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Venturous Randy

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Everything posted by Venturous Randy

  1. Thanks guys, I will check these out. RandyA
  2. Gerald, I would love to go down that way. When I was down that way in late September, it was with a tropical storm also visiting and a little warm spring time weather would be nice. But, at this time, I really can not see that happening for me, so I guess I will just have to wish you two the best. RandyA
  3. Wow, talk about a subliminal message. RandyA
  4. I was thinking there was an after market radiator cap avail for the 1st gens. I did a search and did not come up with anything. It seems like it was a for a Geo or something like that. Any suggestions? RandyA
  5. Guy goes into a bar and after a couple of drinks, a rather attractive lady came in and sat down beside him. They got to talking and after a couple more drinks. she leaned over and whispered in his ear, "I just wanted you to know that I'm bi". his first thought was, "Hmmm, now this could be interesting". Until he figured out what "polar" meant. RandyA
  6. It is really good to hear how well Charlene and you are doing. Lew, you are a good guy and it's about time some of that good Karma comes your way for all the effort you have done in helping so many others. Thanks, RandyA
  7. I agree with Bob, I think you had an area that was not filled and was moving air. You could probably move the drain valve at the lower front to allow the coolant to bypass the thermostat and that may help. RandyA
  8. I disagree, I think it is real. And not only do I think it is real, I know this happens a lot more than you will ever see on video, because I had a REAL CLOSE deer encounter on a bike last year. Given the video was taken from another vehicle, it is not going to be a clear as a production video and as far as the shadows, they matched fine to me. RandyA
  9. I do use the company computer as there are times that my job in an Engineering Lab requires some built in wait time just to get the job done. But, it is usually when I am taking a break, as now, and during lunch. I also try to be careful where I go and advise any friends that have my work e-mail account to be careful what they send me. You also raised a very good point in your first paragraph and that is people forwarding e-mails with many addresses still attached. If I forward something, I always delete all these addresses and also send everyone's address under the BCC heading instead of just TO or CC. I have also asked my friends and family to do the same and some are and some still don't. This is how so many addresses get out for spam and it just don't need to be that way. RandyA
  10. I have no doubt that if you ever rode a good running 1st gen and did not have a problem cranking it on to about 8,000 rpm's, you would be amazed at how strong they are. And, many of the smaller 1,200 engines will really surprise you. RandyA
  11. You da man, Steve and thanks. RandyA
  12. I think he is talking about the ones with G Man industries noted costing more. RandyA
  13. I have had my bike down for an electrical problem that I thought was the TCI, but ended up being a terminal coming into the TCI. I also moved the TCI, which I put on the wall beside the radio. I also had my Corbin seat recovered and am still not real happy with it. I took it to someone that was recommended, but he has struggled with this seat, and with the changes I had made to it earlier, it made it worse. The biggest thing was my son Brian had my carbs off and had put them on his bike trying to eliminate some problems he is having. He has been thru his 85 carbs several times and still is not getting the proper fuel feed. But, at least mine is running good and feels good. After running it some, it felt real good to do a couple of 1st and 2nd gear runs up to 8,000rpm's. Now, I am getting a little more motivated to tear into the 30,000 mile motor I got with the 85 and put the 2nd gen Venture transmission in it with the V-max rearend in the bike. I am also going to put the solid motor mounts in I got from SGN (Steve) and do the valve clearance check. I really hate to take the valve covers off as they have had absolutely no leaks around them. It makes me wonder if these valve covers have ever been off the motor. It is supposed tyo be about 70 degrees here today with about a 30% chance of thunderstorms later on. RandyA
  14. Thom, I sure wish I could. I would like to see you again. We missed you at Asheville. RandyA
  15. Wow, it's supposed to be 70 today here in north east Tennessee. :cool10: RandyA
  16. Got 18. RandyA
  17. Boy, that brought back some memories because I "Been there, done that" RandyA
  18. I know that most of you did not notice, but she had better have on good insulated boots. RandyA
  19. Wow, kinda hard to imagine that much action going on right between your legs, don't it? RandyA
  20. We just as well get ready because we are going to be paying some record prices for gas this year. It looks like this deal in Libya is going to have more impact than the one in Egypt. And, there is no telling how much oil prices will go up when the people of Saudi Arabia decide that don't want to be ruled by a monarchy any longer. RandyA
  21. Many times the cable housing will be pulled out far enough in the connection box under the fairing that it will make the cable seem too short when it does not go back into the housing. You may be able to follow the cable housing from the carbs and see if it is seating up in the connection box. RandyA
  22. Here is an old post on what I did. RandyA http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=1946&highlight=mixture+screws
  23. When I put the 86 trans in my 83, I used the 86 out drive. It ended up having a leak around the seal where the shaft comes out of the engine right near the universal joint. I took the out drive back out and instead of replacing the seal, I just used my old 83 out drive. After I had proper shimming, it was quieter than before. This was oil that was leaking into the inside of the boot between the swingarm and engine. RandyA
  24. Yes, an 86/93 is a direct fit. You may need to do some tweaking on getting the best lash on the out drive. Some will say that you need the out drive from what ever transmission you are using, but I put an 86 trans in my 83 and originally used the 86 out drive, but I had a seal leak and went back to the 83 out drive and it ended up being a little quieter than the original 83 set up. As far as the forks, technically they are the same on either trans, but I have no doubt that if you have already lost 2nd gear that the forks are bent. They can be straightened, but you would have to have a pretty good idea of what you are doing. RandyA
  25. Yes, the bike is running better every day that Brian is working on it. With my carbs, it is still not smooth at idle and given I synced the carbs recently, I don't think that is it. Power feels pretty good at low rpm pull and don't feel bad when opening it up. He did not move the boost sensor pick up point to match the 83 carbs and TCI,so I am sure it would run even better. The best thing is that the bike does have some potiental and I think will become a good driver, but it will take a while. RandyA
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