After having more and more problems with my right arm and hand, I took a carpel tunnel test at the VA. The technician gave two different tests with the first one having the spark plug shock at various places up and down my forearm and wrist. I have never enjoyed grabbing hold of a spark plug wire with an engine running and this was just about the same.
The other test was having a needle stuck into six different muscles and I was checked with my arm at rest and under a pull. I did pretty good until the last one and it was with the needle being stuck into the palm of my hand in the pad at the base of my thumb and that hurt.
The technician did not give much feedback, but she was concerned about some apparent neuropathy due to 30+ years of being diabetic and I did appear to have some carpel tunnel issues. She also told me that there were problems found with my shoulder, but she could not discuss them with me.
So, I am sitting here waiting to see what the next step is.