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Venturous Randy

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Everything posted by Venturous Randy

  1. Well, when I got home from work, I put new batteries in the Chatterbox unit and the static stopped. This little unit that mounts on the side of the passenger helmet originally came with two small batteries that lasted about 8 hours. I bought a AAA two battery holder from radio shack and wired it in and attached it with Velcro right above the Chatterbox unit. With the AAA's, it lasts for a long time, even if I leave the unit on. So, I think it is ok. Thanks guys, RandyA
  2. I have a wierd problem that just started yesterday evening. I have the older Chatterbox headsets that have a cable between the driver and passenger and on yesterday's ride with Linda, I started having the static that goes up and down with the rpm. It is only in my headset and the really wierd part is if I touch something metal, like the clutch or brake lever or the risers, the sound goes away. I have had these units for probably 13 years and have never had this problem before. This particular box is a couple of years old. The only change I have made electrically to the bike is to mount the TCI in the left fairing on the wall behind the radio. I would think this might be the problem, but we rode a couple of days ago and did not have this problem. This Chatterbox system is not connected to the bike in any way. Any suggestions? RandyA
  3. Well, it's supposed to be about 73º here in east Tennessee today and about 76º tomorrow. I feel for you, but I am glad it is you and not me. In fact, I rode my bike for the first time to work this morning this year. But, I have gone home at lunch a couple of times this year and rode back to work. RandyA
  4. I wish I had seen this yesterday, but I am too late now. RandyA
  5. On the headlight, I suspect that the CMS, the monitoring system in the middle of your dash needs the solder connections redone. That is a very common problem on a 1st gens and I have fixed several. There are several posts on how to do it. On your fuel, I would put the bike on the centerstand and take the fuel line off the fuel pump and pump the fuel out. You will also need to get changing the fuel filter on the top of your priority list also. RandyA
  6. Ok, did I hear somewhere that a gel or AGM battery is not supposed to be charged with a battery tender? RandyA
  7. Glad to hear the good news Steve and hope that everything gets back on track. I will be talking to you later. RandyA
  8. This is another one of those stupid idiot threads. I was having a great weekend in the Chattanooga area with Lady Linda and on the way back north on I-75 near Sweetwater, TN, while running with traffic at about 75mph, a pickup truck with a full size baby bed lost his load. I was the first car behind him and fortunately not too close. Then, all of a sudden, this baby bed just raises up and the wind just flipped it every way. I hit my brakes without trying to slow too quickly, as I had an 18 wheel truck behind me. With moving over to the shoulder about a half lane, I was able to miss it. With the truck behind us, I was not able to see very much on what went on behind him. The guy in the pickup did slow and pull to the shoulder and when I went by him, I blew my horn at him. I don't know if he did back up or what. The interesting thing is with the temperature being about 70 degrees, I was really wishing we were on the bike. But, after that event, I was kinda glad we were in the car. It never ceases to amaze me at how many people will throw something in the bed of a pickup and take off down the highway without any kind of tie downs in place. I just hope that this idiot did not cause a crash behind us because there was a lot of traffic. RandyA
  9. I would love to weigh and be in the shape I was in when I came home from Thailand in 72. Given that I was on an Air Force base, we had pretty good food and I still lost 30 to 40 pounds. RandyA
  10. My PPT button is hooked up to my garage door opener. RandyA
  11. I was afraid of that, but I do not understand the comment about the bib being on the #4 side. Thanks, RandyA
  12. Is there a way I can tell if it is a California model from the serial number? RandyA
  13. No, I believe that was the main problem it wasn't running as when I stuck my 83 TCI on it, it started. RandyA
  14. Just a few pictures to show what the TCI looked like that came off the 85 bike. I believe it has had some moisture go thru it. RandyA
  15. The #2 carb on the 85 engine has a hose hookup that appears to be about the same location as the 83 port for the boost sensor that runs to an emission system. Since the good spare TCI I have is for an 83, I wonder if that hook up would work correctly. I also wonder if all these emission hoses can be removed and blocked. Randy
  16. Not sure who won this one. I took the list of numbers to O Riley's and they gave me a Murray Ultra #7513 and it seemed to fit fine. So, now we have one more number to deal with. Thanks for the help everyone. RandyA
  17. At the moment I am not sure about Asheville other than I would love to have another long weekend/mini rally. One date suggested was the June 9/12 weekend and so far that sounds good for me. I know I am wanting to take some vacation time about that time any way. If you want to see how much interest we get for then, we will see. I do hope to go to Vogal again and will just have to wait so see how that works out. RandyA
  18. Thanks guys, I will check these out. RandyA
  19. Gerald, I would love to go down that way. When I was down that way in late September, it was with a tropical storm also visiting and a little warm spring time weather would be nice. But, at this time, I really can not see that happening for me, so I guess I will just have to wish you two the best. RandyA
  20. Wow, talk about a subliminal message. RandyA
  21. I was thinking there was an after market radiator cap avail for the 1st gens. I did a search and did not come up with anything. It seems like it was a for a Geo or something like that. Any suggestions? RandyA
  22. Guy goes into a bar and after a couple of drinks, a rather attractive lady came in and sat down beside him. They got to talking and after a couple more drinks. she leaned over and whispered in his ear, "I just wanted you to know that I'm bi". his first thought was, "Hmmm, now this could be interesting". Until he figured out what "polar" meant. RandyA
  23. It is really good to hear how well Charlene and you are doing. Lew, you are a good guy and it's about time some of that good Karma comes your way for all the effort you have done in helping so many others. Thanks, RandyA
  24. I agree with Bob, I think you had an area that was not filled and was moving air. You could probably move the drain valve at the lower front to allow the coolant to bypass the thermostat and that may help. RandyA
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