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Venturous Randy

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Everything posted by Venturous Randy

  1. I believe the best way to do it, and a lot cheaper, is get a complete trans out of an 86/93 Venture. They come up on EBAY occasionally. Before you order, give me a call. RandyA
  2. My 83 had about 23,000 miles when I bought it 15 1/2 years ago. Monday it turned over 150,000 miles and it is still running great. RandyA
  3. If you can let me know when you are going to be available, maybe we can get together one day for a meal or something. If you had let me know you were coming this way, you could have saved some motel expense. Make sure you have my cell if you need anything. RandyA
  4. That is what the edit and advenced edit buttons are for. Even when I try, I still have to correct some of my words after I have posted. RandyA
  5. When I put Progressives in my 83, the springs came to about even with the top, so when I put the caps in, that is all the preload I had. It worked perfect for me as it did raise the front a little and never bottoms out. I would not want the front raised any more. RandyA
  6. I feel it was an honor to have you two stop in and spend the night. You are great people and what Venturerider is all about. RandyA
  7. Hey there Mark, Linda and I wish you a Happy Birthday!!! I wish we could have gotten together with you. RandyA
  8. And you didn't get kissed either. RandyA
  9. Probably the guy in the suit talking on the phone. RandyA
  10. I just saw this on the news and it is amazing the guy is still alive. It is also amazing what those people did to get him out from under the car. RandyA
  11. First of all, welcome to our little family. Second, welcome to east Tennessee. Given we are now past Labor Day, I would do a search in the Pigeon Forge/Gatlinburg area and make some phone calls. You may be able to get some good deals and during the week there are many motels that have rooms in the $30 range. If, when you put some plans together, post them and we may be able to throw together a little meet & eat. RandyA
  12. On flat ground, my 83 will pull easily at 1,200 rpm's in 5th. I routinely ride at 30 mph in 5th and if I want to accelerate quicker, I will kick it down a few gears and hang on. In the 127,000 miles I have put on my bike, it has been in the 8,000 rpm range many, many times. My bike has very good acceleration in 5th at 55 mph and really don't understand why someone feels they have to keep it in 4th unless they are doing 70+ mph. RandyA
  13. What does it do when you unplug the back sparkplugs when it is running? RandyA
  14. Good for you Jeff. I know that even if I hit the lottery and bought other bikes, I would still want to keep my 83. Linda and I put 330 miles on it this weekend just putting around and it only lacks 148 miles having 150,000 miles on it and we are talking about taking a ride somewhere tomorrow just to see that. RandyA
  15. Start the bike cold and let it run from 30 to 40 seconds and check the pipes and see if you have a cool one. You can use your finger, but a non contact temperature sensing gage works better, especially on the back cylinders. RandyA
  16. If you ever ride the Lynn Cove Viaduct, take a few minutes to visit the visitor center there and see the model that was done of the mountain area and the building of the bridge. It really was a remarkable engineering achivement. It wa built from the top down with very little disturbing of the area under the bridge. RandyA
  17. It should start in gear with the clutch pulled in if the sidestand it up. RandyA
  18. Has anyone noticed that the GEICO motorcycle commercial has a scene that looks exactly like the Lynn Cove Viaduct on the Blue Ridge Parkway? For anyone not knowing of the Lynn Cove Viaduct, it was a great engineering achivement in building a bridge around a portion on Grandfather Mountain. RandyA
  19. Two days ago it was 96 degrees. Today it was about 72 and rained all day. I have some really tall Birch trees in my yard and I already have a lot of leaves on the ground. I hope this tropical depression gets through soon as it is giving me a lot of depression. RandyA
  20. Only if it is in gear. It should run in neutral with the side stand down without the clutch in. RandyA
  21. One other thing, with the side stand down and in neutral, the starter will crank over, but it just will not fire. I had the side cover off and if the B/W wire was grounded, would it ground the igniter with the side stand down? RandyA
  22. My 83 will not run with the sidestand down with the bike in neutral with clutch out. If I pull the clutch in just a little bit, it will run. It acts this way with two different CMS's and sidestand switches. When I put it in neutral, the light comes on as it is supposed to, so it appears it is getting power through the shifting mechanism. Any suggestions? RandyA
  23. It has been raining since last night from tropical storm Lee. So far we are just a little east of the heavy rain that is "training" through Tennessee going north east. We needed some rain, but this may be a bit much. Right now it is headed to the very area in the north east that was devistated by Irene. I was so hoping that Texas was going to get some of the rain, but not to be. RandyA
  24. Just out of curosity, how does it set on the side stand and how hard is it to get on the center stand? RandyA
  25. Did you mean 4,000 pounds? RandyA
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