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Venturous Randy

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Everything posted by Venturous Randy

  1. Joe, please don't encourage Yammer. Then again, as slow as everything has been, we could use the entertainment. RandyA
  2. I like the map. where did you get it and will it stay current? RandyA
  3. And the instructions will be written very slowly because we know you guys can't read very fast. RandyA
  4. Thanks Margaret for the update. You know that you both are in many prayers on here. RandyA
  5. Yeah, no lifting Bob, so that means you will have to abstain from............ some other activity for a while. RandyA
  6. Sorry Bernie, you're stuck with us, kind of like being in the Mafia, you can't leave once you are in. It appears we are going to have to add a Harley section just like we did a Gold Wing section. RandyA
  7. I am receiving as many as five e-mails for working at home in one day and all are the same except the http// addresses are different. All these sound like the noted sender is making a personal recommendation. I contacted the person that is noted and they are saying they did not send it and they are also getting the same thing. I clicked on one of the http// addresses and read the offer to try to stop this and there does not appear to be any way. I am also concerned that everyone in my address book is or will be getting the same crap. Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can stop this? RandyA
  8. This is one of those things that you will ask yourself why you waited as long as you did. I am also diabetic and had just assumed that my diminished vision was just part of getting older and being type II diabetes for 30 years. Boy, was I surprised. I used to have excellent vision and now I am very pleased with how good my vision is, especially at night. I wish you the best and will say a prayer for you. RandyA
  9. Thank you Mike and Kevin for your posts and your service. I also am one of those that never set foot in Vietnam, but I am what I call a Vietnam area veteran. I say that because in 72 I served at Ubon in Thailand, which was about 30 miles from Laos and 45 miles from Cambodia. So, without a doubt, I was in the area and my work directly supported the F-4 Phantoms that flew into Vietnam everyday. But, even though I was really close, I have been told more than once, even from some on here, that they do not consider me a Vietnam vet because I was never in country. But, I bet they did appreciate those F-4's showing up when they needed them. The thing I want to also say is if you were in the military during that time, you were always just a set of orders away from going to Vietnam. RandyA
  10. You might be slow, but you asked really good questions. I have removed several of these and I have never had a problem when using the punch method. RandyA
  11. "I am now not able to get any fuel pressure nor any clicking" Ok, no clicking. Bongobob is sending me one, so we will see how that one is doing. Isn't this site great? RandyA
  12. I have had the picture for years and thought about posting it with some of the snow comments, but I was afraid to. RandyA
  13. Like my dad used to say, "If I had known I would live this long, I would have taken better care of myself". Actually, there is a lot about my life that I am enjoying, but I do have to say that this year and a divorce after 41 years make me think it was something I should have done a long time ago. There are several cars I wish I had kept and there were several others I wish I had bought. RandyA
  14. After tracing some electrical grimlins associated with the TCI, I am now not able to get any fuel pressure nor any clicking. I checked the fuel pump for conductivity and it has none. I also checked the 85 bike fuel pump for conductivity and it does have conductivity, so it appears my 83 is open. I have even run 12 volts to the fuel pump and it will not do anything. So, does anyone out there have a spare fuel pump laying around? I may take the one off the 85, but my son is currently working thru some carb problems on it and I hate to do that unless I have to. I checked ebay and there are not any "good" deals that are not "Buy it now" and I hate to do that. I appreciate any help. RandyA
  15. Did you try my suggestion with the punch? RandyA
  16. Take the metal "C" shaped connector and put it is a vise and bend it a little until the C is shortened a little. That should take up any slack you may have from the leg being shorter where the connectioon point is located and that way you can use the same spring. RandyA
  17. Take a dull punch and stick it against the outside sleeve that goes over the crankshaft and hit it with a hammer. It is the same principle as taking a tie rod end loose on a car. The way that works is to hit on the outside ring that the tie rod bolt goes through and it will instantaniously deform the part and it will pop loose, without actually bending anything. I notice you still have the nut on the end of the crankshaft. Do you have it loose enough? RandyA
  18. Just got my Rider magazine and they have an article on a Royal Star Venture with a Hannigan kit. It is good, but makes a couple of somewhat negative references like no reverse available. But, at the end of the article about information on the Venture, it is suggested to checkout Venturerider.Org. YaHoo!!!!! RandyA
  19. I don't remember a metal spacer with an o-ring on it. RandyA
  20. Thanks, I needed that. Yes, it looks like Yamaha went too far in the initial changes on the Royal Star. Now, I have not tried to figure how the difference in the primary drive ratio fits in. RandyA
  21. Ben, you know that your family here has been with you in thoughts and prayers. Many of us have also lost one or both of our parents and know how difficult it is for you. Your comment about the hammer brought back memories of my dad. After his passing 10 years ago, I bought the house from the estate and even now, there are many memories that come back to me, especially when out in the garage. I just know I feel very fortunate that we had the relationship we did and you will cherish that also. RandyA
  22. Actually, with my forks extended and the springs bottomed out, I was slightly above the lip of the tube. By the time I bottomed the cap, I probably had about 1/2 inch of preload in my setup. Anyway, that worked well for me. RandyA
  23. Hey Dingy, this is exactly what I was hoping for in some more discussion about the different gear ratios that have been available on these bikes. Below, I have attached a chart from an earlier post by Squeeze that I got my data from. The only discrepancy I have found is the primary drive numbers where Squeeze notes that the Royal Star is 1.666 rather than 1.776 noted on everything else as you did. He did not note the specific number of teeth on the drive and driven gear for that model like the rest and the only thing I found that was close to the gear numbers would be 90/54 that equals 1.667. It is my feeling that those that have complained about the RS being underpowered and not having enough power to pull sufficiently under 65mph have had to deal with that transmission being a bit higher geared than the RSV. Anyway, you did a great job in this post and I hope it gets more discussion. RandyA
  24. I have put about 115,000 miles on my 83 and have run E-2's, 880 Metzlers, Avons and E-3's. The Avons handled the best at low speeds, but 70 and up got real squirlly on my bike and a change to E-3's solved that problem. I have been running E-3's and have no complaints. The 1st gen size is available and if you shop around you can get a good deal. I think I paid about $117 delivered to my door for the last rear one, but I can't remember where I got it. RandyA
  25. Hey Mike, did you ever get the cut down center stand mounted on your bike? RandyA
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