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Venturous Randy

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Everything posted by Venturous Randy

  1. I did not wash it with my clothes, I ran over it with my lawn mower. I was trying to get my front yard done before it got too dark and some how my cell phone came out of my pocket and I ran over it with the riding mower. Not too good as it went everywhere. So, I guess I will look for another Verizon phone and I just like a basic flip phone with a camera. Don't need all that other stuff. RandyA
  2. I moved my TCI to the wall on the left side. My bike is a standard and has an aftermarket radio/cd so I am not real sure how much room a Royale has in that area. I just made an aluminum strap and a couple of screws holds it in place. I tried the top of the airbox and even with ears removed, it was still hitting the cover just a little too much for me. It is a good idea to take a real good look at the connector as I had the red wire having a poor connection in the terminal. RandyA
  3. Where and when will be coming thru TN? I am in the north east corner. I think I sent you a rearend many years ago. RandA
  4. I am planning on about a 1,000 plus mile ride to Freebird's MD on my 83 pulling a 450 lb camper with about 143,000 miles on the bike. I need to change the oil and just check it over, but I am not worried about the bike. A lot of 1st genners don't think much of anything about a several thousand mile trip. RandyA
  5. If you come thru east Tennessee on your way to SC, maybe we can get together and you would have a place to stay. RamdyA
  6. Another thing I suggest if you are taking your dash out is to remove the speedometer from the back and put some good grease in the very bottom where the cable comes thru. RandyA
  7. If you have fried the clutch that bad, maybe you also may need to do a quick oil and filter change. RandyA
  8. Very good information Dingy. We maybe should put this infomation in our technical archives. RandyA
  9. Hey Lew, I wanted to bump this back up for you to see if you can get some responses. As for me coming to Vogal, at this time I really don't know if I can make it. I am still trying to do what I can with going to my first Oberlin MD. I gave up on trying to put together any kind of extended weekend meet & eat at Asheville next month due to the lack of responses. I even posted a thread saying " Let's talk about Asheville" and got about 90 hits and not one single comment. Even in the earlier threads there was very little response. Actually, after I noted that I cancelled it and advised the KOA campground not to set aside an area for us, I started getting some interest. Lew, you put together a great event at a very nice campground and the times I have been there have been very enjoyable. I would love to be able to give a good commitment as I want this to be a very special year for me after going through last year and my divorce. I also am fortunate to have a very special person now in my life that I would like to share Vogal with that loves to ride and camp with me. So, anyone reading this, give Lew some good feedback and encouragement as he and Charlene put a tremendous amount of effort into this. RandyA
  10. Thanks Dave, we may be talking to you. We are trying to not make the 85 a parts bike. RandyA
  11. Actually Steve, we had a discussion Wednesday about getting the 85 on the road for my 19 year old grandson who now rides a CBR600. I think he could ride this one. He can reach the ground better than I can. RandyA
  12. I came into work Monday and one of our Harley guys told me about a Venture a guy had where he had just bought a small trail bike for his kid. The guy had posted on Craigs List and it looked pretty good. It turned out to be an 86 with 39.000 miles on it with some extra stuff. The guy that had it was a contractor and had done some work for a guy that couldn't come up with all money owed, so he threw in the bike. The guy that we bought it from said he had only put about 100 miles on it and he did more damage to the bike than the previous 24 years. He dropped it and broke a corner out of the right fairing and under the trunk. The bike has been sitting for a long time and will definately need a carb cleanning and sync. It has a new battery and does run, but only with the choke on, which is typical of clogged jets. Otherwise, the bike appears to be in really nice shape and should be roadworthy without too much work and money. We are going to need one of the rubber straps that hold the side panels on. The carbs still have the torque screws and appear to have not been touched, so it will probably need diaphragms. It has a nice Ventureline Back rest and it even has the lighted rear reflector that Big bike parts sold. It is the brown color and a little lighter that the brown 85 I bought a while back. As soon as we get the side panels back on it, I will try to post a couple of pictures of it. I think that will be a nice bike for Brian(Lil Venturous) as his wife wants to ride and the only thing she has ridden on with him was a souped up FZ1 and I don't think that went too well. RandyA
