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Venturous Randy

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Everything posted by Venturous Randy

  1. About eleven months ago, Linda and I went to eastern NC and stayed at ADC's and spent one night over on Okracoke Island. It is such a special place out there and it breaks my heart knowing that there is going to be a lot of devastation and there is little that can be done about it. I spent almost three years in Goldsboro, NC in the Air Force and my son was born in New Bern, NC, so I do have some long ago memories of that area. I also used to camp down at Salter Path, below Atlantic Beach, but that campground is now a big condominium. I wish you all the best and you will be in our prayers. Randy & Linda
  2. I did not realize one was available for a second gen, but Gilbert has a MKI 1st gen. RandyA
  3. Popping on decel is usually related to an exhaust leak. What happens is under decel, oxygen is being introduced into the exhaust and causing the popping. I doubt re-jetting is going to make any difference on deceleration. Now adjusting your fuel mixture screws may make some difference, as Phertwo noted, because that technically impacts the idle circuit and that is what is happening when you are under deceleration. RandyA
  4. I would also like to offer someome a place to stay for a few days to get away from Irene if they need it. I am located in north east Tennessee. RandyA
  5. At least she didn't tell you that something else was two inches shorter than you thought. RandyA
  6. I have a shorter inseam than you do and the best thing I did was to pick up a used Corbin seat that needed some work and I removed about 1 1/2 inches of foam from the drivers seat. Not only am I more able to touch the ground, but the seat is much more comfortable. RandyA
  7. Probably the most common leak on these bikes is the grommet and stator wires coming out of the stator cover. I just pulled my stator cover and worked on mine. The problem is usually oil migrating along the wires and through the grommet holes. I have put about 500 miles on it and so far, so good. RandyA
  8. This sounds like a problem I had when running Avon Venoms, but I have not heard that problem on the 404's. I really like the Dunlop E-3's. RandyA
  9. You may have a ground problem. Ground wires are black and you can ether check continuity to the battery negative or even jumper a wire from the black wires to the battery negative and see what you get. On these bikes it is pretty common to need to re-solder some terminals in both the CLASS system that controls air pressure and the CMS in the center of your dash, but usually an open solder joint usually only affects one system such as a dim headlight. RandyA
  10. So, you had an encounter with a moron too. In my post, I noted I met a NC Highway Patrolman several miles after my encounter and wish he had been there earlier, especially when the idiot ran me to the edge of the road. You were lucky in all that traffic. RandyAS
  11. This worked for me also. It went to very large print. RandyA
  12. It was a thought, but not knowing the road and wanting to just get away from him, I just wanted him to go on. Given he had already run me to the very edge of the road, there was no way of knowing what he might try next. RandyA
  13. and the faster my rear tire seems to wear out. RandyA
  14. Doug, you are probably about normal on your gas mileage if you are riding pretty aggressive or at interstate speeds. On my trip this week when I was two up and running a lot of mountain roads, I averaged about 46mpg. But if I am running constant interstate speeds at 70 to 75 mph, I will drop down closer to 40mpg. The biggest thing I did to help my gas mileage was to tweek on the needle depth on the slides. I believe I changed mine about .030 deeper and anything more than that caused some hesitation. RandyA
  15. At the moment he slowed and gave me the finger, I only saw him, but Linda said there was another guy with him. RandyA
  16. I have never seen a Clymer manual available on this bike. RandyA
  17. Linda and I decided to take off Tuesday morning without a particular destination for a day or so. After going thru Pigeon Forge for lunch and then down the the Foothills Parkway to 129, this seemed like a good time to show Linda the Dragon as she was wearing my 2nd Vogal Tail of the Dragon t shirt. After a visit at Deal's gap, we continued down 129 then turned north to pick up another mountain road that took us to Robbinsville, NC. Whenever we turned left on the 45mph highway, in a mile or so we had a silver Toyota pickup right on us. In a couple of miles we were turning right and you got it, he turned right behind us. Since we had several hundred feet of straight road in front of us, I slowed to about 15mph and motioned him around. After waving my arm several times, he finally came around and as soon as he was beside me he ran me to the very edge of the road and gave me the finger out the back window. He then took off and after getting a hundred or so feet in front of me, he slams his brakes on. I just slowed down and he finally went on. I really wish I had gotten his tag number as several miles up this narrow two lane road we met a NC Highway Patrolman. It was a bit disconcerting not knowing if we were going to encounter this moron again. I have absolutely no idea what got into him as I was just trying to be nice in slowing down and motioning him around me on a road I had never been on before. RandyA
  18. Did you swap the wires at the coils or at the plugs? If you swapped the wires at the coils, the caps stayed at the same place. If you swapped the wires at the plugs, then you may have moved the problem from one plug to the other one. RandyA
  19. Back in the early 70's I was on Lake Norman, north of Charlotte, NC with my wife and father in law when it blew up a storm. We immediately headed for shore and about a half hour later when we got back to the dock, a sail boat was being towed in that three people had just died in it from a lighting strike. Since then I don't get near the water when a storm is coming. RandyA
  20. So, now you are just a little north of London? Maybe you should put NC after Hertford. RandyA
  21. Yes, this is part of the YICS system. My recomendation is to remove it along with the hoses and get some heavy duty plug caps and plug the connections on the heads. I did this many years ago and wish I had done it sooner. Just make sure they are heavy duty caps or they will break or blow off. RandyA
  22. In the 15+ years and 125,000 miles I have put on my bike, I ran the Jason Mod for several years and in my opinion, removing the YICS and undoing the Jason Mod works best. RandyA
  23. I ocassionally upshift 3rd thru 5th without the clutch and can do it very smoothly by slightly going off the throttle with slight pressure on the shifter. I never downshift without the clutch. RandyA
  24. Tennessee has run on red on a motorcycle if you have waited a reasonable amount of time and the light skips you and it is safe to procede. All states should have this. RandyA
  25. Yeah, the muffin clan are pretty special, well, maybe not pretty, but special. Many in this group have been blessed by knowing them and yeah, mini is a bit of a cutie. RandyA
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