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Everything posted by kmurphympd

  1. I'll start by saying that I know nothing about GPS other than what I read on this site. So, here goes. I noticed that several stores in my area have GPS units on sale for $99 to $199. everyone is going on about what a bargin some of these units are. Now I never knew that I wanted GPS until the word bargin came into the picture. Question is does the unit have to be specific for motorcycle application? Can I buy one of the $99 units, buy some type of mount, plug it in (Venture plug) and go or is there more to it. Seems a bit to easy...... Thanks, Kenny:fingers-crossed-emo
  2. Not to change the subject but what dealership are you hoosiers using when you need one? So far I have been able to do everything on my RSV that I've needed but I know that won't always be the case. I kinda felt like i got the shaft at the dealer that's closest to me when i used em for work on my roadstar (dealership has since changed hands). I'm a little North of Nashville so I'm not to close to anything but not far away from much. Thanks Kenny
  3. When you guys go to story let me know and if I'm off I'll give you the tour. I'm a Brown County Native.
  4. Do you still have the backrest? Is it made for tthe pillow top of for the older/midnight stlye? Mine is the older (non pillow) seat, i would be interested it it's the same
  5. 3rd shifter her at the MPD, "only" 14 years until retirement.
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