  13. Wow, looking good!!! I sure hope that everything works out good for you two and I hope it works out for Linda and me so we can meet you at Freebird's MD. RandyA
  14. Used 3 gears to 60? I do believe I have been real close to 60 shifting out of 1st on my 83. That's a tad over 8500 rpm's and I am pretty sure I been close to that on ocassion. RandyA
  15. On the end of each shaft there is a score mark that goes where the slot is where the bolt goes. With that in mind, you should be able to figure out whether the linkage goes up or down behind the stator cover because I can not remember off the top of my head. RandyA
  16. I think there may be some kind of warning if the reserve light unit is malfunctioning. Try switching to another reserve light unit and see if that helps. They sometimes show up on ebay for very little or maybe someone has one they can loan you. I will check if I have a spare. RandyA
  17. You may have a new fuel filter and not be getting much fuel to the fuel filter. I suspect if it is fuel and not a collapsed or kinked fuel line, you may have a problem in your tank. Do you run your bike on reserve? I would be tempted to run the bike low on gas and maybe pump out what is left and then open the gas lid and blow air into the hose going to the tank. This may clear any debris you have at the petcock. If it does help your problem, you will need to do a good clean out of the tank. Just make sure any fumes or spray coming from the tank can not be ignited. I notice you said new wires. Did that include new caps also? These caps have resistors built into them and do get corroded. Even if you do have a fuel starvation problem, if you fill the carb bowls and immediately go to a hard pull, there should be good power for a short period of time. RandyA
  18. I was getting ready to suggest you lube your speedometer. RandyA
  19. As I live in Johnson City and have eaten at Firehouse many times, I can say that it is a good place to eat. Another good BBQ restaurant in this area is Ridgewood BBQ (Google)and has been featured in many publications. It is a bit quaint and a little off the main drag, but worth the look. It is also a favorite eatery for many of the NASCAR boys as it is probably about five miles from Bristol Motor Speedway. It is truly a classic roadside dinner and usually will require a bit of a wait at almost any time of the day. It is not a cheap place to eat, but many of the meals are so large that they can be shared. RandyA
  20. Brian, since you are resurrecting a four year old thread and no one is taking you seriously, I will state that stripping the old varnish off and using some metal polishing does work very good. I have also used a buffing wheel on some of my engine parts. It also gives you something when you are bored and want to shine it back up. RandyA
  21. The only advantage to running premium in any engine at 9.5 to 1 compression ratio is being able to advance the timing more, but in a normal engine and especially an engine with knock sensors, or non adjustable timing, it is a moot point. RandyA
  22. I don't know whether you did this or not, but I always put the entire gearset in the bottom half of the motor with it apart and run thru the gears. This way, you can see all the gear side clearances and engagements with it still apart. You do have to make sure that the bearing end with the big nut on it is seated tight against the shims. This is the way that I determined that the 1st gen gear selector guide would not work with the 2nd gen transmission and I would have to use the 2nd gen gear selector. Another thing to look for on forks is to see if there are score marks on the sides. If it is bent, on one side the score marks will be on the tips and on the other side it will be at the bottom of the "U". RandyA
  23. If you used forks from a transmission that was jumping in 2nd gear, I would be VERY surprised if they are not bent. Got another question, does it matter if you lean the bike a little to the right or left? About 60,000 miles after I did the undercut on my 2nd gear, I began to have a rattle with the bike in neutral with it on the side stand. If I straightened it up or leaned the bike to the right, it was a lot less or went away. I ended up replacing the transmission with an 86 model along with the forks and problem solved. RandyA
  24. I'm thinking real hard on this one. Fist of all, does it make any difference if the clutch is in or out? With you saying it sounds ok while in any of the gears, Are you talking about you riding it or is the bike on the center stand with the clutch out and in gear? I feel for you on this one as I am getting ready to start putting the low mileage 83 engine back together with the 2nd gen transmission in it and the bike is running so good right now the way it is. RandyA
  25. Well, Steve, I just might be there also. It is a great place to camp and to ride and to eat. RandyA
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