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Everything posted by Dave3

  1. Good luck in your success. Thanks for your friendship and commitment to VentureRider.
  2. I just watched an episode of How it's Made? on the Science channel last night and they showed the process of how Fram makes oil filters. All automated, did not see any QC tech at any point in the production line. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YCjXtmbL1Kk]YouTube - How Its Made - Automobile Oil Filters[/ame]
  3. On all the time. I turn them on after starting the bike so I don't burn out the ignition.
  4. My VIN ends in 013403 and my dealer said no recall or tech notices for my bike.
  5. I think those were "PG". No bad language and nothing gratuitous.
  6. No chrome ring around the headlights, looks weird. I too painted my fairing lowers. Ties it all together and extends the fairing.
  7. Looks like Yamaduck. But his bike has bag guards. The bike is an "01 I believe, two tone green.
  8. The '07 is real purty as a trike. Do you have parts for sale now?
  9. I got my E3's from them at a great price w/free shipping. I even found a coupon code online for an additional discount.
  10. If only they would use a better glue to hold the cotton square on the tape.
  11. Find a frame in a junk yard and build your own. It would be easier to title.
  12. I had proof that not laying it down works. I had a cager turn left in front of me from a side street and stopped when he saw me. It was a bright sunny day and he didn't look my way before turning. I hit the brakes hard enough to fishtail the rear, but when I thought about laying it down or controlling what happened to me, I decided to nail the throttle and shot around the rear of the car. It scarred the crap out of me, but I stayed upright and didn't hit the car. I had not so close call 2 weeks ago. It was night and my bike has passing lights and blue LED's all around. I was in the right lane coming up to a green traffic light. I saw the cager pulling up to the intersection on my right. (it's a T with a yield lane for right turns) I was going straight through the light, when this guy who was stopped decided to turn right in the yield lane, In Front of me! I knew the left lane was clear so I moved over and slowed down a bit. I pulled next to the drivers window and hit my WOLO!!! His window was down and I think he realized he F'd up..
  13. I've seen 2 of the commercials in the campaign, but not your's yet. I stopped jumping over the commercials on the DVR, now I fast forward so I can see what they are.
  14. Check the warranty to make sure it is all inclusive. I bought at "new" 07 Bl/Blk in 08. When I had the fairing looked at by another dealer, I was told the Cosmetics were not covered because the bike was listed as a auction sale. The original dealer had to buy me aftermarket insurance to cover any cosmetic or body parts for the remaining 4 of 5 years. They also replaced my fairing that they broke the tabs on swapping out a windshield.
  15. I've used a Yuasa tender for 15 years and have had a good life from my batteries. You really don't need more than 1 unit. When a battery shows charged just put it on another battery.
  16. Dave3


    If you're ready for the scrape you won't freakout when it happens.
  17. It's a sad day when a child suffers as the result of someones selfishness. Weather it was the road conditions the James Sr couldn't handle or alcohol that caused this dreadful accident, the innocent suffer. My heart goes out to the boy, his father and to Gene.
  18. Perfect timing. The VP of my Star Chapter just bought a HD this past weekend. So I had to send this to him. Even tough Star says only the Prez of a chapter has to own a Star, I still think it's hypocritical to be an officer and not ride a Star (at least 75% of the time)!
  19. I searched YouTube and saw the Campbell commercial for "It's Amazing What Soup Can Do" ad campaign, it is the 1st spot of the campaign. Your ad must be the 2nd spot. Google says there are 15 TV ads due.
  20. My boys are so proud to tell their friends that they get to ride with me. I'm glad I get to give them the joy of bikes, that I didn't have when I was a kid.
  21. Wondering... Do you have Deer Whistles? Every time I saw a deer, I couldn't tell if it was the whistles or the pipes that made them run.
  22. Who was that guy on SNL that came up with Sniglets?? Rich something??
  23. I copy Harry's post. All the Wally's around me carry plenty of Rotella. I prefer the T6. Need to ride with you again soon...
  24. Me and the Wife will be heading up Tuesday am thru Friday pm. Going to checkout the local attractions as well as the Star Days events. Staying at the Days Inn Rivergate.
  25. Dave3

    2007 RSV "Bruiser"

    I always called her "Black & Blue", but "Bruiser" stuck when she had a blow out and went down on the highway, she was bruised and bruised me as well!!
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