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Everything posted by jryan

  1. Just got one...as far as the installation, for those of you that have one, how did you hold it down to the tank? Did you use double sided tape like the stock rubber piece uses? Since back of it is felt I'm thinking that might not hold too well. Or don't tie it down at all? Just wondering...thanks for the info...JR
  2. I actually did use it on my 89 VR. With the windshield height, the air hit just on top of my head but my wife complained about being buffetted around terribly on one of our long trips. I saw this & thought I'd try it...what the heck. It did the job...it raised the air going over the driver about 5". She loved the ride after that & said she could actually move her head around instead of leaving it looking one way or the other. When riding solo I usually rode without it. Having the black edge took a bit of getting used to but whenever we went out on a trip I'd slap it on in 30 seconds and she liked the ride. So for me it worked great...that's all I can speak of...
  3. Anyone have any advice or pics showing this battery gauge mounted on an RSV? I'd like to get one but looking for the best place to mount. Thanks in advance!
  4. Hey James, I just ordered a Clearview last week. When I read about your issue, I emailed John @ Clearview. On Sat he replied & said they were aware of it, looking into it, and would get back to me today (Mon) & let me know if they were making changes for the mounting of that shield. Today he emailed back again & said the shield I'd be getting would have 2 holes & 4 slots. Guess that's a little better...! It'll be interesting to see what they come up with as the cause of your issue... Sorry to hear about your issue, but very glad you guys came thru it ok!
  5. Thanks Keith...not sure how the heck I see that when I searched before. I'll check them out!
  6. Just wondering what the options are for mudflaps on an RSV, especially one on the front wheel to keep rocks off the Wagner grill cover. I know about the Timberwolf flaps but there must be others that work as well. Any ideas?
  7. Sounds like a stupid question I know, but... I've got a spare key & rather than leave it hanging at home while away on 2000 mile trip, thought it might be better to put in on bike somewhere that I can get it if I lose my key while on trip. Just wondering if anyone else does that & if so where "could" it be hidden so it's not seen but can be retrieved easily enough with just a wrench if need be (like under the seat)? Not that anyone would tell everyone else exactly where they store theirs though! Just looking for ideas...thanks...JR
  8. Yea, the price was high, but then just about any bag for these things is. I had a homemade one on my VR that worked too, but this one does work pretty slick & has a bunch of pockets. Not for everybody...just a thought...
  9. Just thought I'd pass along a recommendation for an organizer that hangs from the inside of the trunk lid. I bought one before a recent trip and am totally satisfied with it. It's got a zipper pouch which is good for holding bungees, Progressive air pump, tire gauge, etc and a couple of mesh pouches to hold rags, phone chargers, and even those extra cassette tapes that Yamaha thinks we all still carry around! It's also got a mirror on a velcro flap. Works great for holding those little lightweight items you've gotta have but don't want cluttering up the bottom of the trunk. You can order direct from their site http://www.cruzcraft.com/motorcycle-luggage-yamaha-venture-YVLO.html or from their eBay store http://stores.ebay.com/Ted-Brooks-Motorsports
  10. ahhh...that makes more sense. Thanks Mike!
  11. Was tracing out the overflow tube (Fuel Breather Tube) on my 06RSV from the gas tank to see which of the tubes under the bike corresponded to that tube. Anyways, I noticed under the seat the tube has what appears to be an inline filter before exiting out the bottom & venting to the ground. Is there really a filter inline? If so, why on an overflow tube? Just wondering...thanks!
  12. Anyone have any thoughts about this?
  13. My '89 VR & trailer have matching 5 pin square connectors for the trailer wiring. My '06 RSV also came with a 5 pin square connector. The problem is the '06 RSV & trailer are both male plugs. So I thought I'd just buy a new set & replace the male plug on the RSV with a female plug, like the VR has, and then the trailer would work on either bike. But where the heck do you find these plugs? I've looked at all the auto parts stores & on the net and can't find them anywhere. Can't find something on the internet...?...what's up with that?! I could go with a 6 pin and just not use the last pin (trailer brakes), but then I'd probably have to swap out 3 sets of plugs to get everything to be able to connect together. But after searching with no luck I'm starting to think I should do just that...for some reason the 5 pin square plugs seem to be top secret or something! Anyone know where I can find them?
  14. I noticed my new '06 RSV has the clicking from rear wheel when backing (and even moving fwd). I've seen a number of threads that seem to point to needing the Clutch Hub Drive Pins and maybe the Drive Splines greased. How long should a dealer need to do this job? I'm thinking of having it done while on vacation but wanna know what to expect for time and dollars. Also, this isn't covered under warranty by any chance is it?
