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Everything posted by jryan

  1. Sounds good. Thanks everyone!
  2. For guys that trailer a 2nd gen, where are your strap points on the front of the bike?
  3. So are these grommet/collar combos supposed to go on all 4 bolt/nuts for a single speaker? Seems like they must. But even though all the bolts are the same length, because of how they fit thru the fairing, I only have enough space to install them on 2 of the 4 bolts...and that doesn't seem right. Seems to me like a small rubber washer between the speaker & fairing would help with vibration. Oh well, it's not that big of a deal, I'll just get it back together so it works. Thanks!
  4. Have to replace the front speaker grill. Looking at the parts list online, besides just a nut, washer & bolt to attach the speakers, they also show a collar, a rubber grommet. My current install doesn't have those. Anyone know why they're needed, and if so do you need them on all 4 bolts? file:///C:/DOCUME%7E1/Jerry/LOCALS%7E1/Temp/moz-screenshot-2.png
  5. Is there a tech article on how to do the repacking? If it's just lifting the bearings out, greasing them, and putting them back...yea I can handle that, but don't want to get too carried away. I read Goose's post but when it comes to using a torch or having to cut things to get the bearings out, that's way beyond my comfort level. I'm wondering if what Goose describes is normal, or was that a worst case cuz the bearings were shot? I've got the tightening wrench and torque wrench, so that's not a problem...and since the fairing is completely off...if I'm gonna do anything, now's the time.
  6. What vent tube exits just in front of the left air cleaner? Just wondering...thanks...JR
  7. I've got my RSV on a lift to replace the fairing. While there I checked for looseness of the steering head bearings by grabbing the front end & rocking it. Never had any problems with it but thought I'd check while on the lift. I've got 40k on it. Don't see any looseness at all. So do I need to remove and retighten the nut or just leave well enough alone? Also, is there any greasing to be done? I don't see any grease around the area, but do see dirt that looks like it's glommed onto grease that's seeped out over the years...not a lot, but some. Just wondering if I need to do anything or if I should just leave it alone? Thanks for the help in advance...JR
  8. I was talking about the long horizontal ones that attach to the inside fairing. I might try painting the old ones, or might just order another set of clears...we'll see. Thanks guys!
  9. The clear protector pieces that screw into the bottom of the fairing on each side to redirect air flow are pretty scratched up & I'm thinking of replacing them. Anyone know if you can get those in a smoke color? Just wondering...not a big fan of the clear pieces.
  10. Pheasant hunting
  11. bump
  12. I'm looking for options to add heating elements inside my 2nd gen bars so I can keep my existing Kury grips. For those cold weather riders that have them, what did you go with? BTW, they don't need to work on days like today where the temp is -17...-45 wind chill in ND!
  13. We got a pair of Symax II's last spring from HelmetHarbor to replace our full face helmets. They are definitely noisier than the FF, but for us being able to lift the front to take a drink, take a picture, and put helmet on without removing glasses is worth the extra noise. Once we got used to it after a couple of rides it's not a big deal for us. We haven't had any problems with the sunscreen, and it does come in handy. There's a wider range of view than we had with our FF helmets. So basically, we like ours!
  14. I like the height of my bars, but would like them to come back towards me another couple of inches. I looked tonight & I already have a set of the Barons 1.5" extensions on there. Are there any risers out there that would bring them back even more but without raising them?
  15. Thanks guys. Sounds like it'll be a bit of a chore but is doable. When I'm done riding for the year, I'll pull off the outer fairing & decide if I need to do the inner as well. Ponch: if I decide to replace that piece, it's yours...I'll let you know.
  16. Had a little incident with my bike & need to replace the fairing, maybe both the front cowling and the front panel (or inner piece). The front cowling comes off easy by just removing a bunch of screws, no problem. How about the front panel inside piece? How much of the wiring has to be disconnected to remove that piece? I could run out & take a look but it's late & I'm here so thought I'd ask! Is it just a matter of unscrewing the headlight, tape deck, etc and then lifting it off over all the wiring while still connected? Or does the wiring have to be disconnected one by one and fed thru holes in that piece? Just wondering how big of a job that would be ...of course if I do it, the tape deck will NOT be reinstalled!...I'll be hitting up Ponch for a set of gauges instead!
  17. The first couple of times it took awhile, but after we got the pattern down, my wife & I can have ours up in 10 minutes. She's even put it up alone (but she said it did take her "a bit" longer). Ours is the 6 man, which is great for the 2 of us on a queen matress with some room to maneuver. It only has 6 poles. I'm sure there are others that are just as good...we've had good luck with this one though.
  18. I went thru many of the cheaper tents and went thru leaks, rips, etc. Finally got a Cabelas Alaskan Guide tent about a dozen years ago and have never regretted it. It's been thru some huge winds and even a flash flood with no problems. It's pricier, but if you only wanna buy one to last awhile, I can't complain about this one.
  19. I didn't have a heavy Seafoam mix, at least until I dumped some in when this happened. I initially thought fouled plug, but the way it was running it seemed like at least 2 were fouled, and I thought that was unlikely. As for the fuel pump, I didn't notice if it was running when I initially turned the key on, cuz it has always fired right up. But I'll be paying more attention now that's for sure. Took it out tonight & started/ran fine again. Is there any way to test for an intermittent fuel pump, or would I just have to wait & see if it happens again? Kinda seems like it's running as normal now...but I'm a little nervous it might happen again at an inopportune time...JR
  20. Got up this morning for a 300 mile ride & for the first time ever the bike wouldn't stay running. It started but just barely would spit & sputter enough to stay running for 20 seconds or so. If I touched the throttle or took it off full choke it died. At least 2 cylinders were firing as I had exhaust out of both pipes but was just barely chugging. Last rode it a week ago & ran fine. So then I dumped some Seafoam & new gas in. After many more tries I was just about to give up the day thinking maybe I had some bad plugs, then on about the 30th start, it chugged for about 5 seconds, then POP (an audible pop or maybe backfire), but immediately it was idling normal. Shut if off & it fired right back up. Rode all day, many stops, no further problems. Any idea what was stuck, fouled, etc? I'm thinking I should check or fix something, but what? I'd like to know so if it ever happens while 1000 miles from home I'll have a clue.
  21. Sounds good, thanks for checking! I could've used that weather radar yesterday while trying to dodge storms. But the price is still too high to justify it for occasional use...maybe they'll have a big Christmas sale this year! But I won't be holding my breath! Thanks again...JR
  22. That's an option too. I just checked though for the 2006 & it's showing $211 for just the cowling itself (not too bad): SKU: 4XY-2835K-01-P9 BODY, FRONT UNDER 2 Use for Color VERY DARK RED METALLIC 2 ( VDRM2 / 0957 ) Did you buy other parts with it to bring the price up? Just wondering...thanks for the info!
  23. Anyone know where I can find a lower right cowling from a 2006 Black Cherry RSV? Tonight I hit some piece of metal with the front tire & it ended up knocking a 2" diameter chunk out of of the bottom of the cowling, to the right of the radiator. Thought I had swung around it but apparently not! Hope to find the same color so I don't have to paint it, but am guessing that won't happen so probably will settle for any color I can get and have it painted. But if I have to do that, I might as well paint the whole bike...hmmm...
  24. Good deal, I was especially concerned that I could see how the weather was moving, but with the looping that's what I was wondering. Thanks for the info Don! In a way I was hoping you'd say it didn't work that way so I'd have a good reason NOT to put it on my wish list...I mean besides the cost that is!
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