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Everything posted by davepa

  1. davepa 87' Venture Royale Join Date: Apr 2008 Location: Everett Garmin 2610 GPS I had a 2610 Gps mounted on a 05' Kawasaki Nomad I would now like to mount it on a 1987 Venture Royale. Does anyone have pictures of a Garmin 2610 mounted on a early Venture? I used a RAM mount which I placed in the center of the Kawasaki handlebars but the Venture does not give me that option. Thanks in advance Dave
  2. I had a 2610 Gps mounted on a 05' Kawasaki Nomad I would now like to mount it on a 1987 Venture Royale. Does anyone have pictures of a Garmin 2610 mounted on a early Venture? I used a RAM mount which I placed in the center of the Kawasaki handlebars but the Venture does not give me that option. Thanks in advance Dave
  3. I am looking forward to the answer! I have an 87' doing the same thing....
  4. Update on running rough...87' Venture started bike runs somewhat smooth while choked. choke off---runs rougher...some slight backfire...but will idle with vibration and lope throttle up to 2000 RPM starts to smooth slightly...loose tach function release throttle...tach comes back while at work I called previous owner who stated bike always ran rough when it was damp out but cleared up in about 2 miles. Some times had to leave on 1/2 choke for at least a mile in order for bike to idle. Does this sound like the TCI unit...I see no way in manual to check it Regards Dave
  5. Thanks to everyone who helped with the rear pad install, brake bleeding and initial start up of my newly found 87' venture royale. If you followed the post the bike was stored in a chicken coop for about five years and was absolutly filthy and covered with, well chicken poop! So after putting the bike back together I decided to give her a good cleaning which involved a garden hose and degreaser. After drying and starting the Venture for more adjustments I now have a rough idle, almost like a dead misfire, and the tach bounces around at will. So the question is...where did water go the it should not have? I am new to the Venture scene so please explain clearly the locations I need to look at. Thanks in advance Dave
  6. I used your method of filling the cylinder and blead the brakes. The amount of air in the system was unbelievable.. Thanks
  7. Just washed my hands after bleeding the rear brake system. With the amount of air that was removed it is a wonder I had enough brake to stop when I loaded it on my trailer. I have not tried the brakes on the road yet, but may this afternoon once the rain shower passes. Again thanks Dave
  8. THANKS i just picked up a can of sea foam and a turkey baster to help with the brake bleeding.
  9. Thanks for the info. a turkey baster is on its way from Wally World. I'll try to bleed the system this evening. Regards Dave
  10. Thanks Snaggletooth, Is there a trick to removing the master cylinder lid since it sooo close to the frame? It looks to just have enough clearance to slide under the cross brace. Remember the Venture is unexplored territory for me. I am an ex- 05' Nomad owner.
  11. Yes it is a beautiful day...with many more to come..I need to get busy and get the bike on the road!
  12. What is the best way to bleed the rear brake system? I have a shop manual but just thought someone here had come up with a good bleeding sequence. Is there any way to turn this into a solo operation as I am home alone for the week end. I see the rear master cylinder is not very easy to get into. Any tips appreciated! regards Dave
  13. I live in Bedford County.......Everett, PA
  14. Thanks for the links and for the WELCOME! Dave
  15. Hi everyone, I am new to this forum but have spent much time on the Delphi Kawasaki Nomad forum. I sold my 05' Nomad and recently loaded a 87' Venture Royale on my trailer . I really wanted a full dresser anyway! The bike belonged to a good friend of mine and has spent the last 5 years in a chicken coop gathering both dust and rust. With 79,000 miles on the odometer I added some fuel and a fresh battery, hit the start button and she fired up. Won't idle yet but is starting to smooth out.. The mufflers are gutted and covered with rust from the header pipes back. In fact most of the chrome is pitted from the chicken manure ammonia. Is there a source for a complete aftermarket exhaust system which also does away with the collector? I have all the electrics working properly except for the compressor which is more than likely a bad connection at the rear of the board . One more item in which I have not looked at closely....hard to find neutral while running , not a problem with the switch off...there is a good amount of play in all the shift linkage. Is that available? And lastly, Is there a good source for aftermarket parts for the 87' Venture like there is for the Goldwings? Oh, I live in Southern Pennsylvania.. Regards Dave
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