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Everything posted by Dave3

  1. Dave3


    From the album: 2007 RSV "Bruiser"

  2. Dave3


    From the album: 2007 RSV "Bruiser"

  3. Dave3

    WCT V close

    From the album: 2007 RSV "Bruiser"

  4. Dave3


    From the album: 2007 RSV "Bruiser"

  5. I get the same comments on my ride.
  6. So that's where Victory go the design for the Vision!!!
  7. God Speed on the recovery.
  8. I have a WOLO Bad Boy on the way. I saw an alternate mounting location on the Delphi forum. Slowrollwv makes this mount. As you can see it mounts behind the passenger floorboard. http://forums.delphiforums.com/n/main.asp?qu=slowrollwv&find=Search&webtag=vrider&ctx=search&cl=668852&af=31&o=relevance&be=0
  9. Um, that would be Vertically Challenged. Just cause some of us can't see the dirt on the top of the refrigerator, doesn't mean we don't know it's there. lol
  10. Wolo is now $43.50 on Amazon. The Stebel is $53 inc shipping.
  11. The Strats are nice, but if I had to buy a new bike, I would highly consider the Victory Cross Country. Very small and agile, Needs a trunk though.
  12. I'm thinking about getting a Medium tinted Clearview w/vent. I had the Yamaha 12" short/wide shield, but it was not scratch resistant to gravel. ;( Is the Clearview Med as short as the Yamaha Short? Is it really worth the wait and price??
  13. Try a set of brakelight LED pods. They wire up to the brakelights and flash when brakes are applied. The small rectangle housing is mounted with double stick tape.
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