  15. Does anyone think a guy could add some kind of baffle (like a fuel filter) in the breather tube before it gets to the airbox, thereby cutting down the suction that's pulling oil thru? Would/could something like that work? I'd guess if it was a plausible idea, someone would've chimed in by now. Just wondering...a friend mentioned that to me today & made me go hmm... How about switching to a thinner or synthetic oil?
  16. Did the test today (twice) & felt heat on all the pipes after 10-15 seconds. The rear pipes warmed up a bit quicker but all seemed to be firing.
  17. No problem there, smells only like oil. Bike runs great under hard acceleration & gas milage seems pretty good. I can do over 90mph no prob... How long did it take you to convince the dealer to go to this level of checking? I'd bet it would be a 6 month struggle with the dealers around here before they'd commit to digging that deep...esp since I didn't buy it around here (heck the dealers around here won't even sell a RSV).
  18. Yep, while sitting level. Previous owner used Castrol 20w50...I used Yamalube 20w40. Having some blow by doesn't in itself bother me but leaving a spot of oil everywhere I park kinda does...
  19. After setting the oil level to 1/2 way up sight glass, I was still leaking oil out a hose beneath the engine. Yesterday I popped off the tank & air induction boxes. The left side was covered with oil. Thinking it was from when the oil level was too high by previous owner, I took it apart, cleaned it up, and blew it out good & about 5 tbsp of oil came out the overflow tube. Then put everything back together. Today I took a 250mi ride & when I returned noticed a drip of oil underneath again. So I pulled everything apart again & the left side air induction box again has noticable oil. I blew out the overflow hose again & got some splattering of oil. The splitter where the breather tube enters the air box(es), it's covered with oil. So apparently oil is coming back thru the breather tube as designed. But is what I'm seeing normal? Is there anything else that could be wrong? It just seems like a too much oil if it's dripping on the ground after 1 ride. So I'm keeping a piece of cardboard under the bike to soak up the drips...just like an old Harley. Is it to be expected that this is just how it is and I have to live with it? My '89 never had this trouble, and I always had the oil 3/4 of the way up the sight glass on that one.
  20. Slowing down helps me too except when on the interstate. When you slow down too much (or enough), more & more traffic passes you, and each time they cut the wind for a few seconds then you get slammed again...especially the big rigs.
  21. Up here in ND wind is definitely a way of life as well. I hadn't thought a whole lot about it before, just figured big bike + big cross wind = try to keep her on the road! I do lean & reposition myself a bit on the bike, and don't keep too tight a hold on it but let it move around a bit...but still, sometimes I'm using the whole lane, which must make the cars following me a little nervous. It just hit me the other day when the other guy flew by us with one hand on the bars seemingly unaffected at all. That's when I thought I'd throw this post out & see if it's more of an issue with the Ventures or not. Oh well...
  22. I was riding my RSV today w/2 up, doing 65-70mph on a straight open ND hiway with no trees, and a 25mph gusting cross wind. I was being blown around pretty good, using up about 1/2 the lane. I was riding with a friend on a Honda Shadow that said he was being blown around too but I don't think as much as me. Then another biker comes up on a cruiser with an addon windshield & soft bag, no fairing or hard bags...this guy flew around us at about 75-80mph with one hand on the bars, waved to us with the other, & had no problem holding his line at all. I continued watching & he kept riding with 1 hand until out of sight. I "think" I have pretty good balance, and riding in wind normally isn't a big deal, but with both my RSV & VR, with a straight cross wind I seem to get blown around more than other bikes. Just wondering if what I experience is "normal" with these bikes or not? I always attributed the issue on the VR to it's high center of gravity, but the RSV seems much lower...so I'm a bit confused...?
  23. I don't seem to have a problem losing air by checking with the Progressive pump...maybe 1/2# if anything. My initial question about losing 5# was after a 1000 mile trip with 2 up, and starting with 20# in them. Prior to that I ran awhile @ 40#, then awhile @ 0#, just to see how the handling changed for me. At 0# I didn't notice any rubbing, just a little rougher on the bumps.
  24. I checked the valve stem & it was tight...but I unscrewed it & reseated it tight again. So far it's held air. I haven't had it on any long rides yet but before it was losing air just in the garage. I'll keep an eye on it & if it continues leaking, I'll add it to the warranty service list for next time I take it into the shop. Thanks for the help!...JR
  25. My "new" 06RSV came with the stock pipes (that appear to have had the stage 1 mod done to drill some holes) and also with a set of Baron's Bag Slash pipes. The stock pipes are still a bit too mild, but the Barons are too loud for me. I've been reading on the site about people liking Bubs & RoadKing pipes...just wondering where they would fit sound wise compared to the 2 sets I already have. Ideally I'd like something in between the two sets I already have. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance for the help...this site is great!
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