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Everything posted by davepa

  1. Thanks for sharing ....maybe next year I'll make it! There is one next year...correct? Regards Dave
  2. No need for you to take time off from work. I called in and took today off, if this will not conflict with plans Jean and you have made we can get together some time today. I always wear my helmet and other safefy gear even though it is not the cool thing to do or at times comfortable. Having seen some of the injuries from crashes from fellow workers and friends it makes it alot easier for me to take a few minutes to put on the leather. And from my earlier dirt bike days road rash...SUCKS! I also sent you a PM ...talk with you later
  3. I am in good hands with State Farm...I am depending on Allstate as her provider to put their healing hands around my bike..
  4. Thanks for the info. but you may want to visit my latest post in the " Watering Hole" Crashed my 87' this afternoon !! Regards Dave
  5. Thanks Bob for the offer I will call you soon Dave
  6. I am trying to reach Skydoc_17 as he is not far from me...between the two of us we can inventory the damage. I will post more info when I know more Dave
  7. Thanks all! Not sure how to handle Allstate insurance even though the fault was on the other driver. The bike is 21 years old and I am sure the games will begin soon. Any one here had a such dealings with insurance when their bike was hit. I need all the help I can get on this one. Regards Dave
  8. God bless and be careful...I have a nephew over there as well!
  9. I had posted yesterday that I was in need of a luggage rack....now I need most of the left side for a 87' Royale. Yep, a young lady knocked me off my 87' Royale while coming home from work this afternoon and took the bike with her, since my highway peg was stuck in the passenger side of her front bumper. The bike was shoved across two lanes and left to die up on the sidewalk. She and her husband ride a bike, so she is very upset for not looking before pulling out of a conveniance store. Now, how will the insurance adjuster treat me? She had Allstate insurance. The officer who responded gave her 3 points and a ticket! But on a good note...I am fine with a small brush burn on the sleeve of my rain gear... Oh Shoot, I quess this means I won't make it to the Skid In...or Thunder in the Valley..or Gettysburg..or.... Regards Dave
  10. No, I missed that one thanks! Dave
  11. Looking to add a rack to my trunk what years will fit..how about Honda, H.D., etc.will any others work? Been watching Ebay... any other rack vendors? I have a broken antenna so how about the Marshall Mod , I have read about it , will it give better FM/ CB reception? Not really worried about transmitting as would rather listen. Will the thin Harley style whips , from the ultra classic, work with this set up?
  12. http://www.visitjohnstownpa.com/thunderinthevalley/ any one going ?
  13. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/88-Yamaha-Venture-XV-1300-Owners-Manuel-L-K_W0QQitemZ220249328685QQcmdZViewItem?hash=item220249328685& Is this the one you need?
  14. How does the scorpion and the HJC line compare as far as fit. Is the sizing the same?
  15. Don ...I was unable to log on to the site from June 14th thru 17th. I emailed Skydoc who sent me a link to the site which let me in. As of today 6-18-08 I can again gain entry on my own with out help from Skydoc's link. Dave
  16. Hello..BarryT, Did you find a seat ???
  17. I sent you a PM! Dave
  18. Barry I think this is the seat you need http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1983-1985-YAMAHA-VENTURE-SEAT-NICE-NO-RESERVE_W0QQitemZ260246540429QQihZ016QQcategoryZ35581QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem Hope this helps Dave
  19. Thanks...Hey Yammer Dan, Just wanting to make sure my running the bike would not cause any damage or further damage. It is oiling according to slight bit of oil wash in the sight glass when accerated. There is not a heavy flow, but I don't know how much should be present. How far is the Skid-In? What part of West Virginia, I have a cottage in Springfield W Va. Mineral County. Maybe I can ride from there, kill two birds with one stone. Dave
  20. Hey Barry...I sent you a PM...check your mail
  21. Thanks to all who helped me work through the issues and bring the bike back to life. GeorgeS, Squidly, and Condor, and others thanks for taking the time to explain each step when I had yet another question. Now if I can locate someone willing to give the Royale a once over to see what else should be done. The engine seems to get a little loud once it is a operating temperature. A little less noticable when the clutch is pulled in. Not a knock like a bearing but more of a possible valve train issue. I live in South Central Pennsylvania, Bedford County. so if anyone lives in nearby PA., Western Maryland, or West Virginia and would be interested in taking a look, please give me a yell! Regards Dave
  22. How about this one? http://www.sierra-mc.com/prodimages/hon-gl12-ant_tn.jpg HON-GL12ANT-HONDALINE GL1200 ANTENNA HONDALINE OEM ANTENNA Replacement tri-way antenna for Honda, Yamaha, Kawasaki audio systems. List Price: $68.95 Price: $60.00 From www.sierra-mc.com have you heard of this company...anyone try one of these? I can't tell from the pic if it mounts like the OEM on the factory base. Regards Dave
  23. Who sells a OEM replacement antennae for a 87' Royale? I have been watching Ebay...no luck! Is the Goldwing mast the same am/fm/cb ? Regards Dave
  24. Ok I will be looking..good luck also! Dave
  25. Ok GW, If anyone has extra..drop me a line! Dave
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