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Everything posted by davepa

  1. davepa

    Kaw Nomad

    I bought a Nomad new in 05' and enjoyed the appearance and ride. There was a fair amount of helmet buffeting at speed and IMO lacked throttle response. The counter balancer is a bit noisy but removes most of the HD type of V-twin vibration. I sold mine simply because I was wanting to add a fairing (Quadzilla) for tunes and a early venture tour pack, that being said, I bought a 87' Venture Royale that came factory with everything I wanted. Now on that note I have been again looking at the Nomad and may buy one and turn it into a tourer. That knob is not a choke...It just increases rpm for cold start ideling...I seldom needed to use it. This site will answer all your questions http://www.gadgetjq.com/gadgetsfixitpage.htm and you might as well join this forum also http://forums.delphiforums.com/kawvulcan/start . Any other questions on the Nomad drop me a line Regards Dave
  2. I have several brands and calibers..some for plinking, some for hunting, a .357 for defense, etc. .I also have a Pennsylvania self defense carry permit. You will find many varied opinions on this subject depending on what part of the country you are from. The laws are diffrent from state to state....some say you can not use force greater than what you are up against. Like I can't beat you with a ball bat if you only have a stick! Find a friend with firearms and see what is comfortable to fire, if you can not handle the caliber you won't hit the side of a barn much less a small target. Always keep in mind never pull a firearm unless you intend to use it because if the threating party takes your firearm ...well you get the picture. A firearm safely used must feel like part of you so practice,practice, practice... I can't wait to read the other replies! Regards Dave
  3. This has been going on long enough and the adjuster and I may settle this evening. But if I retain the bike I must apply for a salvage certificate which I may not receive for another 4 - 6 weeks , Pennsylvania is slow. Once I send a copy to the insurance co. I will get the money for the damages and decide to start repairing the bike or sell it and look for a replacement. I have thought of purchasing another simply so I can salvage what is left of the riding season. That being said I may be offering the 87' Royale for sale. Skydoc_17 took some photos of the damage and can post them here if anyone may be interested. I appreciate the offers for replacement parts I have already received from some of the members here! I will keep you updated.. Regards Dave
  4. Great to hear State Farm was fair in your settlement...I do not want to steal your thread...but I am still playing phone tag with Allstate. I am sure you saw my post regarding the young lady who hit my 87', we are still bargaining back and forth trying to come to a fair resolve. Good luck bringing your bike back to its pre-crash condition.
  5. Jerry, I spoke with Dunkle Services, which again is a messenger service near me. you will need: 1-your license 2-proof of insurance they will issue a temp tag for $10 plus a $15 service fee. plus notary fee $5-$10. This office needs the seller to be present to sign off on the title, they want to witness the sighning. Seller will need: 1- drivers license 2- and of course the title 3- insurance card You will pay taxes if any in your home state. For AAA..they call it a intransit tag.. members: $8 for tag $15 issue fee non-members: $10 for tag $25 issue fee they also require drivers license and insurance information for both buyer/seller. You should ask the seller to locate a AAA office, messenger service,local notary, etc. to find someone who is open on the weekend!
  6. Here the e-mail I was waiting for......... Dave, I think she charged me about 60 bucks. In Louisiana plates are transferrable, I don't know about PA to NC, though. All the buyer has to do is have his notarized bill of sale, notarized title or copy of it, and have his insurance company fax to him in PA a temporary proof of insurance and he can ride the bike home. Unless I'm mistaken he will have from a 10 to 30 day grace period in which to register it and pay his state taxes in almost all states. Hope this helps..we went through a local notary at a mobile home sales office, since single wides also have a title.
  7. I am checking with a guy who bought a bike from me to see if he remembers all the fees. We used a local Notary to complete the paper work to get him back home legal. I will let you know when I hear back from him. I am in PA he was from Louisiana. Dave
  8. Thanks I can use all the information I can get...I will make sure the adjuster gets the link. Dave
  9. Well I declined the offer again today...discussed the amount of fuel being wasted driving my Cherokee Sport to work, 90 mile round trip, was told to pick up 08' Dodge Caliber rental car. Should save some fuel costs untill we can agree on a $ amount, replacement, or repair of the damage. Found an HD dealer in Pennsylvania that rents bikes for $150 per day..adjuster found the Dodge to be a much cheaper choice for him. Explained that I had searched on WWW.cycletrader.com and www.walnecks.com to arrive at a fair market/replacement value. Since he didn't find Ebay to be a good market choice. Again.....I wait !
