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Everything posted by friesman

  2. My 85 was still more fun to ride and easier to handle and if I had the money I would still have it for the quick runs and twisties, and keep the RSV for the long highway runs. Brian THe trunk on that looks like the trunk of an 83 or 84 G1 Venture.....but a nice looking bike in that ad.
  3. wasn't it real bouncy when you rode it? usually when the oil is gone you have a pogo stick effect happening. Brian
  4. OUCH ! CHarley...that sucks man..... but I am glad youre going to be ok. Take it easy for a while and listen too your docs and youll be fine in no time. Brian
  5. Wishing you all the best and youll be in our thoughts on MOnday. My sister had the gastric bypass surgery 2 years ago and says its the best thing she has ever done. She lost and has kept off 150 lbs, and I am sure the surgery will be as good as you think it will be. Brian
  6. the trunks bottoms were prone to cracking in the first year , and like all G2 Ventures the rear shocks are prone to leaking, and needing replacement for about 600 bucks. just check for oil on the shock, if its not wet you should be ok. Roll on the throttle while in 4th or 5th gear and check that the clutch doesn't slip. Brian
  7. That would be a great trip, wish I could get time off to do the same. You guys still thinking about a western Canada loop this summer? I have the first 2 weeks of August off and was thinking of just wandering around BC for 2 weeks. Brian
  8. I plan to be riding around southern BC during the first 2 weeks of August and was planning on Cranbrook, Nelson, Kelowna Kamloops and wherever the wind blows the bike. If youre in the area around that time, left me know maybe we could meet and see some scenery together. Brian
  9. I was thinking of putting a hitch on the bike and using a mesh rack in the hitch to help hold a box of my stuff. I was looking at lighting for the rack the other day and thinking about things when I spotted this gadget, its actually supposed to attach to a helmet to make you more visible. But, I was thinking I would attach it to the back of the rack so it would give me the lights without doing a ton of wiring. I would think this might work for a trailer as well. It uses Bluetooth to talk to the module that you attach to your signal and brake light. Can anyone think of a reason this couldn't work? http://www.aliexpress.com/item/Motorcycle-Wireless-Helmet-Brake-Turn-Signal-Indicator-Light/1868261217.html Brian
  10. where did you get the replacement lights that fit in passing lamps? or did you swap out the entire assembley? (bulb, headlight and pot) Brian
  11. If you wanted to try it out and are looking for someone to call in the middle of the night, I have Rockets number for ya..... Brian
  12. Russell, you've been in my thoughts over the last few weeks. and I am sending positive thoughts and all the best wishes your way. Get better soon! Brian
  13. I think the tank on the RSV is 6 gals capacity but you can only put in a bit more than 5 because of the way the tank is made. Some have put holes in the filler neck to allow air to escape and allow for a fuller tank. Lots of guys in here have taken the tank emblems off just as a personal look preference. Brian
  14. a low as .76 a liter around here most are about 79/liter Brian
  15. I use firefox , go to tools, add ons, get add ons, in the search box on the top right just type in youtube and it will give you several choices that you can click on to add to firefox. I use one click youtube video downloader. download it and restart firefox when youre done. you start up a youtube video and a red download box will appear below the video screen. click it, select the video quality you want and it will save it to your harddrive and remember where it goes. Once that's done downloading you can just burn it to a dvd like a regular video file. Brian
  16. If youre planning a trip to BC you may want to bookmark the link to all of the highway cams so you can check the weather ahead of time. B.C. Highway Cams Brian
  17. We have been wondering about that for years.......
  18. Well, there goes the neighbourhood.......
  19. Are you referring to the show about the tow trucks on t Coquihalla highway in BC? if so its a great highway in summer , but the altitude makes it a unpredictable in winter. I plan on riding in southern BC and will run on part of the Coq but actually prefer the old highway thru the valley as its not just a high speed slab. If youll be around the area during the first couple of weeks in August, let me know, maybe we can make the schedules work. If you want more info on roads and stuff in BC , a good go to source is Silvrt as he has travelled most of them on bike over the years. When you decide to go let us know so we can offer suggestions on the trip and maybe meet up along the way. There are several BC members here that can help out with trip planning , like they have done for me over the years. here is a link to the Discovery Channel Canada show. Highway Thru Hell
  20. Bikes in Canada seem to sell for a higher price than they do in the US, and bikes in Western Canada seem to be higher still. I would recommend sending member Paysaw (Raymond Lowe) here a message as he seems to be buying the G1 Ventures , and fixing them up on a regular basis. Also, he is close to your area in Ontario so he should have a great idea of where yours would price at. Brian
  21. try at any of the online places that have the parts diagrams online, look for your parts and order what you need or write down the numbers and talk to your dealer and pick it up from there. Here is the link to PartShark. 1999 Yamaha ROYAL STAR VENTURE (XVZ13TFL) Audio Equipment 1 | Part Shark Brian
  22. I would like to wish this fine collection of misfits, kooks, and wonderful people a very Merry Christmas and a super New year! Thanks to everyone for a ll of the help and fun times over the last year! Brian
  23. Rick ,As I remember its about 2 inches square, but my bike is stored. the size listed must be the package size. Here is a llink with more info, a pic next to a battery so you can see how big it is, and it also lists the bug at about 2inches square. (BTW the motorcycle one only has one cord, the one in the pic also has an orange cord for some reason.) Product Review: Argus Battery Bug | Medium Duty Work Truck Info Brian PS , I just read that Argus has gone out of business, there are still plenty of these around but if you cant get warranty it may not be a good purchase.
  24. Or a gaggle........
  25. Ive had my 03 RSV for about 18 months now, and I had to drive to Calgary to get her home. I paid a fair amount by US standards, but the bike was in perfect shape and had under 40000 kms on her (she now has 73000km on it and I havnt even had to do sparkplugs yet) I had to pay 7500 cdn for it all in, but its exactly the colour and the bike I wanted. Brian Btw way 40000 kms is 24800 miles and 73000kms is 45300 miles.
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