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Everything posted by friesman

  1. I havnt seen this posted here before and apologize if it has, but this is a site with a map that provides a link to video from Drones flying over the area. Its kinda cool to be able to see an area if youre checking out if you wanna visit or not. http://travelbydrone.com Brian
  2. Ive used it and like how smooth the ride stays all through tire life. And it doesnt make a mess of your rims when you change tires like slime does. Slime is too soupy , ride on stays in the tread part of the tire.
  3. I am going to have to miss this year as my clutch is slipping a bit and I just cat trust it to run that far. The aprts are on order with Skydoc, but i lost track of days and didnt get it ordered in time to get the parts here in time. Have fun everyone! Brian
  4. i have the MC2s on my RSV and love them. Ireplaced the back about a month ago with another MC2 before my trip out to BC. At 19000 miles there was still some wear left on it, but I didn't want to replace it on the road on vacation. Its the best tire Ive run so far and works real well in rain. Brian
  5. but a hundred buck hotel is 70 bucks, a 20 bucks restaurant meal is under 15, and the hospitality is free! Brian
  6. Heck I think all these are too far. I think us western Canucks locals might just have to plan something low key to get together on our own.
  7. when I think it might rain on me while riding I polish up the windshield using Pledge, the water beads up and runs off. It lasts a couple of hours in heavy rain, but you can apply it again, even in the rain. Brian
  8. ;) they have medications for that now, yannow... Brian
  9. I do a couple of things, I buy only diamond gusset jeans as there is no lump where all the seams join up at one of the most tender pots on a guys body. THey put a gusset in there and move the seams around to avoid a thick seam with 4 or 6 layers of fabric. On most rides I have my Diamond Gusset defender motorcycle jeans on and somehow the Kevlar butt lining keeps the heat levels down somehow of wicks moisture away. Since ive been riding with the Kevlar defenders I havnt had an issue, and now they are the only jeans I wear, biker Kevlar or just regular, they are the most comfortable. http://www.americangusset.com/ Brian
  10. I do a couple of things, I but only diamonfd gusset jeans as there is no lump where all the seams join up at one of the most tender pots on a guys body. THey put a gusset in there and move the seams around to avoid a thick seam with 4 or 6 layers of fabric. On most rides I have my Diamond Gusset defender motorcycle jeans on and somehow the Kevlar keeps the heat levels down somehow of wicks moisture away. Since ive been riding with the Kevlar defenders I havnt had an issue, and now they are the only jeans I wear, biker Kevlar or just regular, they are the most comfortable. http://www.americangusset.com/ Brian
  11. I have 32000 kms (Just under 20000 miles)on my back COmmander2 and I have just ordered a replacement for it for next week. I agree with everything that has been said about the C2 tires, the best tires I have had on any bike, but I found they liked to have the pressure just shy of max recommended on the tire. Brian
  12. As far as I know we take all the cash, credit cards, and even most debit cards that you would use at home. In a small number of mom and pop stores US cash is refused as there has been a rash of counterfeiting it. I am wagering that you wont notice any difference in how you pay for your stuff here thanwhen you pay at home. (most of our debit and credit card units are using the chip now, so it may be more secure to get your cards updated to the chip card if you still have the old ones.) Brian
  13. thanks for the reminder Kevin. Ill have to keep that in mind on vacation... Us prairie guys don't think of such things... Brian
  14. I find if I put a fresh coating of pledge on the windscreen and buff it well, that it temporarily gets rid of quite few of the swirls and light scratches, but only for a day or two. then you have to repeat.
  15. Surely theres a couple of Calgary members around that can take ya for an ice cream....
  16. Habfan,....I don't think I would want to put too much weight in there, I was looking for something to carry the bulky light stuff. Raingear, jackets etc even a spare helmet. I have used it to carry my portfolio case etc to meetings at times. I wanted something low as these bikes have enough weight up top already, being low also didn't seem to effect my gas mileage as it seems to be about the same level as the side bags. I had it loaded down today with about 30 lbs in it with no effect on my handling, but I didn't have a passenger. This one is made out of steel, Squidley has made a couple out of Aluminum to save weight. Your size is also limited as I don't think you don't want to go wider than your bags, Mine measures 15x 22 inside.
  17. I would like to thank our VRO member ACE for building me a fantastic trailer hitch and redneck trailer for my RSV, I love it. Ive been using it for a while now but finally got around to taking a couple of pics to show everyone here here. Its great to be able just pickup what I need and thrown it in the bin and then strap onto the "trailer". I just never liked the thought of towning a trailer behind the bike and this is a fantastic compromise. Thanks Brett! I sure appreciate your time and effort! I apologize that some pics are upside down , but I don't know how to fix it......
  18. Earl, I do appreciate you thinking of us and think we all can use the info you shared with us about the rear brakes. I will be ordering a set from you next payday. I was also wondering if anyone is doing anything about supplying the proportioning valve that a few of you put into your G2 Ventures a few years ago. That might be a good solution too, but I don't think anyone is doing anything about it anymore. Here a link with some info about it. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?13098-Brake-Proportioning-Valve-The-Butler-Mod Thanks, Brian
  19. I have had the back C2 on for 2 years and the front for one year and have never felt them move sideways in any rain. In fact a year ago I rode into Calgary in a downpour that set records and never had an issue with any lack of traction. As far as I am concerened they have been the best tire ive ever used. I am gonna have to replace the back tire sometime before I go to BC this summer, but it already has over 32000kms on it. I run close to max inflation on both tires all the time. Brian
  20. PEBKAC issue is the most common.
  21. it was all Red, He handled the entire thing,... we just chatted via email. Any way , I would like 4, but don't have a checking account, how can we handle this as I really done want to buy 20 bucks worth of checks to do this... Brian
  22. why not just use something like I use? its lighted it folds up small and it works well for me. http://www.amazon.com/TEKTON-7609-Telescoping-Lighted-Inspection/dp/B0062PBMUY/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1433027007&sr=8-2&keywords=mechanics+mirror
  23. wow that is a crappy bit of news to hear. Dan, I wish you heal fast and as painlessly as possible. Get well soon Brian
  24. Hey Jack , youre looking good! Sevenofnine is looking great too. It looks like Google Earth has posted your pic but blotted out that there purty face of yours... Brian
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