  10. http://www.eglidegoodies.com/id218.html http://www.rivcoproducts.com/products/product.php?productid=36&cat=397&page=1 http://www.wingstuff.com/pgroup_detail/272_Trailer_Hitches_Racks/20314_Kuryakyn_Universal_Mounting_Trailer_Hitch_Rack/?goto=%2Fpgroup_list%2Fgl1800%2F272_goldwing_Trailer_Hitches_Racks%2Fdes%2F http://www.dauntlessmotors.com/Mountinghardware/accessoryplus.htm http://www.drivelikeapro.com/pages/motorcycles.html http://www.motorbiker.org/blogs.nsf/dx/03132007144441MWEJ5G.htm A few more ideas....have fun researching....hope this helps! Dave
  11. This is his third offer...I guess the riding season will be over before this is settled. I even asked for a rental bike untill we came to some agreement....was told no one has ever asked for one before. I intended to go to some of the local bike weeks/rallies again this summer and wasn't planning to show up in a Jeep station wagon. I told him I had already missed the Skid In, Thunder in the Valley, Gettysburg, etc. Tried to make hime realize the VR was not for sale, but was taken from me !
  12. Didn't intend to start a battle between anyone...just trying to have the adjuster treat me fairly. He is wanting me to accept $2000 for the 87'. I replied, that will not repair the bike and also not enough to replace the bike. He seems to feel Ebay prices are not a good comparision for market value. What would an 87' be worth 79000 miles, no broken plastic, all electrical working correctly, new Dunlops, new brake pads, rebuilt calipers, like new upholstry, two tone brown. No leaks...no smoke..etc. This is all pre-crash information and I didn't wreck the bike it was hit by another person.
  13. Here is some http://www.alsmotorcycleaccessories.com/ I have others to send once I am back to home computer. Regards Dave
  14. The adjuster is to call today with a value on my 87' venture royale that was hit. It looks as if he is calling it the XVZ13DT model. What difference is there in the XVZ13DTC model. Just in case he is using the wrong research program. Thanks Dave
  15. System restore will not let me go back prior to the virus...or the virus will not allow system restore to go back pre-virus. Just went to microsoft update and there was a new virus removal tool in the download. When I rebooted an alert came up saying malicous spyware had been removed, now if that was 2008 xp virus that remains to be seen. The update was "malicious software removal tool-July 2008 (KB890830)
  16. Buddy I just got the same virus this morning...any help appreciated Dave
  17. Maybe that is what caused my misfortune...I didn't have a bell hanging off my 87'...Still waiting to hear from the adjuster...10 days and counting. Regards Dave
  18. Check your E-mail......Dave
  19. The adjuster looked at the 87' and has no idea what to do. The dealer stopped his estimate shy of $4500 not including labor or any hidden damage. Both are unsure what parts are available new but show plenty that are discontinued. Of course his view is the damage is more than the resale value...my reply being...:no-no-no:then I guess you will repair my motorcycle. I made sure he was aware the bike was not for sale, I had deceided that the Venture should easily break the 200,000 mark on the odometer. And pointed at the new brake pads front and rear, rebuilt rear caliper done by the same dealer, new tire, and even the collector I just pulled from the mailbox along with Jardin exhaust information, etc. Point being, I had every intention of logging alot more miles. He scratched his head, and said I will try to let you know something in the next few days. My response with a light hearted hand shake...have a safe holiday, WATCH out for motorcycles! Regards Dave
  20. I am meeting with the adjuster this morning to see what my wrecked 87' Venture Royale is worth in his eyes. There has not been as many to compare to on ebay this last week or so. WISH me LUCK I will need it! Any prices from 87' sold in your area? Regards Dave
  21. Good to hear he is doing well! I feel his pain, my Venture was taken out :thumbdown:by a 06' Pontiac this past Friday. Still I wait for the adjuster, but thankfully I was wearing the proper gear and am still :2133:here to talk about it. Good luck! Dave
  22. http://forums.delphiforums.com/gwing/start and another link as promised, and these forums are free to join....happy reading http://forums.delphiforums.com/oldwing/start for the older models. Regards Dave
  23. http://forums.delphiforums.com/goldwingii/start try this one and I will send another Dave
  24. http://md18.embarq.synacor.com/service/home/~/LS%20LOWER%20FAIRING.jpg?auth=co&id=32726&part=3
  25. I just started pricing my damage with the help of member Skydoc_17 who was kind enough to drive over and take some photos and lend me another pair of eyes. http://www.yamahasportsplaza.com/pages/parts/viewbybrand/2/Yamaha.aspx is the site I used to get an overview of my 87' Royale. I am up to about $ 4755.70 before looking behind the exterior broken plastic and bent metal. Most Ins. adjusters are just not fun to deal with. Good luck! Dave
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