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Everything posted by friesman

  1. I would try tapatalk if using a tablet, it seems to simplify things pretty well and makes things a bit easier for the tablets to handle. I use Opera as my browser on mi iPhone and it seems to do a better job of handling websites than Safari does. Brian
  2. I use the battery bug. its simple and it tracks your battery output over time sso you shouldn't be left on the road with a dead battery. The vid does a good job of describing how it tests the battery with every start and monitors your bikes current as well. Amazon.com: Argus BB-SBM12-PS Battery Bug Battery Monitor for Motorcycles and Power Sport: Automotive
  3. check out here with WildBill a member here. He has an ad in Classifieds here to install gauges. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/photopost/showproduct.php?product=42&title=furnish-26amp-3b-install-tach-and-gauges&cat=26
  4. friesman


    Personally my view is that its a perfectly safe way to get oil and natural gas out of the ground 99.99% of the time. There are over 1 million fracking wells in the US since the 1940's and there has been real or imagined issues on a miniscule amount of that total. Out here in the Bakken field the wells are a lot deeper than on the eastern part of the continent so there is less chance to get contamination between the layers of oil and water thousands of feet apart with layers of impermeable rock between them. Here one of the articles I found fairly informative. http://www.nytimes.com/2013/03/14/opinion/global/the-facts-on-fracking.html?pagewanted=1&_r=1
  5. Ive seen several ppl asking for help on the FB page in the past and for the most part they were helped out. But ive noticed that most of the FB people asking for help have never become members. I think restricting it to members is probably a good idea to create another reason for ppl to join up. Brian
  6. you may want to check where you put your chock based on the weight. 850 lbs will affect your handling so check your location so you get about 10% of the weight on the hitch, and then put the chock there. On my 12x6 enclosed trailer the back of the bike had to be almost at my rear tailgate, but ive seen others that were placed quite a bit farther forward as their trailer axle was more forward than mine was. Brian
  7. oops too late,... the link for the points.. K&L Supply Universal Fuel Pump Point Switch Kit 18-4615 Brian
  8. there is another thread about this and in it COndor posts that the tubes are the wrong size and he is returning it, but he also posted a link to order the points from , ill try to find the thread.
  9. THanks for the input, Goose. I thought moving the switch from 4 -8 would compensate for the wasted spark,i was converting the wrong way, .
  10. friesman

    Carb Tune

    ya stole it for that price, good buy! Brian
  11. Why not send Buddy a message and see if he is still making them he checks into here pretty often. His handle on here is BuddyRich and you can find him in the members list. Brian
  12. I think it was Condor that ordered one so I imagine he will check in here sometime soon and let you know. I think as a spare it might be fine, but I don't think it has a check valve like the stock one to prevent leakage past a needle valve into the engine when stopped. just remember to turn off your petcock when stopped. Brian
  13. I was stopped filling fuel when the clouds looked black and the young guy filling in the next lane looked over and asked " Can you guys ride those in the rain"? Brian
  14. looks good to me! Brian
  15. yep, good ppl in both places, I hope their site is fine. Brian
  16. Here is the tach I bought, it was a great price (12 bucks) and arrived in about 3 weeks with no taxes or shipping costs. I havnt installed it as my bike is in storage, but it looks pretty good quality esp considering the price http://www.aliexpress.com/snapshot/6339416501.html
  17. Here are the ones I ordered and I am thinking that I going to mount them under my Kuryakin highway pegs. I thought the price looked very good for these and ill post on quality when they arrive. http://www.aliexpress.com/snapshot/6313509334.html
  18. We got about 3 inches over the last couple of days,..its our first real accumulating snowfall this year. People gotta remember how to drive in snow again... Brian
  19. We are below 99 cents a liter here for the first time in years.. some stations are 94. so I cant remember the multiplier to convert to US gallon, I think its about 3.75 and then our buck is 10% less than the US one is right now..... I have a headache you all will have to figure out your own conversions.... Brian
  20. thanks that explains it! Brian
  21. I can never get most of Amazon to ship into Canada....
  22. K and N may be bad, But it looks like the UNI is worse in some ways, esp with dirt passing thru.....at least the way I read some of those graphs. Brian
  23. damn, that sux, but I got nothing,... I hope it turns out to be an easy fix for ya. Brian
  24. Yeah, your beehive lenses are what started this, when I spotted them on your machine a couple of PIP's ago... Brian
  25. that's probably what I would do if I had the bike handy, but around here right now there are no bikes anywhere to check this out on.... we are all in hibernation. Brian
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