehighleathers.com
  16. I had the speedo healer on mine. Still only worked in 5th gear.
  17. I bought, sold, and collected knives for many years. I never got into making them and never really got into all the terms for the various features though. I actually had to do some research on what a choil is and found that there are two different answers. Basically there is a sharpening choil on some and a finger choil on others. Of course, some have no choil at all. Different styles and features for different functions. Interesting stuff though.
  18. I am a big fan of the change, especially if you are pulling a trailer. I don't think it will be an issue. Most of the time you are on those long highways, you are in 5th gear anyway.
  19. My cruise would only work in 5th gear after my changes. But I don't know if it was the Vmax rear or the Dyna Ignition that caused it. It never failed to work though, it just only worked in 5th gear.
  20. I have no problem with Windows 10. There are multiple guides about how to disable most of the intrusive features. As mentioned, most systems are intrusive to some extent. I use a MacBook Pro for 99% of my work. I have Windows 10 installed in a partition to use when I need to run some software that I don't have for the Mac.
  21. Well, I use to deer hunt a lot and have owned a lot of different rifles. I have to say though, that if I could get ANY of them back, the one I would most desire is my Ruger M77 RSI in .308. I absolutely loved that gun. They are a bit hard to find now. I don't need it at all at this point but would still consider buying one if I could find a really nice one at a fair price. I have no picture of the one that I had but this is the gun. I had a compact 2 x 7 Leupold on mine and it was perfect for the terrain in hunted in NE Texas.
  22. After looking at the sites you you good folks pointed me to, I have to agree that it is the Type 99 in 7.7 mm. From what I can tell, that translates to .303. Prices are all over the place but as I suspected, they aren't worth a lot. I don't see many list for sale with the bayonet so that might add a bit but it doesn't matter, I'm not selling it anyway. Thanks for the help folks. For what it's worth, I doubt I'll ever shoot it or even try to find any ammo for it. It's just a cool old gun to look at. He wasn't a big gun guy. Just something that he ended up with from his WWII days I suppose. Found his Navy flight jacket, leather helmet with goggles, flight suit, etc. Pretty interesting. As for as guns, he only had this one and a couple of other very low end models. A H&R Special. It's a break top 9 shot .22 long rifle and an old H&R Gamemaster 12 gauge bolt action shotgun. Neither are worth much of anything but I'll probably just hang on to them anyway.
  23. This is an old military rifle that my father in law left. It's obviously not worth much but I'm curious as to what it is. He was as WWII vet, Navy Radioman. Most of his time was spent on airplanes. This rifle has what appears to be Japanese or some Asian mark on it. I don't see a caliber stamped on it anywhere.
  24. Please keep my wife in your prayers. She went to check on her father this morning and found him passed away on his kitchen floor. She is doing as well as can be expected but your prayers will be appreciated.
  25. One thing you should know, if you don't already. The '83 - early '85 models had a bad washer in the tranny. Usually they will lose second gear at somewhere between 50,000 and 100,000 miles. Just something you should know if the engine has higher miles on it.
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